Meta testailee WhatsApp -chatbottia Intiassa ja Afrikassa
Lisäksi: Anthropicin Dario Amodei Ezran Kleinin haastateltavana

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Meta testailee WhatsApp -chatbottia Intiassa ja Afrikassa
Meta on aloittanut Meta AI -chatbotin testailun mm. Intiassa ja Afrikassa yhtiön viestintäpalveluissa kuten WhatsAppissa ja Messengerissä, raportoi TechCrunch. Intia on eritoten tärkeä markkina yhtiölle, sillä WhatsAppillä on maassa 500 miljoonaa käyttäjää:
Meta has confirmed to TechCrunch that it is testing Meta AI, its large language model-powered chatbot, with WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger users in India and parts of Africa. The move signals how Meta plans to tap massive user bases across its various apps to scale its AI offerings.
Meta announced plans to build and experiment with chatbots and other AI tools in February 2023. India, where users have recently started noting the appearing of the Meta AI chatbot, is a very important market for the company: It is home to more than 500 million Facebook and WhatsApp users, making it Meta’s largest single market.
Meta confirmed the move in a statement. “Our generative AI-powered experiences are under development in varying phases, and we’re testing a range of them publicly in a limited capacity,” a Meta spokesperson told TechCrunch.
Salesforce neuvottelee Informatican ostosta
Ohjelmistojätti Salesforce neuvottelee yrityskaupasta ostaa yritysdatan hallintaan ohjelmistoja rakentavan Informatican, jonka markkina-arvo oli perjantaina kaupankäynnin päättyessä noin 11 miljardia dollaria. Jos kauppa toteutuu, olisi kyseessä Salesforcen historian kolmanneksi suurin yrityskauppa viestintäpalvelu Slacking ja BI -työkalu Tableaun jälkeen. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Salesforce is in advanced talks to acquire data-management software provider Informatica, according to people familiar with the matter.
Redwood City, Calif.-based Informatica has a market capitalization of more than $11 billion after a 43% run-up in its shares this year as traders bet on a deal.
One potential complicating factor: The price that was being discussed is below Informatica’s Friday closing stock price of $38.48 as a result of the recent jump.
Airchat on uusi äänisome
Mainitaan vielä uudesta some-sovelluksesta, josta on kuhistu hieman tekkitwitterissä viime viikon aikana, nimittäin Airchat, jossa käyttäjät julkaisevat ääniviestejä, jotka alusta litteroi tekstiksi. Sovelluksen takana on AngelList -sijoituskollektiivista kuuluisaksi tullut Naval Ravikant sekä Tinderin entinen tuotejohtaja Brian Norgard. TechCrunchilta:
Airchat is a new social media app that encourages users to “just talk.”
A previous version of Airchat was released last year, but the team — led by AngelList founder Naval Ravikant and former Tinder product exec Brian Norgard — rebuilt the app and relaunched it on iOS and Android yesterday. Currently invite-only, Airchat is already ranked #27 in social networking on Apple’s App Store.
Visually, Airchat should feel pretty familiar and intuitive, with the ability to follow other users, scroll through a feed of posts, then reply to, like, and share those posts. The difference is that the posts and replies are audio recordings, which the app then transcribes.
When you open Airchat, messages automatically start playing, and you quickly cycle through them by swiping up and down. If you’re so inclined, you can actually pause the audio and just read text; users can also share photos and video. But audio seems to be what everyone’s focused on, and what Ravikant describes as transforming the dynamic compared to text-based social apps.
Myös Forbes kirjoitti sovelluksesta viikonloppuna.
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Anthropicin Dario Amodei Ezran Kleinin haastateltavana
Jatkan vielä näitä Ezra Kleinin podcastin AI -jaksojen jakamista, sillä viimeisin näistä Anthropicin perustajan Dario Amodein kanssa oli erinomainen. Olen Amodein esiintymisiä seurannut huomattavasti vähemmän kuin OpenAI:n Sam Altmanin tai Googlen Demis Hassabiksen, joten yllätyin positiivisesti siitä miten selkeästi Amodei tuntuu ajattelevan tekoälyn kehityksestä ja siihen liittyvistä vaikeista kysymyksistä.
Suosikki kohtani tapahtui jakson lopussa, kun Klein kysyi Amodeilta miten vanhempien kannattaa valmentaa lapsiaan tekoälyn aikakaudelle:
Dario Amodei
The very short answer is, I don’t know, and I have no idea, but we have to try anyway, right? People have to raise kids, and they have to do it as best they can. An obvious recommendation is just familiarity with the technology and how it works, right? The basic paradigm of, I’m talking to systems, and systems are taking action on my behalf, obviously, as much familiarity with that as possible is, I think, helpful.
In terms of what should children learn in school, what are the careers of tomorrow, I just truly don’t know, right? You could take this to say, well, it’s important to learn STEM and programming and A.I. and all of that. But A.I. will impact that as well, right? I don’t think any of it is going to —
Ezra Klein
Possibly first.
Dario Amodei
Yeah, right, possibly first.
Ezra Klein
It seems better at coding than it is at other things.
Dario Amodei
I don’t think it’s going to work out for any of these systems to just do one for one what humans are going to do. I don’t really think that way. But I think it may fundamentally change industries and professions one by one in ways that are hard to predict. And so, I feel like I only have clichés here. Like get familiar with the technology. Teach your children to be adaptable, to be ready for a world that changes very quickly. I wish I had better answers, but I think that’s the best I got.
Amodei puhui myös paljon Anthropicin riskinhallintakehyksestä tekoälyn suhteen, joita myös muut kielimalleja kehittävät yritykset ovat alkaneet julkaisemaan. Nämä antavat jonkinlaista osviittaa siihen mihin suuntaan alalla halutaan maalien sääntelyn menevän.
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