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Lisäksi Politicon analyysiä SpaceX:n Starshipin vaikutuksesta NASA:n ja sen kumppaneihin.
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Meta esitteli uuden nimen työntekijöilleen
Meta julkisti eilen yhtiön sisäisessä palaverissa joukon uusia arvoja yhtiölle, minkä lisäksi yhtiö aikoo vastaisuudessa kutsua työntekijöitään Meta-kumppaneiksi (eng. Metamate). Yhtiön tunnettu move fast -arvo on nyt move fast together. Muita uusia arvoja yhtiölle ovat mm. Live in the fututre, build awesome things ja Meta, Metamates, Me. New York Timesilta (NYT):
The terminology is now no longer in question. At a meeting on Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder and Meta’s chief executive, announced a new name for his company’s employees: Metamates.
Mr. Zuckerberg introduced the term as part of an overhaul of Meta’s corporate values, which he said needed updating because of the company’s new direction. In October, he took many by surprise by shifting Facebook toward the so-called metaverse, in which different computing platforms are connected to one another across the internet. The move de-emphasized the company’s social networking apps, like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, which have been under scrutiny for privacy and data challenges, hateful content and misinformation.
So past Facebook values like “Be bold” and “Focus on impact”? They are gone. In their place are “Live in the future,” “Build awesome things,” “Focus on long-term impact” and “Meta, Metamates, me,” Mr. Zuckerberg said on Tuesday.
Timesin raportoinnin mukaan yhtiön työntekijät reagoivat muutoksiin hieman ristiriitaisesti. Osa vastaanotti ne ilolla vastaan, kun taas osa oli skeptisiä niiden tarpeellisuudesta.
Swappie kertoi isosta rahoituskierroksesta
Isoja uutisia Suomen startup-kentältä: Swappie kertoi eilen 124 miljoonan euron C-sarjan rahoituskierroksesta. Yhtiö aikoo käyttää saamaan rahoitusta uusille markkinoille laajentumiseen. Sijoittajina rahoituskierroksella olivan Verdane, Lifeline Ventures, Inventure, Reaktor ventures ja TESI. TechCrunchilta:
Finland-based Swappie refurbishes and resells used iPhones, taking care of the entire process, and selling the refurbished devices via its own marketplace, with a 12-month warranty. Back in 2020, it closed a €35.8 million ($40.6 million) Series B to expand into new markets in Europe.
It’s now raised a $124 million (€108 million) Series C funding round led by growth equity firm Verdane, alongside existing investors Lifeline Ventures, Inventure, Reaktor Ventures and TESI. This latest round brings the company’s total funding to over $171 million (€149 million).
In a statement, Sami Marttinen, co-founder and CEO of Swappie, said: “We truly believe that Swappie can drive consumer awareness and trust in the sector by standardizing quality, championing the role of sustainability, and making buying a refurbished smartphone as common as buying a used car.”
Berkshire osti Activisionia ennen Microsoftin ostotarjousta
Mainitaan vielä, että viikkoja ennen Microsoftin ostotarjousta Activisionista, Warren Buffettin sijoitusyhtiö, Berkshire Hathaway osti 975 miljoonalla dollarilla Activisionin osakkeita. Omistuksen hinta olisi nyt n. 1,2 miljardia dollaria. Financial Timesilta:
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway purchased a nearly $1bn stake in Activision Blizzard in the fourth quarter of 2021, weeks before the video game maker agreed to sell itself to Microsoft for $75bn.
The sprawling industrials conglomerate, which manages a stock portfolio worth hundreds of billions of dollars, disclosed the purchase of 14.7mn shares in Activision in a securities filing late on Monday.
Berkshire’s stake was reported as of December 31 at a value of $975mn. At Activision’s closing share price of $81.50 on Monday, the stake would be worth almost $1.2bn. It was not disclosed whether Buffett’s group still held a stake in the video game maker.
Nostan tämän esiin lähinnä siksi, että vaikka Buffettia pidetään kaikkien aikojen parhaana sijoittajana oli hän muistaakseni teknologiaosakkeiden suhteen pitkään hyvin varovainen. Berkshiren ainoa teknologiaosake taisi olla IBM, ennen kuin yhtiö alkoi vuoden 2016 jälkeen ostamaan merkittäviä määriä Applen osakkeita.
Suosittelut 🕵️
SpaceX:n Starship aiheuttaa harmaita hiuksia kilpailoille
Politico julkaisi viikonloppuna silmiäavaavan analyysin siitä, miten radikaali SpaceX:n tuleva Starship-raketti saattaa toteutuessaan olla. Lisäksi raketti luo aivan uudenlaisia haasteita Boeingille, Lockheedille ja muille Nasan raketteja valmistaville alihankkijoille ja näiden lobbaajille Yhdysvaltain kongressissa:
But NASA officials — and their longtime aerospace contractors — are watching with a mix of awe and horror.
“They are shitting the bed,” said a top Washington space lobbyist who works for SpaceX’s competitors and asked for anonymity to avoid upsetting his clients.
NASA and its major industry partners are simultaneously scrambling to complete their own moon vehicles: the Space Launch System mega-rocket and companion Orion capsule. But the program is billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule — and, many would argue, generations behind SpaceX in innovation.
But with the SLS’ first flight this year further delayed at least until late spring, concerns are growing that even if it succeeds, the system, at an estimated $2 billion per launch, could prove too costly for the multiple journeys to the moon that NASA will need to build a permanent human presence on the lunar surface.
That makes Starship, which conducted a successful flight to the edge of space last year, especially threatening to the contractors and their allies in Congress.
Artikkelissa haastatellun asiantuntijan mukaan toimintakykyinen Starship-raketti pystyisi kuljettamaan C-17 -lentokoneen kantokyvyn verran tavaraa minne tahansa maapallolla tunnissa.
Nopeet 🚀
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