Teslan kannattavuus parani, Intel esitteli uuden tuotetiekarttansa ja Kiina lisää edelleen teknologiasektorinsa sääntelyä
Noahopinion ja Kiinan muuttunut teollisuuspolitiikka.
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Teslan kannattavuus parani
Autovalmistaja Teslalla oli viime yönä toisen neljänneksen tulosjulkistus. Yhtiön liikevaihto oli 11,958 miljardia dollaria ja se kasvoi 98 % vuoden takaisesta. Yhtiön GAAP-standardin mukainen liikevoitto oli 1,142 miljardia dollaria ja se kasvoi peräti 998 % vuoden takaisesta. Liikevoitto per osake (non-GAAP) taas oli 1,45 dollaria per osake. CNBC:n mukaan Wall Street odotti Teslalta 0,98 dollaria liikevoittoa per osake ja liikevaihtoa 11,300 miljardin dollarin edestä, joten Tesla löi odotukset. Yhtiön osake olikin n. 6,5 % nousussa jälkikaupankäynnissä.
Alla vielä kuva Teslan tärkeimmistä luvuista, sen omasta esityksestä osakkeenomistajille:
Lisäksi ote CNBC:ltä:
Tesla reported second-quarter earnings after the bell Monday, and it’s a beat on both the top and bottom lines. Shares rose about 2% after-hours. Here are the results.
Earnings: $1.45 vs 98 cents per share adjusted expected, according to Refinitiv
Revenue: $11.96 billion vs $11.30 billion expected, according to Refinitiv
The company reported $1.14 billion in (GAAP) net income for the quarter, the first time it has surpassed $1 billion. In the year-ago quarter, net income amounted to $104 million.
Overall automotive revenue came in at $10.21 billion, of which only $354 million, about 3.5%, came from sales of regulatory credits. That’s a lower number for credits than in any of the previous four quarters. Automotive gross margins were 28.4%, higher than in any of the last four quarters.
Merkittävin virstanpylväs Teslalla taisi olla se, että yritys teki ensimmäistä kertaa voittoa ilman ns. sääntelyhyvityksiä, jota USA:n valtio yritykselle maksaa. Sääntelyhyvitysten määrä oli viime neljänneksellä 354 miljoonaa dollaria.
Intel esitteli uuden tiekarttansa
Puolijohdevalmistaja Intel esitteli eilen uuden mikroprosessoritiekarttansa ja kertoi, että alkaa sopimusvalmistaa mikroprosessoreita niin pilvijätti Amazonille kuin mobiililaitteisiin mikroprosessoreita valmistavalle Qualcommille. Reutersilta:
Intel Corp said on Monday its factories will start building Qualcomm Inc chips and laid out a roadmap to expand its new foundry business to catch rivals such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd by 2025.
Amazon.com Inc will be another new customer for the foundry chip business, said Intel, which for decades held the lead in technology for manufacturing the smallest, fastest computing chips.
But Intel has lost that lead to TSMC and Samsung, whose manufacturing services have helped Intel's rivals Advanced Micro Devices Inc and Nvidia Corp produce chips that outperform Intel's. AMD and Nvidia design chips which then are made by the rival chip manufacturers, called foundries.
Intel said on Monday it expects to regain its lead by 2025 and described five sets of chipmaking technologies it will roll out over the next four years.
Reutersin artikkelissa mainitaan myös, että Intelin suunnitelmissa on päästä käyttämään hollantilaisen ASML:n seuraavan sukupolven litografeja vuonna 2025.
Kiina lisää (edelleen) teknologiayhtiöiden sääntelyä
Kiinan valtion keskeisin teknologiasektorin sääntelystä vastaava viranomainen, teollisuus ja IT-ministeriö, ilmoitti eilen alan uusista sääntelykäytännöistä. Kyseessä on kuusi kuukautta kestävä “sääntelykampanja”, jonka tarkoituksena on korjata erillisiä, valtion mielestä haitallisia, käytäntöjä jotka ovat teknolosektorilla vallallaan. Näihin käytäntöihin kuuluu mm. nykyiset tavat prosessoida käyttäjien dataa. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
China’s main technology-sector regulator ordered the country’s internet giants to fix certain anticompetitive practices and data security threats, building on a regulatory campaign to reform how China’s largest tech companies operate.
