Morgan Stanley pohtii Keith Gillin sijoitustilin sulkemista
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Morgan Stanley pohtii Keith Gillin sijoitustilin sulkemista
Meemiosakebuumin alullepanija Keith Gill eli Roaring Kitty, jakoi eilen kuvan Redditissä jossa näkyi Gillin omistavan GameStopin osakkeita nyt 140 miljoonan dollarin edestä ja joukon kesäkuussa umpeutuvia optioita.
Tieto Gillin omistuksista sai GameStopin osakkeen eilen nousemaan yli 20 % ja samalla Gillille osaketilin tarjonnut E*Trade ja sen emoyhtiö investointipankki Morgan Stanley pohtivat, pitäisikö Gillin tili sulkea, jos miehen toimintaa katsotaan markkinamanipulaatioksi. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
E*Trade is considering telling meme-stock leader Keith Gill he can no longer use its platform after growing concerned about potential stock manipulation around his recent purchases of GameStop options, according to people familiar with the matter.
Shortly before Gill reignited a meme-stock craze in May, he bought a large volume of GameStop options on E*Trade, the people said. This week, Gill posted screenshots of an E*Trade account showing he owns GameStop shares now valued at $140 million and a new set of options that expire later this month. His total gains on the positions were at $85.5 million, he posted late Monday, showing his account remained in operation.
The stock of GameStop surged again on his posts, showing the power Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty and DeepF—Value, has as an influencer. GameStop shares, up 21% on Monday, have risen more than 60% since he reappeared.
At E*Trade and its owner Morgan Stanley, that power created concerns he can pump up a stock for his own benefit. Their debate includes whether his actions amounted to manipulation and whether or not the firm is willing to risk drawing the attention of his meme army by removing him, according to people familiar with their internal discussions.
Instagram testailee mainostaukoja
Muun muassa The Verge raportoi Instagramin testailevan mainoksia, joita ei voi ohittaa. Toiminnallisuuden nimi on “ad breaks” eli mainostauko. Mainostauoissa näkyy ajastin joka indikoi sitä kuinka kauan mainosta on vielä jäljellä.
Instagram is testing “ad breaks” that force you to stop and look at an ad for a period of time before you can continue scrolling. Several X and Reddit users reported seeing the feature, and Instagram spokesperson Matthew Tye confirmed to The Verge that ad breaks are being tested. Tye said Instagram would “provide updates should this test result in any formal product changes.”
One Redditor spotted the feature when scrolling through stories and posts. After a certain amount of scrolling, Instagram prevented them from going further until they looked at an ad. As shown in the screenshot, Instagram displays an “ad break” icon with a countdown timer that shows how long until you can start scrolling again.
Intel esitteli Lunar Lake -prosessorit
Intel esitteli tänään Computex -messuilla uuden Lunar Lake -nimisen prosessoriarkkitehtuurin kannettaville tietokoneille. Yhtiö lupailee prosessoreiden tehon nousseen 14 % ja grafiikkatehon parantuneen jopa 50 % samalla kuin niiden energiatehokkuus on parantunut 60 %.
Iso muutos Lunar Lake prosessoreissa on, että tietokoneen työmuisti on nyt suoraan integroitu itse prosessoriin, jolloin laitteisiin ei voi hankkia lisämuistia. Lunar Lakella varustettuihin tietokoneisiin voi valita joko 16 tai 32 GB:tä työmuistia. Intelin mukaan muutos mahdollisti prosessoreiden parantuneen energiatehokkuuden. The Vergeltä:
Last year, Intel boasted that its Meteor Lake processors, dubbed Core Ultra, represented the company’s biggest architectural shift in 40 years. But Intel didn’t settle down after that: today it’s revealing how Lunar Lake, its next laptop chip coming this fall, will overhaul the formula yet again.
Facing the existential threat of Arm and the opportunity of AI PCs, Intel has apparently ditched its famous tick-tock cadence for a whole new system-on-chip design, one that not only triples the size and more than quadruples the performance of its AI accelerator, but promises up to 14 percent faster CPU performance at the same clockspeed, 50 percent more graphics performance, and up to 60 percent better battery life than last year’s model.
“It’s x86 power like you’ve never seen it before,” claims Intel technical marketer Rob Hallock, who says Intel tweaked every part of the chip to make it happen. He says it’ll “definitely” beat Qualcomm, too.
The biggest change? If you buy a Lunar Lake laptop, it won’t have separate memory sticks or chips! Lunar Lake now bakes 16 or 32GB of LPDDR5X memory into the package itself, with no ability to connect more RAM. It’s a change that reduces the power consumption of moving data through the system by approximately 40 percent, according to Intel. For those who need more memory, Hallock says a separate Arrow Lake architecture is coming to laptops later this year.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Fun Fun Function on palannut
Matias Petter Johansson eli MPJ on ruotsalainen ohjelmistokehittäjä, joka pyöritti aikoinaan päivätöidensä ohella Fun Fun Function -nimistä ohjelmointiaiheista YouTube-kanavaa. MPJ työskenteli tuolloin fronttidevaajana Spotifyllä ja itsekkin opettelin funktionaalista javascriptiä hänen kanavaltaan.
MPJ lopetti kanavalleen videoiden lataamisen kolmisen vuotta sitten, mutta on nyt palannut ja lanseeraamassa kanavaa uudelleen, mutta tällä kertaa sen painotus on data kehittäjissä sillä miehen oma ura on myös kehittynyt siihen suuntaan Spotifyn jälkeen.
Aihe puhuttelee itseäni erityisen paljon, sillä omat päivätyöni pyörivät hyvin vahvasti datakehityksen ympärillä ja olen harmitellut, että suuntaukselle ei ole löytynyt vielä Theon tai ThePrimagenin kaltaisia vakiintuneita kehittäjäinfluenssereita. Toivotaan että MPJ:stä sellainen tulee.
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