Netflixillä on vaikeuksia pitkäaikaisten tilaajien kanssa
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Netflixillä on vaikeuksia pitkäaikaisten tilaajien kanssa
The Information raportoi, tutkimusyhtiö Antennan dataan vedoten, että Netflixin pitkäaikaisten tilaajien osuus palvelun lopettajista olisi kasvussa.
Yli kolme vuotta Netflixin tilaajina olleet käyttäjät vastasivat vain noin 5 % kaikista palvelun tilauslopetuksista vuoden 2020 alussa. Saman kohortin lopetukset olivat kasvaneet 13 %:iin kaikista lopetuksista vuoden 2022 ensimmäiseen neljännekseen mennessä. Antenna käyttää datana anonyymiä kyselyä viidelle miljoonalle amerikkalaiselle, jotka luovuttavat kyselyyn oman Netflix laskutushistoriansa.
Antenna’s data provides a more detailed look at how Netflix’s subscriber count has been evolving than what the company discloses. For at least the past two years, most people canceling their Netflix accounts had been subscribers for less than a year, according to Antenna. (See chart above). That trend peaked in the second quarter of 2020, at 70%, when only 6% of cancellations came from people who had been on Netflix for more than three years.
People who had been subscribers for more than three years accounted for just 5% of total cancellations at the start of 2020. But that percentage has risen steadily over the past couple of years, hitting 13% in the first quarter. Newbie subscribers, meantime, accounted for only 60% of cancellations in the quarter, down from 64% in the fourth quarter.
Also in the first quarter, overall cancellations rose to 3.6 million people, compared with around 2.5 million in each of the preceding five quarters. Antenna says it draws its data from a panel of 5 million Americans who anonymously contribute details of their subscription transaction history.
Ohessa vielä The Vergen maksumuuriton yhteenveto artikkelista.
Metan palkkaukset hidastuvat entisestään
The Verge raportoi Metan hidastavan palkkaustaan entisestään, ja vähentävänsä tiettyihin tuotteisiin investoimista. Näihin tuotteisiin lukeutuvat mm. Facebook Dating, Facebook Gaming, Messenger Kids, Verkkokauppa-tiimi ja Facebookin videopuhelutiimi.
Kyseiset tiimit eivät pysty siis tällä hetkellä palkkaamaan lisää työntekijöitä, tai vastaanottamaan sisäisiä siirtoja muualta Metasta. Yhtiö on myös pysäyttänyt rekrytoijien ja juniori datatieteilijöiden palkkaamisen.
Meta is pulling back its investments in a number of products, including the teams it spun up early in the pandemic to compete with Zoom and build shopping features, The Verge has learned. In addition to a hiring freeze for certain engineering roles, the company also recently paused the hiring of recruiters and low-level data scientists.
Here’s what that dialing back looks like so far: Meta’s leaders have in recent days started telling specific teams that they won’t be able to hire new engineers or receive internal transfers. It’s a sign that those specific products don’t make money or aren’t strategically important enough to keep investing in while Meta’s stock price is down 43% this year. Product teams already impacted by an engineering freeze including Facebook Dating and Gaming, Messenger Kids, the Commerce team, and the Remote Presence team created during the pandemic to build video and audio calling features to better compete with Zoom.
Joe Osborne, a Meta spokesperson, confirmed the engineer hiring pullbacks for the specific teams, and said the company is still actively recruiting for machine learning and AI roles. “As we alluded to in our recent earnings, we’re evaluating key priorities across the company and putting energy behind them especially as they relate to our core business and Reality Labs,” he said in a statement shared with The Verge.
Andreessen Horowitzin uusi pelirahasto
Mainitaan vielä, että Andreessen Horowitz on julkistanut uuden 600 miljoonan dollarin rahaston joka tulee jatkossa tekemään sijoituksia videopeleihin ja videopelien ekosysteemeihin. Tarkalleen ottaen itse videopelien lisäksi rahasto suunnittelee sijoituksia videopelejä tukeviin kuluttajasovelluksiin (esim. Discord ja Twitch), sekä videopelien infrastruktuuria kehittäviin yrityksiin. A16Z:lta:
With the $600M GAMES FUND ONE, we plan to invest in the following themes:
Game Studios: The best games today are continually updated online services whose players form an integral part of the game through multiplayer and user-generated content. These “games-as-a-service” have become rich, interactive social networks, with players making in-game friendships that are just as meaningful as those made in-person.
Games x Consumer: The rapid growth in the number of gamers worldwide has created a thriving ecosystem of consumer apps to support them. As games become the dominant way people spend time, we believe some of the most innovative consumer companies will be built around player communities. (Social apps like Discord that help gamers build community, or platforms like Twitch where millions tune in daily to watch creators livestream video, are just a couple examples of this).
Infrastructure: As games evolve into virtual worlds and online services, the demand for tools and services needed to build great games is skyrocketing. Not only is this infrastructure important for games in its own right, we also believe that the coming Metaverse will be built by games companies, using games technologies. From content creation to multiplayer enablement to virtual economy management and live ops, the games industry has already solved many of the problems that need to be solved to create the Metaverse.
Ohessa vielä rahaston julkistusvideo:
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Koirien eliniän pidentämisestä
Tiedetoimittaja Cleo Abramin uusimmassa Huge if True -videolla käsitellään koirien elinikien pidentämiseen liittyvää tutkimusta. Videolla vierailee kasvuyritys Loyalin toimitusjohtaja Celine Halioua, kertomassa miten yhtiö yrittää pidentää isojen koirien elinikää vastaamaan pienten koirien elinikää. Pienet koirarodut saattavat elää jopa kaksi kertaa pidempään kuin isommat.
Valitettavasti meille pienten koirien omistajille ei siis ole lohtua tulemassa ainakaan heti. Saan avovaimolta paheksuvia katseita kun toisinaan ehdottelen, että pitäisi harkita koiran viemistä Kiinaan kloonattavaksi.
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