Novi integraatio WhatsApp kokeilussa, Amazon sai isot sakot Italialta ja EU haluaa keikkatyöläisille enemmän etuja.
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Novi integraatio tulossa WhatsAppiin
Meta on integroinut kryptolompakkonsa Novin WhatsAppiin ja antaa pienelle joukulle yhdysvaltalaisia käyttäjiä mahdollisuuden siirtää rahaa kontakteilleen palvelun kautta. Itse maksut tapahtuvat USDP nimisen stablecoinin kanssa. The Vergeltä:
WhatsApp has launched a new pilot that lets a “limited number” of people in the US send and receive money from within a chat using cryptocurrency. The feature is powered by Novi, Meta’s digital wallet that launched as a pilot six weeks ago, with payments made using Pax Dollars (USDP), a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar issued by Paxos. The news was announced by Novi’s incoming head Stephane Kasriel and WhatsApp’s Will Cathcart.
According to Novi’s website, sending a payment works much like sending any other attachment in WhatsApp. You access the feature via the paper clip icon on Android or the + icon on iOS, and then select “Payment” from the menu that appears. Novi’s site notes there are no fees for sending or receiving money, no limits on how often payments can be sent, and no fees to keep a balance in your Novi account or to withdraw it to your bank account. Payments are transferred instantly.
Novin uusi johtaja kertoi aiheesta enemmän Twitterissä:

Amazon sai 1,3 mrd dollarin sakot Italialta
Amazon on saanut ennätykselliset 1,3 miljardin dollarin sakot Italiassa markkia-asemansa väärinkäytöstä. Italian viranomaiset katsovat Amazonin aiheuttaneen harmia sen kilpailijoille, suosimalla itsenäisiä kauppiaita jotka käyttävät Amazonin logistiikkapalveluita. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Italy’s antitrust regulator fined Inc. $1.3 billion, saying it harmed competitors by favoring third-party sellers that use the company’s logistics services, a decision that reflects increased scrutiny of tech giants by antitrust regulators globally.
The regulator said Thursday that Amazon favored sellers in Italy that paid it to use its warehouse and delivery services, including by making them more likely to appear as the default option, or “Buy Box,” when consumers click to buy a product.
The fine of 1.13 billion euros is part of a wave of antitrust enforcement in Europe and elsewhere against Amazon and other big tech companies for allegedly abusing their dominance to squash smaller competitors.
EU haluaa keikkatyöläisille enemmän oikeuksia
Mainitaan vielä, että Euroopan Unioni (EU) on julkistanut eilen lakiluonnoksen, jolla olisi isoja vaikutuksia keikkatyöläisten asemaan ja näin myös Woltin ja Uberin kaltaisille yrityksille. Luonnoksen myötä monen keikkatyöläisen katsottaisiin olevan (jos tietyt ehdot täyttyvät) työsuhteessa näiden ns. alustayritysten kanssa. WSJ:ltä:
Uber Technologies Inc., Inc.-backed Deliveroo PLC and other gig-economy companies could be forced to give more benefits to their drivers and delivery personnel under a European Union proposal that would reclassify many of their jobs as employment.
The draft bill, proposed Thursday by the EU’s executive arm, would establish a presumption that many of the companies in what is often called the gig economy actually employ workers, depending on the level of control the companies exercise over how workers perform their jobs. Until now, most such companies have deemed the majority of their workers to be independent contractors.
The shift would apply to those companies if they meet certain criteria —like defining the pay for tasks and evaluating worker performance—though the companies could refute the presumption of employment in national courts across Europe.
Ylellä oli tästä ihan mielenkiintoinen haastattelu Woltin Juhani Mykkäsen kanssa.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Lintuja ei ole olemassa
New York Timesin (NYT) Taylor Lorenzilla on viihdyttävä profiili salaliittoryhmittymää parodioivasta Birds are not real -ryhmästä, joka on GenZ-läisten perustama ryhmä ja väittää uskovansa siihen että lintuja ei ole olemassa, vaan ne ovat korvattu valtioiden toimesta kansalaisia valvovilla lennokeilla:
It might smack of QAnon, the conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by an elite cabal of child-trafficking Democrats. Except that the creator of Birds Aren’t Real and the movement’s followers are in on a joke: They know that birds are, in fact, real and that their theory is made up.
What Birds Aren’t Real truly is, they say, is a parody social movement with a purpose. In a post-truth world dominated by online conspiracy theories, young people have coalesced around the effort to thumb their nose at, fight and poke fun at misinformation. It’s Gen Z’s attempt to upend the rabbit hole with absurdism.
Olin nähnyt TikTokissa tähän liittyviä videoita, mutta en tajunnut ryhmän olevan parodia ennen artikkelin lukemista. Monella GenZ:läisellä on mm. sukulaisia jotka ovat hurahtaneet salaliittoteorioihin, ja järjestö onkin jonkinlainen vastaliike ja samalla prosessointityökalu tätä varten:
Most Birds Aren’t Real members, many of whom are part of an on-the-ground activism network called the Bird Brigade, grew up in a world overrun with misinformation. Some have relatives who have fallen victim to conspiracy theories. So for members of Gen Z, the movement has become a way to collectively grapple with those experiences. By cosplaying conspiracy theorists, they have found community and kinship, Mr. McIndoe said.
Kaikkea se nykynuoriso keksii.
Nopeet 🚀
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