Google paljasti yksityiskohtia Androidin ATT-vastineesta
New York Times analysoi teknologia-alan työntekijäpulaa
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Google paljasti yksityiskohtia Androidin ATT-vastineesta
Google on jakanut yksityiskohtia Androidille tulevasta “yksityisyyshiekkalaatikosta” joka tulee olemaan Androidin vastine Applen ATT-muutokselle. Tuleva päivitys rajoittaa sovellusten välistä tiedonkeruuta, mutta Google pyrkii vaimentamaan vaikutuksia joita muutoksella on sen alustasta riippuvaisiin mainostajiin, kuten Metaan. Google ei kertonut tarkkaa ajankohtaa päivitykselle, mutta lupaili tukea olemassaolevia mainosalustoja ainakin kaksi vuotta:
Today, we’re announcing a multi-year initiative to build the Privacy Sandbox on Android, with the goal of introducing new, more private advertising solutions. Specifically, these solutions will limit sharing of user data with third parties and operate without cross-app identifiers, including advertising ID. We’re also exploring technologies that reduce the potential for covert data collection, including safer ways for apps to integrate with advertising SDKs.
The Privacy Sandbox on Android builds on our existing efforts on the web, providing a clear path forward to improve user privacy without putting access to free content and services at risk.
Our goal with the Privacy Sandbox on Android is to develop effective and privacy enhancing advertising solutions, where users know their information is protected, and developers and businesses have the tools to succeed on mobile. While we design, build and test these new solutions, we plan to support existing ads platform features for at least two years, and we intend to provide substantial notice ahead of any future changes.
Shopifylla vahva tulos, mutta osake laski silti.
Shopifyn osake laski peräti 17 % Toronton pörssissä yhtiön tulosjulkistuksen jälkeen. Bloombergin mukaan taustalla oli yhtiön arvio siitä, että sen kuluvan vuoden liikevaihdon kasvu tulee jäämään edeltävän vuoden 57 % kasvusta. Shopify on nyt menettänyt melkein 79 miljardia dollaria markkina-arvosta vuoden alusta.
Shopify Inc. plunged 17% in Toronto, the most ever, after giving a weaker outlook for growth this year, as online spending resets and consumers face higher inflation.
“The Covid-triggered acceleration of ecommerce that spilled into the first half of 2021 in the form of lockdowns and government stimulus will be absent from 2022,” the Canadian e-commerce firm said in a statement on Wednesday. “There is caution around inflation and consumer spend near term, for the full year.”
As a result, Shopify said full year revenue growth will be lower than the 57% increase in 2021. The Canadian-traded shares fell as much as 19.3%. The company has lost nearly C$100 billion ($78.8 billion) in market value since the start of the year.
Itse neljännes taas oli vahva ja yritys ylitti analyytikoiden sille asettamat odotukset. Liikevaihto kasvoi 41 % ja oli 1,38 miljardia dollaria. Liikevoitto taas oli 1,36 dollaria osakkeelta.
Revenue increased 41% to $1.38 billion. Analysts, on average, projected $1.34 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Profit, excluding some items, was $1.36 a share, compared with analysts’ average estimate of $1.26.
Twitterin toimitusjohtaja jää vanhempainvapaalle
Mainitaan vielä, että Twitterin uusi toimitusjohtaja, Parag Agrawal, on jäämässä kahden viikon isyyslomalle. Veto on ilmeisen harvinainen piilaaksossa, varsinkin noin korkeassa asemassa olevan teknologia-alan johtajan kohdalla. Washington Postilta:
Parag Agrawal, 37, is just getting started in one of the technology industry’s highest-profile jobs, after taking over as Twitter CEO less than three months ago amid pressure from investors to grow rapidly.
He is also, as it happens, about to take paternity leave.
Balancing his commitments to work and family, Agrawal is preparing to take “a few weeks” of parental leave, Twitter confirmed to The Washington Post. That’s less than the 20 weeks the company affords its employees — regardless of gender — yet still noteworthy for a CEO of a major tech firm at a time when norms on paid leave are contested both nationally and in Silicon Valley.
Redditin perustaja ja Serena Williamsin aviomies, Alexis Ohanian, kehui Agrawalin päätöstä Twitterissä:

Suosittelut 🕵️
New York Times analysoi teknologia-alan työntekijäpulaa
The New York Times Magazinessa oli eilen erinomainen analyysi teknologiayhtiöiden tämän hetken suurimmasta ongelmasta eli työntekijöiden rekryämisestä. Osaavista teknologia-alan tekijöistä on huutava pula, ja itse työntekijät myös tiedostavat sen.
Yhdysvalloissa teknologia-alan työttömyysprosentti on hyvin matala 1,7 % kun se yleisesti on 4 %. Tietyillä teknologia-alan sektoreilla, kuten kyberturvallisuudessa työttömyys voi olla niinkin alhaista kuin 0,2 %
Estimates of the unemployment rates for tech workers are about 1.7 percent, compared with roughly 4 percent in the general economy; for those with expertise in cybersecurity, it’s more like 0.2 percent.
Kuten arvata saattaa, itse kompensaation ohella tärkeimmäksi työeduksi on nousemassa mahdollisuus etätöihin:
Highly skilled tech workers, for the most part, are not leaving the workplace — the money right now is simply too good (salaries have risen in some cities by as much as 10 percent). They are, however, leaving the workspace, in droves, to work remotely, which is another aspect of the new world of work that recruiters need to communicate to founders and chief executives, some of whom are intent on getting the office back to what it once was.
“If you are not going to offer remote work, if you’re not going to offer at least hybrid, we can’t help you,” Sutton says he tells clients trying to hire software designers.
Tämän kaiken seurauksena myös rekrytoijien kysyntä (ja palkat) ovat kasvaneet:
Recruiters are in such demand that they, too, are scarce, which means their fees have never been higher. In-house tech-recruiter salaries are up about 30 percent, estimates Daniel Wert, who works at a boutique executive-search firm in the design community. Organizations looking for help in cloud and cybersecurity positions have increased fees they are offering to recruiting services to as high as 45 percent of the first year’s salary, says Ryan Sutton, a district president in charge of technology recruiting for the staffing firm Robert Half.
Tämä on täysin anekdoottinen huomio, mutta varsinkin pilvialustojen osaajat tuntuvat olevan ihan valtavan kysynnän kohteena.
Nopeet 🚀
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