Moxie lopettaa Signalin toimitusjohtajana, Take-Two ostaa Zyngan ja YC:llä on uusi diili.
Lisäksi yhteenveto faker.js draamasta.
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Moxie lopettaa Signalin toimitusjohtajana
Moxie Marlinspike on eilen ilmoittanut jättävänsä pestinsä viestintäpalvelu Signalin toimitusjohtajana, ja aikoo keskittyä jatkossa uuden toimitusjohtajan löytämiseen. Moxie kertoi asiasta yhtiön blogissa. Yhtiön toimitusjohtajan virkaa alkaa hoitamaan Brian Acton, joka oli yksi WhatsAppin perustajista, ja on ollut Signalin toiminnassa mukana vuodesta 2017 eteenpäin:
It’s a new year, and I’ve decided it’s a good time to replace myself as the CEO of Signal.
I have now been working on Signal for almost a decade. It has always been my goal for Signal to grow and sustain beyond my involvement, but four years ago that would still not have been possible. I was writing all the Android code, was writing all of the server code, was the only person on call for the service, was facilitating all product development, and was managing everyone. I couldn’t ever leave cell service, had to take my laptop with me everywhere in case of emergencies, and occasionally found myself sitting alone on the sidewalk in the rain late at night trying to diagnose a service degradation.
In other words, after a decade or more, it’s difficult to overstate how important Signal is to me, but I now feel very comfortable replacing myself as CEO based on the team we have, and also believe that it is an important step for expanding on Signal’s success. I’ve been talking with candidates over the last few months, but want to open up the search with this announcement in order to help find the best person for the next decade of Signal. Please get in touch if that might be you!
I will continue to remain on the Signal board, committed to helping manifest Signal’s mission from that role, and I will be transitioning out as CEO over the next month in order to focus on the candidate search. Brian Acton, who is also on the Signal Foundation board, has volunteered to serve as interim CEO during the search period. I have every confidence in his commitment to the mission and ability to facilitate the team for this time.
Take-Two ostaa Zyngan 11 miljardilla.
Videopelikustantaja Take-Two Interactive on kertonut ostavansa sosiaalisen median peleihin ja mobiilipeleihin keskittyneen Zyngan, n. 11 miljardin dollarin diilissä. Take-Two haluaa Wall Street Journalin (WSJ) mukaan vahvistaa ostolla omaa mobiilipelien portfoliota:
Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. agreed to buy Zynga Inc. in a roughly $11 billion deal as the maker of Grand Theft Auto looks to expand its mobile portfolio with hits like Words With Friends and FarmVille.
The cash-and-stock deal announced Monday is one of the videogame industry’s biggest acquisitions. Take-Two Chief Executive Strauss Zelnick said a purchase of Zynga would give it a strong position in mobile, which has been the fastest-growing segment of the global videogame industry in recent years.
“More than 50% of our net bookings will come from mobile upon closing this transaction,” Mr. Zelnick said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. He added that the combined company will have more than one billion users, creating an opportunity to cross-promote content to a broader audience.
Take-Two omistaa ennestään mm. Rockstar Gamesin, joka tekee Grand Theft Auto -pelisarjaa.
YCombinaattorilla on uusi diili
Mainitaan vielä, että maailman tunnetuin kasvuyrityshautomo YCombinator (YC) on kertonut muutoksista sen sijoittamisstrategiaan. Asiasta kertoi YC:n osakas, Geoff Ralston hautomon blogissa. Uuden strategian mukaisesti YC sijoittaa yhteensä 500 000 dollaria ohjelmaansa hyväksyttyihin kasvuyrityksiin. Summa oli aikaisemmin 125 000 dollaria:
We have a new standard deal at Y Combinator. When a company is accepted into the YC batch program, we now invest a total of $500,000. We still invest $125,000 for 7% and now also invest an additional $375,000 on an uncapped safe with an MFN1.
This is the type of deal that we have wanted to offer YC founders for years — and with the recent success of YC companies, including ten IPOs in 2021 and more to come this year, we are now able to do so. This sum will enable founders to focus on launching, building, and scaling their company. It will remove the immediate pressure to fundraise and accept less than favorable terms.
Incidentally, we also hope that this deal will encourage more founders of any age and from every demographic group and geographic location to take the leap into the startup world, apply to YC, and build their own successful startup.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Faker, Colors ja kehittäjädraamaa
Muun muassa The Verge ja BleepingComputer ovat kirjoittaneet siitä mitä viime päivinä on tapahtunut suositulle javascript-kirjasto Fakerille, jota käytetään esimerkiksi node-projekteissa feikki datan luomisessa. Fakerin (ja Colors.js) Github repot tyhjenivät niiden luojan Marak-nimisen kehittäjän toimesta perjantaina, ja Fakerin repon Readmessä kysytään hieman kryptisesti mitä tapahtui legendaariselle Aaron Swartzille. Asiasta hyvän yhteenvedon teki YouTube-tili Fireship, jonka videon voitte katsoa alhaalta:
Ilmeisesti Github on revertoinut ainakin tuon colors.js muutoksen ja repoon pääsee taas käsiksi. Molemmat paketit ovat hyvin suosittuja javascript-kehittäjien keskuudessa, ja esim. colorsia ladataan viikottain npm:ssä n. 20 miljoonaa kertaa.
Nopeet 🚀
Oodi Rubylle.
Applen 2021 kohokohtia.
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