Log4Shellin jälkipuinti jatkuu, HR-ohjelmisto ransomware-iskun kohteena ja Nike ostaa NFT-studion.
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Log4Shellin jälkipuinti jatkuu
Yhdysvaltain kyberturvallisuusviraston CISA:n johtaja Jen Easterly on sanonut, että Log4Shell haavoittuvuus on yksi vakavimmista ellei vakavin haavoittuvuus mitä hän on koskaan urallaan nähnyt. Syy tähän on se, että haavoittuvuus koskee satoja miljoonia laitteita. Cyberscoopilta:
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Jen Easterly told industry leaders in a phone briefing Monday that a vulnerability in a widely-used logging library “is one of the most serious I’ve seen in my entire career, if not the most serious.”
“We expect the vulnerability to be widely exploited by sophisticated actors and we have limited time to take necessary steps in order to reduce the likelihood of damage,” she said of the Apache Log4j flaw. The issue is an unauthenticated remote execution vulnerability that could allow an intruder to take over an affected device.
Hundreds of millions of devices are likely to be affected, said Jay Gazlay of CISA’s vulnerability management office in the call with critical infrastructure owners and operators.
Mm. Bleeding Computer on viikonlopun aikaan raportoinut siitä, miten tutkijat ovat jo tunnistaneet kasvavan määrän Log4Shelliä hyväksi käyttäviä hyökkäyksiä.
HR-ohjelmisto ransomware-iskun kohteena
Jatketaan tietoturvalinjalla: Maailman suurimpiin HR-ohjelmistopalveluiden tarjoajiin kuuluva Kronos, on kertonut sunnuntaina joutuneensa ransomware-iskun uhriksi. Yhtiö uskoo sen järjestelmien olevan poissa päältä pahimmillaan useita viikkoja. Yhtiö ei ole myöskään vielä kertonut onko iskulla mitään tekemistä Log4Shellin kanssa. Ars Technicalta:
As the world is beset by Log4Shell, arguably the most severe vulnerability ever, one of the biggest human resources solutions providers is reporting a ransomware attack that has taken its systems offline, possibly for the next several weeks. So far, the company isn't saying if that critical vulnerability was the means hackers used to breach the systems.
The company said on Sunday that services using the Kronos Private Cloud had been unavailable for the past day, with the attack taking down Kronos' UKG Workforce Central, UKG TeleStaff, and Banking Scheduling Solutions services.
“At this time, we still do not have an estimated restoration time, and it is likely that the issue may require at least several days to resolve,” Kronos representative Leo Daley wrote. “We continue to recommend that our impacted customers evaluate alternative plans to process time and attendance data for payroll processing, to manage schedules, and to manage other related operations important to their organization.”
Nike ostaa NFT-studion
Mainitaan vielä, että Nike ostaa NFT-studio RTFKT:n. Yhtiö on julkistanut huomiota saaneen CloneX NFT-sarjan jonka se on tehnyt yhdessä Takashi Murakamin kanssa. Tarkkaa ostohintaa ei ole tiedossa, mutta yritys kertoi kahdeksan miljoonan dollarin seed-rahoituskierroksesta toukokuussa. TechCrunchilta:
Nike is taking a plunge deeper into the world of crypto collectibles, announcing that they’re acquiring the NFT studio RTFKT (pronounced “artifact”).
The acquisition announcement comes at an opportune time for the studio; RTFKT is currently behind one of the most talked-about NFT project drops of the month — a sweeping avatar partnership with artist Takashi Murakami called CloneX. Since its initial drop less than three weeks ago, the project has already seen nearly $65 million in transaction volume according to crypto tracker CryptoSlam.
Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. The startup raised an $8 million seed round back in May led by Andreessen Horowitz that valued the company at $33.3 million.
“This is a unique opportunity to build the RTFKT brand and we are excited to benefit from Nike’s foundational strength and expertise to build the communities we love,” RTFKT co-founder Benoit Pagotto said in a statement.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Riskirahoituksen vaikutus kasvuyrityksen listautumisarvoon
Founder Collective on seed-vaiheen VC rahasto, joka julkaisi viime viikonloppuna mielenkiintoisen analyysin VC rahoituksen määrästä ja sen vaikutuksesta kasvuyrityksen listautumisarvoon. Rahasto analysoi 166 listautunutta kasvuyritystä ja tuli siihen tulokseen, että eniten riskirahaa keränneet yritykset eivät tuota sijoittajilleen parhaiten:
At Founder Collective our belief is that venture capital is a hell of a drug and a dangerous substance that merits a warning label. But rather than debate these positions abstractly we looked at a decade of tech IPOs stretching from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2019 and found 166 companies. A data-driven analysis follows, but the TL;DR is that capital has historically been vastly overrated as a predictor of startup success.
For instance, compare the performance of the 30 most funded and the 30 most valuable startups in this data set. The most valuable companies raised half as much capital and produced nearly 4X the value! Capital is clearly important, and most startups need some funding to get started, but it’s not determinative.
Analyysissä oli myös osuvia huomioita siitä, miten kasvuyritysten menestys noudattaa vahvasti potenssilakeja:
For instance, if you remove Uber, whose fundraising skews the investment column, and Facebook which distorts the market cap column, along with Tesla which is idiosyncratic in a number of ways that do not apply to typical startups, the numbers change dramatically.
The average market cap of a startup drops by ten billion dollars! The average investment falls by nearly $100M. Just three companies account for approximately about a third of total gains across the decade.
Nopeet 🚀
Elon on Time-lehden vuoden henkilö.
Hakkerit varastivat 140 miljoonan dollarin edestä kryptopeliyritykseltä.
Vuoden viimeinen Not Boring.
Analogue-niminen GameBoy-konsoli (?) saa kehuja.
(Maksumuuri) Lisää painostusta Metalle sen vähemmistöomistajilta.
Markkinointi on pelottavaa soolodevaajille.
Joku myi NFT:n vahingossa todella halvalla.
BAYC peli on ilmeisesti tuloillaan.
(Maksumuuri) Brittien kartellinvastainen viranomainen syynää nyt Microsoftia.