China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which oversees China’s telecommunication and industry policies, said Monday that its new six-month rectification program was aimed at correcting a range of industry issues, including disrupting market order, infringing on users’ rights, mishandling user data and violating other regulations.
Monday’s release didn’t specify any businesses by name. But the ministry listed several infractions that have earned some of China’s largest tech platforms regulatory blowback in the past few months.
As a result of China’s regulatory crackdown, the country’s large tech companies have come under greater scrutiny this year for practices that previously went unquestioned. One such issue raised by the tech-sector regulator is the “malicious blocking of website links” to other company sites and products, which keeps competitors locked out of major tech ecosystems and has created hard lines between rival platforms.
Bloomberg raportoi eilen, että helmikuun alkuun verrattuna, kiinalaisten teknologiaosakkeiden arvosta on sulanut n. biljoonan dollarin verran arvoa.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Noahopinion ja Kiinan muuttunut teollisuuspolitiikka
Taloustieteilijä, bloggaaja ja Bloomberg-kolumnisti, Noah Smith, kirjoitti viikonloppuna erinomaisessa, Noahopinion-uutiskirjeessään, Kiinan teknologiasektorin tilasta ja valtion muuttuneesta suhtautumisesta maan teknologiayhtiöihin.
Noahin teesi, joka mukailee pitkälti Kiinassa asuvan analyytikon, Dan Wangin teesiä, on, että maa haluaa käytännössä keskittyä tukemaan ns. deep tech yrityksiä, sen sijaan, että painopiste olisi nopeasti kasvavissa kuluttajille internetpalveluja tarjoavien yritysten tukemisessa. Hieman pelkistettynä, Kiinassa halutaan enemmän TSMC:itä kuin Facebookkeja. Alla (pitkä) ote Noahin kirjoituksesta:
But in fact I suspect that there is something else going on here. If you’re interested in China and its economy, one analyst you should definitely read is GaveKal Dragonomics’ Dan Wang. And in Dan’s 2019 letter, I noticed the following passage:
I find it bizarre that the world has decided that consumer internet is the highest form of technology. It’s not obvious to me that apps like WeChat, Facebook, or Snap are doing the most important work pushing forward our technologically-accelerating civilization. To me, it’s entirely plausible that Facebook and Tencent might be net-negative for technological developments. The apps they develop offer fun, productivity-dragging distractions; and the companies pull smart kids from R&D-intensive fields like materials science or semiconductor manufacturing, into ad optimization and game development.
The internet companies in San Francisco and Beijing are highly skilled at business model innovation and leveraging network effects, not necessarily R&D and the creation of new IP….I wish we would drop the notion that China is leading in technology because it has a vibrant consumer internet. A large population of people who play games, buy household goods online, and order food delivery does not make a country a technological or scientific leader…These are fine companies, but in my view, the milestones of our technological civilization ought to be found in scientific and industrial achievements instead.
Dan’s job is to keep his ear to the ground, figure out what the movers and shakers in China think, and relay those thoughts to us. So when he started talking about the idea that consumer internet tech isn’t real “tech”, I immediately wondered if China’s leaders were thinking along the same lines. And then in his 2020 letter, Dan wrote:
It’s become apparent in the last few months that the Chinese leadership has moved towards the view that hard tech is more valuable than products that take us more deeply into the digital world. Xi declared this year that while digitization is important, “we must recognize the fundamental importance of the real economy… and never deindustrialize.” This expression preceded the passage of securities and antitrust regulations, thus also pummeling finance, which along with tech make up the most glamorous sectors today.
In other words, the crackdown on China’s internet industry seems to be part of the country’s emerging national industrial policy. Instead of simply letting local governments throw resources at whatever they think will produce rapid growth (the strategy in the 90s and early 00s), China’s top leaders are now trying to direct the country’s industrial mix toward what they think will serve the nation as a whole.
And what do they think will serve the nation as a whole? My guess is: Power. Geopolitical and military power for the People’s Republic of China, relative to its rival nations.
Dan vieraili aikaisemmin keväällä Noahin juontamassa Hexapodia-podcastissa (toinen juontaja on taloustieteilijä Brad De-Long), missä he keskustelivat nimenomaan tästä aiheesta.
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