Q* -projektin läpimurrot huolestuttivat OpenAI:n tutkijoita
Lisäksi: Andrej Karpathyn kielimallivideo kiireisille ihmisille
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Q* -projektin läpimurrot huolestuttivat OpenAI:n tutkijoita
Reuters raportoi eilen, että OpenAI:n tutkijat olisivat hiljattain tehneet läpimurron yhtiön tutkimustavoitteissa kehittää ns. yleinen tekoäly, ja että nämä tutkijat olisivat lähestyneet OpenAI:n entistä hallitusta kirjeitse läpimurrosta ja ilmaisseet huolensa sen aiheuttamasta mahdollisesta vaarasta ihmiskunnalle. Reutersin lähteiden mukaan tämä olisi ollut yksi yhtiön aikaisemman hallituksen motivaatioista irtisanoa Sam Altman.
Läpimurto liittyy yhtiön sisällä Q* (eli Q-star1) -nimiseen projektiin, jossa kehitetty menetelmä pystyi ratkaisemaan peruskoulun matematiikan tehtiäviä. Reutersilta:
Ahead of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s four days in exile, several staff researchers wrote a letter to the board of directors warning of a powerful artificial intelligence discovery that they said could threaten humanity, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
After being contacted by Reuters, OpenAI, which declined to comment, acknowledged in an internal message to staffers a project called Q* and a letter to the board before the weekend's events, one of the people said. An OpenAI spokesperson said that the message, sent by long-time executive Mira Murati, alerted staff to certain media stories without commenting on their accuracy.
Some at OpenAI believe Q* (pronounced Q-Star) could be a breakthrough in the startup's search for what's known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), one of the people told Reuters. OpenAI defines AGI as autonomous systems that surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks.
Given vast computing resources, the new model was able to solve certain mathematical problems, the person said on condition of anonymity because the individual was not authorized to speak on behalf of the company. Though only performing math on the level of grade-school students, acing such tests made researchers very optimistic about Q*’s future success, the source said.
Sosiaalinen media arvatenkin ratkesi spekuloimaan mihin kaikkeen Q* pystyy. Projektin nimi vaikuttaa olevan sekoitus kahta tunnettua tietojenkäsittelytieteen alalajia. A* on tunnettu hakualgoritmi kun taas Q-oppiminen on koneoppimisessa ns. vahvistetun oppimisen alalaji.
Bard ymmärtää nyt YouTube -videoita
Google on päivittänyt Bard -assistenttiinsa tiiviimmän integraation YouTubeen. Assistentti ymmärtää nyt alustan videoita paremmin ja pystyy vastaamaan videoihin liittyviin kysymyksiin. Googlelta:
Expanding Bard’s understanding of YouTube videos
What: We're taking the first steps in Bard's ability to understand YouTube videos. For example, if you’re looking for videos on how to make olive oil cake, you can now also ask how many eggs the recipe in the first video requires.
Why: We’ve heard you want deeper engagement with YouTube videos. So we’re expanding the YouTube Extension to understand some video content so you can have a richer conversation with Bard about it.
Netflixin 55 miljoonan epäonnistunut tuotanto
Mainitaan vielä The New York Timesin raportaasista, jonka mukaan Netflix antoi ohjaaja Carl Erik Rinschille 55 miljoonaa dollaria uuden Scifi-sarjan tekemiseen, eikä saanut rahaa vasten vastineeksi yhtään jaksoa.
Netflix rahoitti Rinschin projektia alunperin n. 44 miljoonalla dollarilla vuonna 2019, mutta Rinsch vaati lisärahaa vuonna 2020 kun koronaviruspandemia alkoi laajeta maailmanlaajuisesti. Netflix antoikin Rinschille 11 miljoonaa dollaria lisää, jonka mies käytti mm. spekulatiivisiin osakeostoihin. Nyt suoratoistoalusta ja Rinsch sovittelevat asiaa juristien kanssa:
Netflix won the deal — and would soon come to regret it.
The project with Mr. Rinsch has turned into a costly fiasco, a microcosm of the era of profligate spending that Hollywood studios now are scrambling to end. Netflix burned more than $55 million on Mr. Rinsch’s show and gave him near-total budgetary and creative latitude but never received a single finished episode.
Soon after he signed the contract, Mr. Rinsch’s behavior grew erratic, according to members of the show’s cast and crew, texts and emails reviewed by The New York Times, and court filings in a divorce case brought by his wife. He claimed to have discovered Covid-19’s secret transmission mechanism and to be able to predict lightning strikes. He gambled a large chunk of the money from Netflix on the stock market and cryptocurrencies. He spent millions of dollars on a fleet of Rolls-Royces, furniture and designer clothing.
Mr. Rinsch transferred $10.5 million of the $11 million to his personal brokerage account at Charles Schwab and, using options, placed risky bets on the stock market, according to copies of his bank and brokerage statements included in the divorce case. One of his wagers was that shares of the biotech firm Gilead Sciences, which had announced that it was testing an antiviral drug on Covid patients, would soar. Another was that the S&P 500 index, which had already declined more than 30 percent, would fall further. Mr. Rinsch lost $5.9 million in a matter of weeks.
Artikkelin kirjoitti toimittaja John Carreyrou, joka tuli kuuluisaksi Elizabeth Holmesin Theranos -yritykseen liittyvistä paljastuksista.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Andrej Karpathyn kielimallivideo kiireisille ihmisille
Andrej Karpathy on yksi tunnetuimmista tekoälytutkijoista jota pidetään myös yleisesti alan yhtenä parhaista opettajista. Karpathy kuuluu OpenAI:n perustajiin ja on nykyään yrityksessä töissä, tosin vietti myös muutaman vuoden johtamassa Teslan itseohjautuvien autojen yksikköä.
Karpathy julkaisi eilen uuden opetusvideon jossa mies käy tunnissa läpi käytännön tasolla mistä kielimalleissa on kyse ja miten ne ovat hiljattain kehittyneet:
This is a 1 hour general-audience introduction to Large Language Models: the core technical component behind systems like ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard. What they are, where they are headed, comparisons and analogies to present-day operating systems, and some of the security-related challenges of this new computing paradigm. As of November 2023 (this field moves fast!).
Context: This video is based on the slides of a talk I gave recently at the AI Security Summit. The talk was not recorded but a lot of people came to me after and told me they liked it. Seeing as I had already put in one long weekend of work to make the slides, I decided to just tune them a bit, record this round 2 of the talk and upload it here on YouTube. Pardon the random background, that's my hotel room during the thanksgiving break.
Nopeet 🚀
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