xAI kertoi kuuden miljardin dollarin rahoituskierroksesta
Lisäksi: Muusikko Holly Herdon jakaa kokemuksiaan tekoälyn käytöstä taiteensa tekemisessä
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xAI kertoi kuuden miljardin dollarin rahoituskierroksesta
Elon Muskin perustaman tekoäly-yhtiö xAI:n kerrotaan keränneen kuuden miljardin dollarin rahoituskierroksen, minkä myötä yhtiön arvo olisi nyt 24 miljardia dollaria. Se tekee xAI:sta toiseksi arvokkaimman tekoälystartupin OpenAI:n jälkeen.
Rahoituskierrokseen osallistuivat mm. Sequoia, Andreessen Horowitz ja Saudi-Arabian prinssi al-Waleed bin Talal. xAI on kerännyt kaikenkaikkiaan 7 miljardin dollarin edestä rahoista, joista Musk on itse sijoittanut 750 miljoonaa dollaria. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Elon Musk’s xAI said it raised $6 billion in its latest fundraising round, as the OpenAI rival looks to invest more in research and development amid fierce competition in the burgeoning sector.
The funding round brings the valuation of the year-old startup to $24 billion, including the newly raised funds, making it the second-most valuable AI startup outside of OpenAI.
Investors in the round include brand-name Silicon Valley firms such as Sequoia Capital and Andreessen Horowitz as well as Valor Equity Partners, Vy Capital, Fidelity Management & Research, and Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal and Kingdom Holding, xAI said on its website late Sunday.
The latest round brings xAI’s fundraising total to at least $7 billion. Musk had personally invested $750 million into the startup, while his social-media company X contributed $250 million in the form of computing resources, some of the people said.
The total begins to rival OpenAI, which received $10 billion in committed funding from Microsoft last year, and Anthropic, another major AI startup that raised more than $6 billion last year. OpenAI is valued by investors at $86 billion, and Anthropic at $18 billion.
Asiaa hieman sivuten, Musk ja Metan tekoälyjohtaja Yann LeCunn väittelivät X:ssä mm. Muskin
Kiina sijoittaa 48 miljardia dollaria puolijohdeteollisuuteensa
Kiinan valtio on perustanut kolmannen maan puolijohdealaa rahoittavan rahaston, johon on allokoitu 48 miljardin dollarin edestä varoja, joista suurin osa tulee maan valtiovarainministeriöltä. WSJ:n haastattelemien analyytikoiden mukaan suurin osa rahaston varoista käytettäisiin tuotantokapasiteetin lisäämiseen, mutta sijoitukset pyrkivät myös kehittämään maan puolijohdealan edistyksellisyyttä. WSJ:ltä:
China raised about $48 billion in its third installment of a national semiconductor fund, aiming to increase its chip-making capabilities in the face of an escalating technology competition with the U.S.
This latest financing round is the largest for the state-owned National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund, created in 2014. Commonly known as the “Big Fund,” it directs state support to build up the country’s semiconductor-supply chain and has played an outsize role in its development.
The third tranche of the fund, which was registered on Friday, counts China’s Ministry of Finance as its largest investor and has attracted funding from the country’s biggest state-owned banks and investment vehicles linked to local governments such as Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. It hasn’t yet released any investment plans.
Bernstein analyst Qingyuan Lin said manufacturing would remain the main focus of fund allocation this time, as it requires the biggest financial investment. Other analysts said the money is expected to promote technological advancements in sophisticated chip-making technologies, such as advanced high-bandwidth memory chips, an area where China currently has no production capabilities.
Intialainen sähkötaksipalvelu Bluesmart laajentaa toimintaansa
Mainitaan vielä, että Intian suurin sähköautoilla pyörivä taxifirma Bluesmart on kertonut aikeista kerätä 300 miljoonan dollarin rahoituskierros, jonka yhtiö sijoittaa uusajoneuvohankintaan seuraavan kolmen vuoden aikana.
Yhtiö toivoo operoivansa 25 000 sähkötaksia kolmen vuoden päästä, nykyisen 7500 sijaan. Uudet ajoneuvot yhtiölle toimittavat mm. intialainen Tata Motors ja kiinalainen Byd. BlueSmart laajenee myös niin Intian sisällä kuin ulkomailla Dubaissa ensi kuussa. Bloombergilta:
BluSmart, India’s biggest electric cab operator, wants to raise more than $300 million in three years to add thousands of cars to its fleet in its push to take on the likes of Uber Technologies Inc. in the fast-growing market.
The company will increase its Indian fleet of electric vehicles — supplied by Tata Motors Ltd., BYD Co., SAIC Motor Corp.’s MG Motor and Stellantis NV’s Citroën — to 13,000 by March from 7,500 currently, Punit Goyal, co-founder of the BP Ventures-backed startup, said in an interview. In three years, it aims to have 25,000 cars, he said.
Part of the funding it raises will go toward the company’s expansion beyond Delhi and the southern Indian city of Bengaluru. BluSmart will launch in Dubai next month with about 100 Audi EVs, and plans to run 300 Audi and Tesla Inc. vehicles there by December, according to Goyal.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Muusikko Holly Herdon jakaa kokemuksiaan tekoälyn käytöstä taiteensa tekemisessä
The New York Timesin Ezra Klein jatkoi viikonloppuna mainiossa podcastissaan tekoälyteemalla ja tällä kertaa Kleinin vieraana oli muusikko Holly Herdon, joka on käyttänyt tekoälymalleja musiikissaan vuodesta 2019 alkaen. Herdon on viime aikoina pohtinut paljon mm. miten taiteilijat ja tekoäly-yritykset voisivat jakaa tuloja datanjakosopimuksilla.
A.I.-generated art has flooded the internet, and a lot of it is derivative, even boring or offensive. But what could it look like for artists to collaborate with A.I. systems in making art that is actually generative, challenging, transcendent?
Holly Herndon offered one answer with her 2019 album “PROTO.” Along with Mathew Dryhurst and the programmer Jules LaPlace, she built an A.I. called “Spawn” trained on human voices that adds an uncanny yet oddly personal layer to the music. Beyond her music and visual art, Herndon is trying to solve a problem that many creative people are encountering as A.I. becomes more prominent: How do you encourage experimentation without stealing others’ work to train A.I. models? Along with Dryhurst, Jordan Meyer and Patrick Hoepner, she co-founded Spawning, a company figuring out how to allow artists — and all of us creating content on the internet — to “consent” to our work being used as training data.
In this conversation, we discuss how Herndon collaborated with a human chorus and her “A.I. baby,” Spawn, on “PROTO”; how A.I. voice imitators grew out of electronic music and other musical genres; why Herndon prefers the term “collective intelligence” to “artificial intelligence”; why an “opt-in” model could help us retain more control of our work as A.I. trawls the internet for data; and much more.
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