SoftBank on myynyt Alibaba omistustaan 22 miljardilla
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SoftBank on myynyt Alibaba omistustaan 22 miljardilla
Maailman isoimpiin kasvuyritysten rahoittajiin viime vuosina kuulunut japanilainen SoftBank on myymässä 22 miljardin dollarin edestä omistustaan kiinalaisesta verkkokauppajätti Alibabasta. Yhtiö on nyt myynyt yli puolet Alibaba omistuksestaan ja menettää paikkansa Alibaban hallituksessa jos se jatkaa myyntiä. Financial Timesiltä (FT):
SoftBank has raised as much as $22bn in cash from deals that would sharply reduce its stake in Alibaba over the coming years, as the Japanese investor responds to a market downturn that has ravaged its technology portfolio.
The group, led by billionaire founder Masayoshi Son, has this year carried out the sale of about one-third of its Alibaba stake through prepaid forward contracts — a type of derivative to which SoftBank has increasingly turned to raise cash immediately while retaining the possibility of holding on to the shares.
SoftBank has now sold more than half its Alibaba holdings through these forward sales. That could shrink its stake in the Chinese ecommerce giant below the threshold for retaining its board seat and prevent the Japanese group from recognising its share of Alibaba’s income in its financial statements.
SoftBank ja sen omistaja Masayoshi Son, teki aikoinaan valtavan voiton sijoittaessaan ensimmäisten joukossa Alibabaan. FT:n mukaan Alibaba teki aikoinaan Jack Masta Kiinan rikkaimman henkilön ja Masayoshi Sonista vastaavasti Japanin rikkaimman.
Apple lykkää iPadOS:n päivitystä kuukaudella
Bloombergin Mark Gurman raportoi Applen aikeista lykätä iPadOS-käyttöjärjestelmänsä tulevaa julkaisua noin kuukaudella. Syy lykkäykseen johtuu iPadOS:n uudesta multitasking -toiminnosta, mikä helpottaa iPadeilla monen asian tekemistä samaan aikaan. Apple on perinteisesti julkaissut iPadOS:n ja iOS:n päivitykset samaan aikaan syyskuussa.
Apple Inc. expects to delay its next major iPad software update by about a month, taking the unusual step of not releasing it at the same time as the new iPhone software, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
For the last several years, the tech giant has released major iPad and iPhone software updates, known as iPadOS and iOS, at the same time in September. This time around, Apple plans to put out iOS 16 during the usual period but not launch iPadOS 16 until October, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations are private.
The delay of the software is due, at least in part, to an ambitious effort to overhaul the iPad’s multitasking capabilities. The update includes a feature called Stage Manager that lets users operate several tasks at the same time, resize windows and bounce between different clusters of apps.
Activision perui WoW:n mobiilipeli spin-offin
Mainitaan vielä, että Activision Blizzard ja sen yhteistyökumppani NetEase, ovat haudanneet mobiilipeli -spin-offin Word of Warcraft -pelistä. Peliä ehdittiin työstään kolme vuotta, ennen sen perumista rahoituksiin liittyvien kiistojen takia. Bloombergilta:
Activision Blizzard Inc. and NetEase Inc. have torpedoed a World of Warcraft smartphone game that had been in development for three years, raising questions about one of the industry’s most lucrative business relationships.
NetEase has disbanded a team of more than 100 developers tasked with creating content for the title, only some of whom were offered internal transfers, people familiar with the matter said. The two companies disagreed over terms and ultimately called a halt to the project, which had been kept under wraps, a person familiar with the deal said, asking to not be identified discussing private information.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Tilauspalveluiden vaikutuksesta mobiilipeleihin
The Vergen viihdetoimittaja Andrew Webster julkaisi viikonloppuna artikkelin siitä, miten mobiilipelaaminen on mennyt parempaan suuntaan kiitos Applen ja Netflixin pelipalveluiden ansiosta.
Let’s start with Arcade, which might just be the best deal in gaming that people never seem to talk about. It launched with a huge lineup of games, things went fairly quiet for a while, and then in 2021, it got a huge boost with the introduction of classic games. There’s a good mix between the typical mobile time wasters (right now, I’m playing a lot of Grindstone, Good Sudoku, and Skate City) and bigger experiences like the old-school RPG Fantasian or Yu Suzuki’s wonderfully bizarre rail shooter Air Twister.
Netflix, on the other hand, got off to a much quieter start. There wasn’t much to play when mobile games were first added to the service. But that’s slowly been changing. I really started to take notice with the release of Into the Breach, an incredible mech vs. kaiju strategy game that originally launched on PC in 2018 but came to mobile via Netflix earlier this month. It’s a perfect fit for your phone, and as I poked around Netflix’s admittedly limited gaming library, I found several titles that I’m really enjoying. These range from the colorful climbing game Poinpy (from the creator of the excellent falling game Downwell) to the dungeon crawler / item shop simulator Moonlighter to the very fun arcade shooter Relic Hunters.
Olin itse yllättynyt Websterin kehuista Netflixin palvelua kohtaan, joten päätin testata suhteellisen uutta Poinpy-peliä ja ilokseni täytyy todeta sen olevan erinomainen mobiilipeli. Siinä ei ole lainkaan mikromaksuja tai mainoksia ja peliin on helppo päästä sisään minkä lisäksi siinä on sopivan koukuttava ns. peli-looppi ja pirteät grafiikat. Olen ollut skeptinen Netflixin pelikokeilusta, mutta jos niiden taso on näin laadukasta, ehkä yhtiöllä on sittenkin tulevaisuus pelien parissa.
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