Richard Branson kävi avaruudessa, TSMC ostaa rokotteita Taiwanille ja Black Widow oli menestys Disney Plussalle.
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Richard Branson kävi avaruudessa
Miljardööri Richard Branson oli kyydissä kun hänen perustama Virgin Galactic teki toistaiseksi harvinaisen turistilennon avaruuteen. Matka kesti n. 15 minuuttia ja Virgin Galacticin alus lensi n. 86 km korkeuteen. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Richard Branson reached the edge of space and safely returned to Earth, a trip that marks a turning point in the billionaire entrepreneur’s multidecade effort to help create a space-tourism industry.
The space trip that Mr. Branson and five other crew members completed Sunday morning on a Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. rocket plane lends credence to the company’s ability to safely take passengers to and from space.
Virgin Galactic, the company Mr. Branson founded, plans to initiate commercial service next year, charging passengers hundreds of thousands of dollars each for such flights. The test flight was aimed at evaluating systems and the passenger experience, as well as providing additional validation of its safety. Vehicles developed by private space companies have been tested a fraction of the number of times compared with the planes used by airlines.
The British entrepreneur and five crew members crossed one threshold of space, climbing 53.5 miles above the Earth’s surface.
Tallenteen koko kaksi tuntia kestäneen livestriimin voi katsoa Virgin Galacticin YouTube-kanavalta.
Aluksen lennon myötä avaruudessa oli hetkellisesti ennätykselliset 16 ihmistä. Viikonlopun aikana nokittelu avaruusturismia suunnittelevien Virgin Galacticin ja sen kilpailijan Blue Originin kanssa sai hieman pikkumaisia piirteitä kun Blue Origin vertasi Twitterissä Virginin alusta lentokoneeseen.
TSMC ja Foxconn ostavat rokotteita Taiwanin puolesta
Hieman erikoisen tapahtumaketjun päätteeksi, Taiwanin suurimmat teknologiayritykset TSMC ja Hon Hai (joka tunnetaan lännessä paremmin Foxconn -nimellä) ovat saaneet luvan ostaa BioNTechin ja Pfizerin Comirnaty-rokotetta Taiwanin puolesta.
Kiista Taiwanin itsemääräämisoikeudesta on vaikeuttanut Taiwanin rokoteostoja suoraan BioNTechiltä, jonka seurauksena toteutettin vaihtoehtoinen järjestely, jossa TSMC ja Hon Hai ostavat 10 miljoonaa annosta Comirnaty-rokotetta sen Kiinan markkina-alueen jakeluvastaavalta, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceuticalilta. Financial Timesiltä (FT):
The world’s two largest technology manufacturers have signed an agreement to buy 10m doses of BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine to donate to Taiwan, resolving an almost yearlong political tug of war over securing jabs for the country.
TSMC, the world’s largest contract chipmaker, and Foxconn, the leading manufacturer of Apple’s iPhone, said they had agreed the $350m deal with Chinese conglomerate Fosun, which controls BioNTech’s distribution rights for greater China.
The two technology companies stepped in because the sovereignty dispute over Taiwan had prevented Taipei from purchasing the jabs from BioNTech.
China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and frequently tries to force third countries and companies to treat it as if it were ruled by Beijing.
Taipei had tried since August last year to hammer out a deal with the German biotech company. But an initial contract signed in January was derailed after BioNTech demanded changes to the language describing Taiwan in a public announcement, according to Taiwan’s health minister. Beijing has also protested against vaccine donations to Taiwan by the US and Japan as “interference”.
Taiwan piti pitkään pandemian kurissa, mutta tämän vuoden toukokuussa virus pääsi leviämään saarivaltiossakin rajummin kuin aikaisemmin.
Black Widow menestys Disney Plussalle
Mainitaan vielä, että perjantaina elokuvateattereihin ja Disney Plus -suoratoistopalveluun tullut Black Widow on Disneyn mukaan ollut iso menestys varsinkin suoratoistopalvelun puolella. Yhtiön tiedotteen mukaan, elokuva teki viikonlopun aikana 215 miljoonaa dollaria maailmanlaajuisesti, joista 60 miljoonaa tuli elokuvan Disney Plus julkaisusta. Alustalla siis pystyi ostamaan elokuvan “premier access” tittelinä n. 21 € hintaan. Deadlineltä:
The Walt Disney Company sent out a widespread announcement that Black Widow made $215M-plus WW this weekend: Broken down, that’s $80M at the domestic box office, $78M in international box office, and over $60M in Disney+ Premier Access consumer spend globally. I understand that the latter figure skews more heavily toward US Disney+ Premier spending. This is the first time that Disney has released actual dollar figures about how their films did on Disney+.
Even with Black Widow coming in lower than industry weekend expectations, and we’ll have more on that in a bit, the MCU title easily repped the largest domestic box office opening since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and the largest domestic opening weekend since Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker in December 2019.
Disney states that the combined theatrical and Disney+ Premier Access opening makes Black Widow the only film to surpass $100M in domestic consumer spend on opening weekend since the start of the pandemic. Disney reports that the combined dollars on Black Widow‘s opening weekend marks the highest domestic opening weekend for a Marvel Cinematic Universe origin story after Black Panther ($202M 3-day) and Captain Marvel ($153.4M)
Tämä oli ensimmäistä kertaa kun itse käytin Disneyn tarjoamaa mahdollisuutta ostaa ensi-iltaelokuva, ja täytyy sanoa, että pidin kokemuksesta.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Larry Summers China Talkissa
Viime viikon tapahtumien jälkeen käytin viikonloppuna aikaa Kiinan seuraamiseen, ja yksi lähteistäni tähän on erinomainen China Talk -podcast ja uutiskirje, jotka keskittyvät kiinan teknologiasektoriin sekä Yhdysvaltain ja Kiinan välisiin suhteisiin. Podcastin vieraana oli heinäkuun alussa pitkään amerikkalaista talouspolitiikkaa tehnyt taloustieteilijä Larry Summers, jonka kanssa juontajat kävivät läpi mm. Kiinan toistaiseksi hyvin onnistunutta teollisuuspolitiikkaa, joka on luonut maahan isoja teknologiayrityksiä:
Summers: I’m not sure I completely share your indictment of the Chinese financial system. The fact that China has cutting-edge technology companies in as many areas as it does despite having 25 percent of US per capita income and PPP and probably 18 percent at exchange rate measures can be attributed to the fact that the finance-entrepreneurship ecosystem in China is doing something very valuable. The fact that China has been more successful in the field of software than Europe has is some kind of positive reflection of what’s going on in China.
It’s not my impression that all those investments are being made by the public sector—many are being made by a flourishing venture capital industry. So I think one has to be careful in condemning everything in Chinese finance. I do think that it’s probably the case that there are many continuing instances of financial repression in China, and that does lead to a fair amount of investment channeled into relatively efficient uses.
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