USA haluaa estää Nvidian ARM-kaupan, Google rakentaa omaa älykelloaan ja tilastoja Xboxin suoratoistopalvelusta.
Lisäksi kehittäjäkokemuksesta ja uuden sukupolven pilvialustoista.
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Nyt myös USA haluaa estää Nvidiaa ostamasta ARM:n
Yhdysvaltain kauppakomissio (FTC) haluaa estää puolijohdevalmistajaa Nvidiaa ostamasta puolijohdesuunnittelija ARM:ia. Tätä ennen Iso-Britannia on vastustellut kauppaa kansallisen turvallisuuden nimissä. FTC:n haasteen mukaan kauppa antaisi Nvidialle laittoman paljon määräysvaltaa puolijohteiden saralla. ARM:n liiketoimintamalli perustuu pitkälti puolijohteiden suunnitteluun ja näiden lisensointia sen asiakkaille, jotka sitten itse joko valmistavat tai valmistuttavat puolijohteet. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
The Federal Trade Commission on Thursday sued to block U.S. chip supplier Nvidia Corp.’s proposed landmark takeover of semiconductor-design specialist Arm Holdings, arguing the chip-industry deal is anticompetitive.
The lawsuit marks the beginning of what is likely to be an aggressive antitrust campaign by the FTC under the leadership of Chairwoman Lina Khan, a progressive tapped by President Biden in June to lead the agency.
It also represents the latest action by regulators to stop a blockbuster chip deal. The value of the cash and stock deal, originally $40 billion when it was announced in September 2020, has risen alongside Nvidia’s share price and now sits at roughly $75 billion.
The FTC’s lawsuit, filed in its own administrative court, alleges the acquisition would give Nvidia unlawful control over computing technology and designs that rivals need to develop their own competing chips.
WSJ:n mukaan Nvidian lausunnon mukaan yhtiö on valmis osoittamaan että kaupalla olisi kilpailua lisäävä vaikutus puolijohdemarkkinoille.
Google on rakentamassa omaa älykelloaan
The Verge kertoo, että Google olisi rakentamassa ensimmäistä omaa Android-älykelloa. Googlen Pixel-puhelinmallistosta vastuussa oleva yksikkö rakentaa myös yhtiön omaa älykelloa. Älykellon on tarkoitus toimia hieman samalla ajatuksella kuin Pixel-puhelimet, eli eräänlaisena mallikappaleena siitä, miten Androidia voi soveltaa parhaiten.
Google is finally making its own in-house smartwatch that’s set to launch in 2022, according to a person familiar with the matter and a new report from Insider.
The watch (codenamed “Rohan”) is being worked on by Google’s Pixel hardware group separately from Fitbit, which Google bought for $2.1 billion earlier this year. According to Insider’s report, the new upcoming Google watch — it’s not clear whether Google will actually be calling it a “Pixel Watch” yet — will serve much the same role as the Pixel phones do for Android: an example for both consumers and hardware partners of what Google’s software is truly capable of when given the right hardware. The device is expected to cost more than a Fitbit and compete more directly with the Apple Watch, according to The Verge’s source.
The watch will have basic fitness tracking features, including step counting and a heart rate monitor, with Google also reportedly working on debuting a Fitbit integration into Wear OS (codenamed “Nightlight”) with the new watch when it launches.
Kosketusnäyttötuki valttia Xboxin suoratoistoalustalla
Mainitaan vielä, että Microsoftin Xbox-yksikkö on eilen jakanut tilastoja sen pilvipohjaisesta pelien suoratoistopalvelusta, eli Xbox Cloud Gamingistä. Yhtiön mukaan 20 % palvelun käyttäjistä käyttävät ohjaimenaan kosketusnäyttöä, eli nämä pelaavat pelejä kännyköillä. Yhtiön mukaan pelejä jotka toimivat kosketusnäytöllä pelataan sen palvelussa peräti kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin sellaisia joissa tätä tukea ei ole. Protocolilta:
Microsoft released some new data on Thursday on the number of video game players accessing games via the cloud on just their smartphones with no controller attached. The company said 20% of Xbox Cloud Gaming users rely on built-in touch controls to access games on its cloud service, and that implementing native touch controls is a fast way for developers to boost play time.
"Touch Controls with Xbox Cloud Gaming enable players to enjoy games wherever they are by removing the need for a console, PC, or controller," Monty Hernandez, a senior program manager at Xbox, wrote in a blog post. "We have seen a tangible increase in usage and user sentiment across different genres for games that have implemented touch controls."
Hernandez said the Xbox Cloud Gaming team sees a twofold increase in usage for games that have touch controls rather than those that rely on an attached controller via Bluetooth or USB. For some games, like Supergiant's indie roguelike hit Hades and Microsoft's own Minecraft Dungeons, Hernandez said more than 30% of players exclusively play the game on their smartphone screens with touch controls. In October, Microsoft said that more than 100 games on its Xbox Game Pass platform now support touch controls.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Kehittäjäkokemus ja uuden sukupolven pilviyritykset
Erik Bernhardson kirjoitti blogissaan huomion siitä, että kehittäjä kokemus on noussut uudensukupolven pilviyritysten suurimmaksi valttikortiksi. Olen tämän itse huomannut juuri Supabasen ja Vercelin kanssa, joiden käyttö kokemus on valovuosia esimerkiksi AWS:n vastaavia palveluita edellä (oksennan jos pitää miettiä Amplifytä).
Alla hyvin pitkä ote, Bernhardsonin kirjoituksesta, korostin yhtä kohtaa:
What's going on? Probably a confluence of a lot of things. If I was tired, I would just shrug and say something like “startup circle of life, whatever”. And I think this is roughly one factor, but I see at least 3 different ones:
Incentives at big companies often makes it hard to ship new crazy ideas. At the same time, VCs are pouring in money into the segment. If you're an ambitious person, do you go work at AWS? Or do you join an early stage startup, or create your own? It's expected that innovation shifts away from big companies to startups.
Software vendors can build for all the cloud vendors at the same time. I think this was a real benefit for Snowflake, since a lot of their early customers were banks who care about multi-cloud, but more generally it also expands the market size vs the reach of any cloud vendor.
A lot of the successful cloud products started out as internal services. This has been an amazing source of products, that have been battle-tested at Amazon, Google, and Microsoft scale, and it makes sense that those tools are a great match for their big enterprise customers. But the flipside of the extreme focus on scale, reliability, and configurability, is that the developer experience has become an attack vector, in particular when you look at mid-market and smaller customers who may care more about improving developer productivity. Slightly larger companies like Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb have a history of teams leaving to commercialize internal tools (often through the intermediate step of open sourcing it). Somewhat subjectively and anecdotally, these tools tend to have a much higher focus on developer experience.
Kirjotus trendasi Hacker Newsissä ja sai aikaan paljon myös eriäviä mielipiteitä.
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100 vuotta tätä lisää.
M1 Maceja löytyy nyt AWS:stä.
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