Teslan ajoassistentti tutkinnan kohteena, Intel lanseerasi näytönohjaimen ja Blue Origin haastaa Nasan oikeuteen.
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USA:n liikenneturvallisuusviranomainen tutkii Teslan ajoassistenttia
Yhdysvaltain liikenneturvallisuudesta vastuussa oleva viranomainen (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration eli NHTSA) on aloittanut tutkinnan autovalmistaja Teslan Autopilot-ajoassistentista. NHTSA on vuodesta 2018 alkaen rekisteröinyt 11 kolaria, joissa Teslan ajoassistentti on ollut päällä. Neljä näistä kolareista on tapahtunut tänä vuonna. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
U.S. auto safety regulators are investigating Tesla Inc.’s advanced driver-assistance system known as Autopilot after a series of crashes at emergency scenes.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration probe made public Monday is the latest sign that U.S. authorities are beginning to scrutinize driver-assistance technologies more closely after largely giving companies free rein.
NHTSA said it had identified 11 crashes since early 2018 in which a Tesla vehicle that had been using Autopilot struck one or more vehicles involved in an emergency-response situation.
Four of the crashes NHTSA is probing happened this year and most took place after dark, the agency said. In one such crash in March, the driver of a Tesla Model Y had Autopilot engaged before plowing into a police vehicle that had stopped along a Lansing, Mich., area highway to investigate a separate crash, Michigan State Police said. The police vehicle had its emergency lights on, police said.
Tesla ei kommentoinut WSJ:lle tutkimuksen alkamista, mutta yhtiön osake laski eilen 4 %.
Intel tuo markkinoille omat näytönohjaimensa
Puolijohdevalmistaja Intel lähtee kilpailemaan näytönohjaimista ja kertoo tuovansa omat näytönohjaimet markkinoille vuoden 2022 ensimmäisen neljänneksen aikana. Intel lanseerasi näytönohjaimille oman Intel Arc nimisen tuoteperheen. Ensimmäisen näytönohjaimen koodinimi on “Alchemist”. Ars Technincalta:
Intel has been working for years to enter the high-end graphics card market to compete with Nvidia and AMD, and today those efforts get a name: Intel Arc (not to be confused with Intel Ark, the site you go to when you need help with Intel's indecipherable processor model numbers). The earliest Arc products will be released in "the first quarter of 2022" and will be based on a GPU codenamed "Alchemist," a new, more memorable codename for a GPU previously known as "DG2."
The first Arc cards will be a follow-up of sorts to DG1—a card released only to system builders—which performs a lot like the GDDR5 version of Nvidia's aging, low-end GeForce GTX 1030. We don't have spec sheets for any of the Alchemist-based Arc cards yet, but the trailer Intel showed confirmed support for modern GPU features like real-time ray tracing and "AI Accelerated Super Sampling" that will compete with Nvidia's DLSS and AMD's FidelityFX upscaling technologies. The trailer also showed Arc silicon running real (if somewhat older) games like Forza Horizon 4 and Metro Exodus.
Arc will represent Intel's first serious run at the gaming GPU market, but the company isn't starting from zero. The company has decades of experience in writing and updating graphics drivers, and it is in the habit of releasing both "stable" driver packages and beta drivers with improvements for specific games, much like AMD and Nvidia already do. And while it doesn't blow the doors off of AMD's integrated GPUs in its Ryzen APUs, the Intel Iris Xe graphics in 11th-generation Core laptops can actually run many games at 1080p or 720p.
Korttien hinnoista ei ole vielä tietoa.
Blue Origin haastaa NASA:n oikeuteen
Mainitaan vielä, että Jeff Bezosin omistama raketti- ja avaruusteknologiayritys Blue Origin on haastanut USA:n avaruusvirasto NASA:n oikeuteen, syyttäen virastoa siitä, että se ei arvioinut Blue Originin tarjoamaa kuulaskeutujaa puolueettomasti, kuukausia kestäneessä tarjouskaupassa. Kaupan voitti Space X. The Vergeltä:
Jeff Bezos’ space company Blue Origin brought its fight against NASA’s Moon program to federal court, doubling down on accusations that the agency wrongly evaluated its lunar lander proposal. The complaint escalates a monthslong crusade by the company to win a chunk of lunar lander funds that was only given to its rival, Elon Musk’s SpaceX, and comes weeks after Blue Origin’s first protest over the Moon program was squashed by a federal watchdog agency. Now in court, Blue Origin’s challenge could trigger another pause to SpaceX’s contract and a new lengthy delay to NASA’s race to land astronauts on the Moon by 2024.
Blue Origin’s complaint, filed with the US Court of Federal Claims last Friday, was shrouded behind a protective order but was described as a challenge to “NASA’s unlawful and improper evaluation of proposals” submitted during the Moon competition, lawyers for Blue Origin said in a separate filing.
Blue Origin was one of three firms vying for a contract to land NASA’s first astronauts on the Moon since 1972. In April, NASA shelved the company’s $5.9 billion proposal of its Blue Moon landing system and went with SpaceX’s $2.9 billion Starship proposal instead, opting to pick just one company for the project after saying it might pick two. The contract involves two lunar landings — one test landing without humans, and another with humans — and SpaceX has already received $439 million from NASA to start its work, according to federal data.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Miksi ohjelmistot eivät näy tuottavuustilastoissa?
Eilen Hacker Newsissä trendasi Austin Vernonin julkaisema blogikirjoitus, siitä miksi ohjelmistot, joiden pitäisi tehdä (käytännössä) kaikesta tehokkaampaa, eivät näy tuottavuustilastoissa:
Productivity growth has not been as fast as proponents of the "digital revolution" expected. Besides a short burst of higher productivity growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s (the higher slope portion), it is hard to see the impact.
Economists like Robert Gordon and Tyler Cowen have detailed how productivity growth fell post-1970, but it is less understood why software hasn't picked up the slack.
Artikkelin perusteesi on, että ohjelmistot ja niiden rakentaminen on enemmän ns. managerointiteknologiaa kuin “yleisteknologiaa”. Managerointiteknologian käyttöönotto on usein kivulias ja pitkä prosessi. Ohjelmistojen valmistus varsinkin liiketoimintaprosessien tukemiseksi vaatii kehittäjiltä yleensä ns. hiljaisen tiedon selvittämistä ja sen muuttamista ohjeiksi tietokoneille. Tämä prosessi vie aikaa ja ei ole täysin triviaali.
Because computers lack tacit knowledge, instructions must have bit-level detail. A supervisor can't walk up to a computer, show it how to attach a fastener, then walk away. A program has to be written by a software engineer that details every actuator movement in sub-millimeter detail.
The world is an absurdly complex place. Few processes are the same at the bit level. There is a choice between writing optimal, custom software or sub-optimal software that covers wider use but does not do everything you need.
There is a good reason why one cardinal piece of advice for software startups is to focus on a tiny sliver of the market and make good software for that process before trying to tackle more products.
Nopeet 🚀
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