Snap suunnittelee irtisanovansa 20 % työvoimastaan
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Snap suunnittelee irtisanovansa 20 % työvoimastaan
The Verge raportoi, että sosiaalisen median yhtiö Snap suunnittelee irtisanovansa peräti 20 % yhtiön 6400:sta työntekijästä. Irtisanomiset alkavat keskiviikkona, ja kohdistuvat tiettyihin yksiköihin, kuten Snapin minipelialustasta vastaavaan yksikköön.
Snap is planning to lay off approximately 20 percent of its more than 6,400 employees, according to people familiar with the matter.
The layoffs, which Snap has been planning for the past several weeks, will begin on Wednesday and hit some departments harder than others, the people said. For example, the team working on ways for developers to build mini apps and games inside Snapchat will be severely impacted. Zenly, the social mapping app Snap bought in 2017 and has since run separately, will also see deep cuts.
Another team that will see layoffs is Snap’s hardware division, which is responsible for its AR Spectacles glasses and the Pixy camera drone that was recently canceled after being on sale for just a few months. The company’s ad sales organization is also being restructured with Jeremi Gorman, Snap’s chief business officer, departing to run ads for Netflix.
Musk haluaa Pieter Zatkon paljastukset osaksi oikeudenkäyntiä
Elon Muskin asianajajat ovat jättäneet kirjallisen pyynnön Delwawaren oikeudelle Muskin ja Twitterin välisen oikeudenkäynnin siirtämisestä marraskuulle ja pyytäneet Pieter Zatkon valitusten huomioon ottamista oikeustapauksessa. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Elon Musk is seeking to add recent allegations made by Twitter Inc.’s former head of security in a whistleblower complaint to his argument for terminating his $44 billion takeover of the social-media platform.
Mr. Musk’s lawyers filed a proposed order in Delaware Chancery Court on Tuesday asking the judge for permission to amend the billionaire’s countersuit and push the trial to November from October.
The chief executive of Tesla Inc. signaled the move in a second termination letter made public earlier Tuesday, citing the complaint in which the whistleblower, Peiter Zatko, accuses Twitter of “egregious deficiencies” related to privacy, digital and physical security, platform integrity and content moderation.
Twitter harkitsi kilpailevansa OnlyFansin kanssa
Ja mainitaan vielä, että The Vergen mukaan Twitter suunnitteli viime keväänä tarjoavan kilpailevaa palvelua aikuisviihdealusta OnlyFansille, mutta yhtiö perui suunnitelmansa kun sen sisäinen asiantuntijatiimi totesi, että Twitter on teknisesti kykenemätön moderoimaan ja tunnistamaan haitallista seksuaalista sisältöä kuten lapispornoa tai pakotettua/painostettua alastomuutta:
In the spring of 2022, Twitter considered making a radical change to the platform. After years of quietly allowing adult content on the service, the company would monetize it. The proposal: give adult content creators the ability to begin selling OnlyFans-style paid subscriptions, with Twitter keeping a share of the revenue.
Before the final go-ahead to launch, though, Twitter convened 84 employees to form what it called a “Red Team.” The goal was “to pressure-test the decision to allow adult creators to monetize on the platform, by specifically focusing on what it would look like for Twitter to do this safely and responsibly,” according to documents obtained by The Verge and interviews with current and former Twitter employees.
What the Red Team discovered derailed the project: Twitter could not safely allow adult creators to sell subscriptions because the company was not — and still is not — effectively policing harmful sexual content on the platform.
“Twitter cannot accurately detect child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity at scale,” the Red Team concluded in April 2022. The company also lacked tools to verify that creators and consumers of adult content were of legal age, the team found. As a result, in May — weeks after Elon Musk agreed to purchase the company for $44 billion — the company delayed the project indefinitely. If Twitter couldn’t consistently remove child sexual exploitative content on the platform today, how would it even begin to monetize porn?
Suosittelut 🕵️
AI Grant tarjoaa 250 000 dollaria tekoälytuotteille
Githubin entinen toimitusjohtaja Nat Friedman ja Applella uraa koneoppimisen parissa tehny Daniel Gross ovat perustaneet uuden AI Grant -rahaston, johon voi lähettää hakemuksia lokakuun ensimmäiseen päivään asti.
Rahasto on yhteensä 10 miljoonan dollarin suuruinen, ja se tarjoaa tekoälytuotteiden parissa työskenteleville yrittäjille 250 000 dollarin rahoituksen sekä 250 000 dollarin edestä laskentaresursseja Microsoftin Azure pilvestä.
The AI Grant program:
$250,000 for your AI-first product startup
$250,000 in cloud credit from Azure
Early access to models
A week in San Francisco with amazing people
Apply here by October 1st, 2022
AI researchers have given the world a revolutionary new platform in the form of large models trained on internet data. And the game has changed dramatically with the recent release of advanced open source models.
Some people think that the model is the product. It is not. It is an enabling technology that allows new products to be built. The breakthrough products will be AI-first, built on these models from day one, by entrepreneurs who understand both what the models can do, and what people actually want to use.
There are exciting early examples, like Midjourney, Copilot, and Jasper – new applications that have grown explosively, reaching millions of users and creating huge businesses practically overnight. This is just the beginning.
Nopeet 🚀
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