OpenAI julkisti yrityksille tarkoitetun ChatGPT Enterprisen
Lisäksi: HyLight Aeron ilma-alusdroonit tarkastavat voimalinjoja

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OpenAI julkisti yrityksille tarkoitetun ChatGPT Enterprisen
OpenAI julkisti eilen yrityksille suunnatun version ChatGPT:stä nimeltä ChatGPT Enterprise. Yhtiö lupaa, että ChatGPT Enterprisen kanssa käytyjä keskusteluja ei käytetä ChatGPT:een pohjalla olevien kielimallien koulutukseen. Lisäksi palvelu on SOC 2 tietoturvastandardin mukainen. Kaikki palvelussa oleva tai liikkuva data on lisäksi kryptattua.
OpenAI lupailee myös, että Enterprise versiossa GPT-4 on kaksi kertaa nopeampi kuin ChatGPT Plus -versiossa ja eikä sen käytössä ole käyttörajoitteita (ChatGPT Plussassa rajoite on muistaakseni ~25 viestiä kolmen tunnin välein).
We’re launching ChatGPT Enterprise, which offers enterprise-grade security and privacy, unlimited higher-speed GPT-4 access, longer context windows for processing longer inputs, advanced data analysis capabilities, customization options, and much more. We believe AI can assist and elevate every aspect of our working lives and make teams more creative and productive. Today marks another step towards an AI assistant for work that helps with any task, is customized for your organization, and that protects your company data.
Enterprise-grade security and privacy
Customer prompts and company data are not used for training OpenAI models.
Data encryption at rest (AES 256) and in transit (TLS 1.2+)
Certified SOC 2 compliant
Features for large-scale deployments
Admin console with bulk member management
Domain verification
Analytics dashboard for usage insights
The most powerful version of ChatGPT yet
Unlimited access to GPT-4 (no usage caps)
Higher-speed performance for GPT-4 (up to 2x faster)
Unlimited access to advanced data analysis (formerly known as Code Interpreter)
32k token context windows for 4x longer inputs, files, or follow-ups
Shareable chat templates for your company to collaborate and build common workflows
Free credits to use our APIs if you need to extend OpenAI into a fully custom solution for your org
Google alkaa myymään luontoon liittyvää paikkatietodataa
Google pyrkii entisestään monetisoimaan keräämäänsä paikkatietodataa ja suunnittelee tarjoavansa maksullista rajapintaa, josta on mahdollista tehdä kyselyjä (aurinko)energiaan sekä ilman laatuun liittyen.
Googlen toiveena on generoida rajapinnan kautta n. 100 miljoonaa dollaria, aloitteen ensimmäisen vuoden aikana. Google tavoittelee asiakkaakseen mm. aurinkopaneelien asentajia ja kiinteistöyrityksiä. CNBC:ltä:
Google is planning to license new sets of mapping data to a range of companies to use as they build products around renewable energy, and is hoping to generate up to $100 million in its first year, CNBC has learned.
The company plans to sell access to new APIs (application programming interfaces) with solar and energy information and air quality, according to materials viewed by CNBC.
Among the new offerings will be a Solar API, which could be used by solar installers like SunRun and Tesla Energy and solar design companies like Aurora Solar, according to a list of example customers viewed by CNBC. Google also sees customer opportunities with real estate companies like Zillow, Redfin, hospitality companies like Marriott Bonvoy, and utilities like PG&E
Foxconnin perustaja Terry Gou haluaa Taiwanin presidentiksi
Mainitaan vielä, että Applen sopimusvalmistajana tunnetun Foxconnin perustaja, taiwanilainen Terry Gou kertoi eilen pyrkivänsä Taiwanin presidentiksi. Gou hakee presidentiksi itsenäisenä kandidaattina ja haluaa vähentää vastakkainasettelua Kiinan kanssa. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Terry Gou, the billionaire founder of iPhone assembler Foxconn Technology Group, said he plans to run for Taiwan’s presidency, complicating a closely watched contest that could reshape the island’s testy relations with Beijing and affect U.S. policy toward China.
Gou announced his bid at a Monday briefing in Taipei, where he cast himself as an independent candidate who can unite Taiwan’s disparate opposition forces and unseat the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, which has tightened ties with Washington, at the presidential election due in January.
A Taiwanese entrepreneur with ties in Chinese political circles, Gou is considered a relative outsider to mainstream politics in Taiwan, a self-governed island that Beijing claims as its territory. Recent opinion polls showed Gou trailing the candidates from the island’s three most influential parties, though analysts say his emergence as a presidential contender could sap support for the Beijing-friendly Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang, of which he was a member.
Suosittelut 🕵️
HyLight Aeron ilma-alusdroonit tarkastavat voimalinjoja
Hacker Newsissä sattui silmääni tämän kesän YCombinator-kohorttiin kuuluneen ranskalaisen Hylight Aero julkaisulanka, jossa yhtiö esitteli heliumilla ja/tai vedyllä toimivaa ilma-alusdroonia, jonka tarkoituksena on tarkastaa ja seurata mm. voimalinjojen ja muun ns. energiainfrastruktuurin tilaa:
Energy infrastructure operators (utility companies) struggle with conducting precise inspections of their assets. It is extremely important for them because they need to make sure that the network is in good condition to avoid outages and leaks. This infrastructure has big impacts when it is malfunctioning. For instance, methane leaks from oil and gas infrastructure represent 4% of global carbon emissions every year (and approx. $7B worth of losses in Northern America and Europe).
Our airship (the “HyLighter”) does exactly what is needed to gather a lot of precise information from the air. It flies slowly and can hover almost indefinitely, it consumes little energy, allowing great range for inspections. It can simultaneously mount all the sensors that are required for the inspections (HQ cameras, LiDAR, infrared, leak detection devices...). Plus, due to its size, we can write stuff on it to tell nearby residents what we are doing.
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