Oracle auditoi TikTokin algoritmia USA:ssa
Lisäksi: Guston CPO Tomer Londonin haastattelu YC:llä
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Oracle auditoi TikTokin algoritmia USA:ssa
Axios raportoi että tietokantayhtiönä tunnetuksi tullut Oracle, joka on myös TikTokin pilvikumppani Yhdysvalloissa, on alkanut auditoimaan TikTokin algoritmia. TikTok toivoo auditoinnin selkeyttävän, että Kiinan valtio ei vaikuta yhtiön algoritmiin Yhdysvalloissa ja sen tekemiin suositteluihin.
Oracle has begun vetting TikTok's algorithms and content moderation models to ensure they aren't manipulated by Chinese authorities, Axios has learned.
Why it matters: The effort is meant to provide further assurance to lawmakers that TikTok's U.S. platform operates independently from influence by the Chinese Communist Party.
TikTok is owned by Chinese tech giant ByteDance. ByteDance bought the U.S. lip-syncing app in 2017 and merged it with its version of a similar app called TikTok. The app has since skyrocketed in popularity in the U.S.
Catch up quick: In June, after longstanding pressure from the U.S. government, TikTok said it had begun routing all its U.S. user data to Oracle's cloud infrastructure.
It also hinted that it would establish a partnership with an outside firm to oversee its algorithms in a response to a letter from Republican senators inquiring about its protection of U.S. user data, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times.
Puolijohdeala valmistautuu kysynnän hiipumiseen
Bloomberg raportoi siitä miten puolijohdeala on joutunut kamppailemaan nyt täysin päinvastaisen ongelman kanssa kuin pari kuukautta sitten, eli kysynnän hiipumisen kanssa. Esimerkiksi Nvidia raportoi tulosjulkistuksessaan ydinliiketoimintansa supistuneen 40 % vuoden takaiseen verrattuna ja Kiinan valtion tällä viikolla julkaiseman datan mukaan mikropiirien valmistus määrät laski maassa heinäkuussa 17 %.
Even in an industry famous for its roller-coaster cycles, chipmakers are bracing for a particularly severe shift in coming months, when a record-setting sales surge is threatening to give way to the worst decline in a decade or more.
It’s a dilemma as old as the computing age. It takes years to build a chip plant, and they don’t always come online when they’re most needed. In the last few years, the problem was a lack of supply. As recently as this quarter, automakers and some other customers were complaining they still couldn’t get enough electronic components.
But fortunes have turned swiftly for the biggest chipmakers. Companies like Nvidia Corp. are reporting more that 40% annual declines in their core businesses, while Micron Technology Inc. warns that demand is evaporating fast in many areas. This week, Chinese government data showed that output of integrated circuits plunged 17% in July after robust growth in 2021, reflecting supply chain shocks as well as a tapering in demand for lower-end chips from the world’s biggest semiconductor market.
Fortniten Dragon Ball -tapahtuma alkoi
Mainitaan vielä, että Fortniten Dragon Ball tapahtuma sai virallisen trailerin.
The Vergen mukaan Fortnitessä voi nyt mm. katsella jaksoja Dragon Ballista ja tietenkin pelailla sarjan hahmoilla.
Fortnite’s Dragon Ball event is finally here, and it’s poised to be one of the biggest collaborations that has ever taken place in the game. Not only will there be four playable Dragon Ball characters, but Epic Games is also adding Dragon Ball-themed quests, locations, items, and even dedicated areas to watch episodes of Dragon Ball Super.
Let’s get one Spirit Bomb-sized aspect out of the way first — the in-game Dragon Ball skins. You’ll be able to buy Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, and Beerus from Fortnite’s in-game shop, and yes, there are multiple Super Saiyan styles for Goku and Vegeta. Epic will be selling Dragon Ball-themed backblings, pickaxes, gliders, and emotes as well.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Guston CPO Tomer Londonin haastattelu YC:llä
Kuuntelin eilen pk-yrityksille ja startupeille Yhdysvalloissa palkanlaskentaohjelmistoa tarjoavan Guston tuotepäällikkö ja perustaja Tomer Londonin haastattelun YCombinatorin podcastissa. Haastattelussa itseäni kiinnosti kuulla juurikin millaista on ollut rakentaa ja myydä SaaS-tuotetta pk-yrityksille ja miksi se on historiallisesti ollut suhteellisen vaikeaa.
Tomerin mielestä aikaisemmin on ollut paljon vaikeampi markkinoida tuotteita pk-yrityksille, sillä niillä on ollut heikompi online-preesens. Tomer oli myös sitä mieltä, että jos perustaisi nyt uuden yrityksen, keskittyisi hän rakentamaan SaaS-tuotetta joka palvelisi erinomaisesti yhtä vertikaalia eli liiketoiminta-alaa.
I think the next wave of this… and If I’m now to build a small business focused company, I would focus on a vertical.
I think that when you truly understand a specific customer segment, understand how they start their day, how they speak with their customers, how their business looks like, what their common difficulties and competition look like. You can build a great product for them that’s really tailored to their needs. And small businesses, especially now with the recession coming, in moments like this people want to consolidate and have everything in one place.
So if I were to start a new company today focused on SMB, I would probably be picking a vertical, a specific small business segment that I understand really really well. And going all in and building a great product for them. That’s what I would do.
And I think you can reach people really well this way. If you really understand for example (my dad’s) clothing store example. You know where they hangout online, you know their language, you know what speaks to them and you should be able to find a great scalable way to finding them online.
Nopeet 🚀
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