Microsoft ja Okta saman hakkeriryhmän kohteena
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Microsoft ja Okta saman hakkeriryhmän kohteena
Lapsus$-niminen hakkeriryhmä, joka on viime kuukausien aikana hakkeroinut Nvidian ja Samsungin, on eilen kertonut hakkeroituneensa Microsoftin järjestelmiin ja julkaissut isohkon tiedoston verkkoon, josta löytyy mm. Microsoftin hakupalvelun, Bingin lähdekoodia.
Microsoft vahvistaa hakkkeroinnin tapahtuneen ja yhtiön mukaan Lapsus$:n tavoite on kiristää sen uhreilta lunnaita. The Vergeltä:
The hacking group Lapsus$, known for claiming to have hacked Nvidia, Samsung, and more, this week claimed it has even hacked Microsoft. The group posted a file that it claimed contains partial source code for Bing and Cortana in an archive holding nearly 37GB of data.
On Tuesday evening, after investigating, Microsoft confirmed the group that it calls DEV-0537 compromised “a single account” and stole parts of source code for some of its products. A blog post on its security site says Microsoft investigators have been tracking the Lapsus$ group for weeks, and details some of the methods they’ve used to compromise victims’ systems. According to the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC), “the objective of DEV-0537 actors is to gain elevated access through stolen credentials that enable data theft and destructive attacks against a targeted organization, often resulting in extortion. Tactics and objectives indicate this is a cybercriminal actor motivated by theft and destruction.”
Yrityksille tunnistautumispalveluita tarjoava Okta kertoi eilen myös joutuneensa Lapsus$:n kohteeksi, sen jälkeen kun hakkerikollektiivi julkaisi kuvankaappauksia Oktan sisiäisestä viestinnästä omassa Telegram-ryhmässään. Reutersilta:
Okta Inc, whose authentication services are used by companies including Fedex Corp and Moody's Corp to provide access to their networks, said on Tuesday that it had been hit by hackers and that some customers may have been affected.
The scope of the breach is still unclear, but it could have major consequences because thousands of companies rely on San Francisco-based Okta to manage access to their networks and applications.
Okta's statement follows the posting of a series of screenshots of Okta's internal communications by a group of ransom-seeking hackers known as Lapsus$ on their Telegram channel late on Monday.
Tesla avasi Saksan autotehtaansa
Tesla on avannut virallisesti ensimmäisen autotehtaan Euroopassa, joka sijaitsee Saksan Berliinin laitamilla. Teslan toimitusjohtaja Elon Musk oli juhlistamassa tapahtumaa paikan päällä eilen ja luovutti ensimmäiset tehtaassa rakennetut Model Y -mallin autot niiden uusille omistajille. Teslan osake nousi eilen melkein 8 %. Wall Street Journalilta:
BERLIN— Elon Musk formally kicked off customer deliveries at Tesla Inc.’s first European factory outside Berlin, marking a milestone in the electric-car maker’s international expansion.
Speaking Tuesday as he handed the first Tesla Model Y vehicles built at the plant to their new owners, the chief executive said the factory would create a foundation for both electric vehicles and the batteries that would store energy from wind and the sun. Mr. Musk called that a big step in the fight against global warming.
“Every vehicle that we make will be another step in the direction of a sustainable energy future,” he said. “You should have hope in the future. This problem will be solved.”
Tesla shares rose 7.9% Tuesday to $993.98.
Muskin juhlatunnelma ylettyi Twitteriinkin asti:
Tylsistyneet apinat saavat oman pelin
Mainitaan vielä, että Bored Ape Yacht Club projektin takana oleva Yuta Labs on kertonut uudesta 450 miljoonan dollarin rahoituskierroksesta, jonka pohjalta yhtiö on nyt neljän miljardin dollarin arvoinen. Samalla yhtiö kertoi suunnitelmistaan rakentaa Otherside -niminen massiivinen monen pelaajan verkkoroolipeli. The Vergeltä:
Yuga Labs, the owner of three of the biggest NFT brands on the market, has raised $450 million in funding at a $4 billion valuation, the company announced today. The team behind Bored Ape Yacht Club plans to use the money to build a media empire around NFTs, starting with games and its own metaverse project.
The team describes its metaverse project, called Otherside, as an MMORPG meant to connect the broader NFT universe. They hope to create “an interoperable world” that is “gamified” and “completely decentralized,” says Wylie Aronow, a co-founder of Bored Ape Yacht Club who goes by the pseudonym Gordon Goner. “We think the real Ready Player One experience will be player run.”
Yhtiö julkaisi pelistään myös trailerin:
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Pelit kuluttajateknologian keihäänkärkenä
Mobiilianalyytikko Eric Seufert kirjoitti tällä viikolla hyvän esseen Mobile Dev Memo -sivustolleen, videopelien merkityksestä kuluttajateknologian keihäänkärkenä. Lähihistoriasta esimerkkinä Seufert pitää mm. freemium -liiketoimintamallin läpilyömistä nimenomaan mobiilipelien ansiosta:
A more modern treatment of this effect can be found in mobile: gaming was the first mainstream commercial application of the iPhone’s App Store (recall: “it’s not a phone, it’s a console experience“), and the freemium model reached mainstream scale in the West primarily through mobile games. Early personal computers allowed gaming to become established as a technology-forward, hobbyist niche. Games consoles expanded the core demographics of gaming across a mostly homogenous cross-section of demographic and socioeconomic profiles. But the smartphone transformed gaming into a truly universal phenomenon. Almost every person on Earth is a potential gamer as a result of the smartphone.
Seufertin mielestä pelaaminen on nyt kolmen eri trendin aallonharjalla: digitaalisen yksityisyyden, web3:n ja metaversen:
The privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) being built as a reaction to Apple’s App Tracking Transparency privacy policy are mostly designed with mobile gaming advertisers in mind. This makes sense, given that mobile gaming is likely the largest single category of mobile app advertising spend. These PET technologies will allow mobile gaming advertisers to measure and target new users while preserving consumer privacy, and, ultimately, they will benefit advertisers across the entire mobile spectrum;
Web3 gaming is likely the first scaled consumer use case for crypto assets (beyond speculation). With the first wave of web3 games giving way to the second, I believe that web3 games will be responsible for more wallet adoption in the next two to three years than any other use case for crypto assets, and it is on that foundation that a broader web3 consumer tech ecosystem can be established;
The Metaverse has its roots in VR and AR gaming, although I believe it will evolve substantially beyond being used as a synonym for virtual reality.
Tästä puheenollen, hankin vihdoin kotiin eilen 5G-laajakaistan ja nyt Microsoftin pelistriimauspalvelu toimii erittäin sulavasti. Tuntuu hieman hämmentävältä pelata ns. AAA-pelejä kännykällä.
Nopeet 🚀
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