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Lisätietoja Googlen väitetystä markkina-aseman väärinkäytöksestä
Googlea vastaan markkina-aseman väärinkäytöstä nostettu syytteestä selvisi viikonloppuna lisätietoja. Syytteen nosti alunperin useat eri Yhdysvaltain osavaltiot ja sitä johtaa Teksasin syyttäjä. Tapaukseen liittyviä dokumentteja julkistettiin lisää perjantaina ja niissä syytetään Googlea mainostajien harhaanjohtamisesta, niin että yhtiö ei olisi ollut täysin läpinäkyvä miten sen huutokauppapohjainen dynaaminen mainosalusta toimii. Uusissa dokumenteissa mainitaan myös, että Googlen sisäisissä sähköposteissa yrityksen työntekijät kuvailevat yhtiön toimintaa “sisäpiirikauppoina”. Alla ote Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Google misled publishers and advertisers for years about the pricing and processes of its ad auctions, creating secret programs that deflated sales for some companies while increasing prices for buyers, according to newly unredacted allegations and details in a lawsuit by state attorneys general.
Meanwhile, Google pocketed the difference between what it told publishers and advertisers that an ad cost and used the pool of money to manipulate future auctions to expand its digital monopoly, the newly unredacted complaint alleges. The documents cite internal correspondence in which Google employees said some of these practices amounted to growing its business through “insider information.”
The unredacted filing on Friday in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York came after a federal judge ruled this past week that an amended complaint filed last year could be unsealed.
Samoista dokumenteista käy myös ilmi yksityiskohtia Googlen ja Facebookin välisestä sopimuksesta, jonka Googlen toimitusjohtaja Sundar Pichai olisi itse kuitannut. New York Timesiltä (NYT):
Google’s chief executive approved an agreement with Facebook at the heart of an antitrust lawsuit that 16 states and Puerto Rico have lodged against the search giant, according to a portion of the complaint revealed on Friday.
When publishers started using an alternative system for selling their ad space, Google worked to undermine it by creating a similar system that it controlled, according to the lawsuit. The states argue that Google reached a deal with Facebook to have the social network join its effort in an effort to “kill” the publishers’ competing plan.
In the newly unredacted portion of the lawsuit, filed in federal court, the states said Sundar Pichai, the company’s chief executive since 2015, “also personally signed off on the terms of the deal.”
Elon Musk halusi antaa potkut asianajajatoimistonsa työntekijälle
WSJ julkaisi lauantaina erikoisen raportin, jonka mukaan Elon Musk olisi vaatinut Teslan asianajajatoimisto Cooleytä antamaan potkut työntekijälleen joka oli aikasemmassa virassaan Yhdysvaltain arvopaperi- ja pörssikomissiossa haastatellut Muskia tämän tekemästä twiitistä vuonna 2018, jonka mukaan hän tekisi Teslasta taas yksityisen yrityksen. Twiitin seurauksena Musk joutui maksamaan 20 miljoonan dollarin sakon ja luopumaan Teslan hallituksen puheenjohtajuudesta. Cooley ei ole suostunut Muskin vaatimuksiin ja raportoinnin mukaan Tesla on alkanut korvaamaan Cooleyn palveluita muiden asianajajatoimistojen palveluilla.
A partner at law firm Cooley LLP got an unexpected call late last year from a lawyer for one of the firm’s most famous clients, Elon Musk’s Tesla Inc., with an ultimatum.
The world’s richest man wanted Cooley, which was representing Tesla in numerous lawsuits, to fire one of its attorneys or it would lose the electric-vehicle company’s business, people familiar with the matter said.
The target of Mr. Musk’s ire was a former U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission lawyer whom Cooley had hired for its securities litigation and enforcement practice and who had no involvement in the firm’s work for Tesla. At the SEC, the attorney had interviewed Mr. Musk during the agency’s investigation of the Tesla chief executive’s 2018 tweet claiming, wrongly, to have secured funding to potentially take the electric-vehicle maker private.
The probe resulted in a settlement in which Mr. Musk agreed to resign as chairman and pay a $20 million fine. He also agreed to have a Tesla lawyer review in advance tweets about certain topics, including the company’s financial results, sales numbers and proposed business combinations.
Netflix jatkaa hinnankorotuksia
Mainitaan vielä, että Netflix nosti viime perjantaina tilaustensa hintoja Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa. Hinnat nousivat yhdestä kahteen dollaria. Netflixin perustilaus maksaa nyt Yhdysvalloissa 15,50 dollaria ja 4K striimaus maksaa nyt 20 dollaria kuukaudessa. Perustilauksen hinta oli 11 dollaria vielä 2019. The Vergeltä:
Netflix is raising prices across all of its plans in the US today. The company’s standard plan will rise to $15.50 per month from $14, while the 4K plan will rise to $20 per month from $18. The basic plan, which doesn’t include HD, is also rising to $10 per month from $9. Prices are rising in Canada as well.
The price hikes go into effect immediately for new subscribers. For existing subscribers, the changes will be rolled out “gradually,” with Netflix promising to email members 30 days before the price hike goes into effect.
Prices for a Netflix plan have steadily gone up in recent years. The standard plan went to $14 per month from $13 in late 2020, after previously rising to $13 from from $11 in 2019. Prior to that, Netflix raised prices in 2017 and 2015. When Netflix announced its first wide-scale price increase in 2014, the company was so worried about losing subscribers over a $1 per month bump that it let existing members keep their price for two years. It hasn’t offered such a generous perk in the years since.
Suosittelut 🕵️
LinkedIn ja myötähäpeä
Twitter-langoistaan tuttu Trung Phan julkaisi erinomaisen kirjoituksen viikonloppuna siitä miksi LinkedIn on niin paljon myötähäpeää aiheuttavaa sisältöä:
Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman has the answer: in a book called The Presentation of Self in Every Day Life, Goffman posits that every person goes through life wearing many “masks”, like an actor in a theatre play.
Most people are different personalities at work vs. home vs. happy hour. People wear these different masks to impress or avoid embarrassment with different audiences.
Back to LinkedIn. It’s your online resume and directly tied to your identity.
The setup forces everyone on the site to basically wear the professional “CV mask” of their personality.
Bland. Buzzwords. Inoffensive. A little exaggeration. Self-promotional (but not too much). Desperate to impress.
Lisäksi Trung nostaa esiin LinkedInin tarjoamat ominaisuudet, jotka ovat hyvin erilaisia kuin muilla some-alustoilla:
As a professional social network, LinkedIn has the cringe built in. The platform also prompts cringey engagement activity like:
Please <click button> to endorse <person> for being good at <skill>
It is <person> one year workversary please <congratulate>
This is not how normal people interact! I’ve literally never uttered the words “workvesary” out of my mouth (and have no idea what it sounds like).
Kirjoituksessa on myös hyvää analyysiä siitä, miten muihin someihin verrattuna LinkedIn ei tee suurinta osaa rahastaan mainoksilla, vaan tilauksilla.
Nopeet 🚀
Microsoft on tunnistanut kyberhyökkäyksiä Ukrainaa vastaan.
Lodash täyttää 10 vuotta tänä vuonna.
Protocolin mukaan Marc Andreessen uskoo aika vahvasti Lindy-ilmiöön.
Mark Gurman epäilee Applen AR/VR-lasien maksavan yli 2000 dollaria ja sisältävän M1 Pro tasoisen mikroprosessorin.
(Maksumuuri) Pelaajat vihaavat NFT:itä.
Ilmeisesti Wallmart on ihan tosissaan metaversen kanssa.