LinkedIn ja verkkoharavointi, Google Workspaces nyt kaikkien saatavilla ja Facebook ostaa Big Box VR:n.
Lisäksi New York Timesin The Daily profiloi Applen suhdetta Kiinaan
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USA:n korkein oikeus kumosi päätöksen verkkoharavoinnista
Maanantaina Yhdysvaltain korkein oikeus kumosi alemman oikeuden päätöksen siitä, että sosiaalisen median yhtiön LinkedInin kilpailija hiQ Labs sai laillisesti verkkoharavoida LinkedInistä julkisesti saatavilla olevia käyttäjä tietoja. Reutersilta:
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave Microsoft Corp’s LinkedIn Corp another chance to try to stop rival hiQ Labs Inc from harvesting personal data from the professional networking platform’s public profiles - a practice that LinkedIn contends threatens the privacy of its users.
The justices threw out a lower court ruling that had barred LinkedIn from denying hiQ access to the information that LinkedIn members had made publicly available.
At issue is whether companies can use a federal anti-hacking law called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which prohibits accessing a computer without authorization, to block competitors from harvesting or "scraping" vast amounts of customer data from public-facing parts of a website.
Tapaus menee nyt takaisin San Franciscon piirioikeuden harkittavaksi. LinkedIn alunperin kielsi hiQ Labsia haravoimasta tietojaan, sillä se piti laajamittaista haravointia käyttäjiensä yksityisyyden rikkomisena.
Google Workspaces on nyt kaikkien saatavilla
Google on ilmoittanut, että sen toimisto-ohjelmisto Workspaces, on nyt kaikkien Google-tilin omistavien käytössä. Tämän lisäksi, Workspace päivittyy ja saa mm. Chat ominaisuuden. The Vergeltä:
Google is announcing some changes to its Workspace suite of apps and services today, including availability for anybody who has a Google account. Google says that there are over three billion users of its Workspace apps — though it’s probably a safe bet that Gmail accounts for a healthy chunk of that userbase.
A lot of people will soon have the option to switch over to Google’s more modern system for Gmail, Docs, and Chat. All of them can be integrated in a single tab more easily, for example with chats sliding over to the left to reveal a shared spreadsheet. It’s also related to the company’s new “smart canvas” push, which is also designed to interlink its various apps via “smart chips.”
To get started, Google is now officially offering the setting to turn on Google Chat to all users. It’s a new setting within Gmail.
With the switch, Google Chat messaging should be an option for all now, which can include direct messages and chat Rooms. But Google is also introducing a new terminology to go along with the announcement. It is announcing the “evolution of Rooms in Google Chat to Spaces.”
Googlen mukaan Workspacella on nyt kolme miljardia käyttäjää, joten se on yksi maailman käytetyimmistä verkkopalveluista.
Facebook ostaa Big Box VR:n
Sosiaalisen median yhtiö Facebook ilmoitti viime perjantaina ostaneensa pelistudio Big Box VR:n. Big Box teki yhden suosituimmista peleistä, Population: One, Facebookin omistamalle virtuaalitodellisuusalustalle (VR), Oculukselle. Peli on tienannut tekijöilleen yli 10 miljoonaa dollaria n. puolessa vuodessa. The Vergeltä:
Facebook has acquired yet another developer of a popular virtual reality game, announcing on Friday that BigBox VR, makers of the battle royale VR title Population: One, will be joining Oculus Studios.
“POP: ONE stormed onto the VR scene just nine months ago and has consistently ranked as one the top-performing titles on the Oculus platform, bringing together up to 24 people at a time to connect, play, and compete in a virtual world,” Mike Verdu, the VP of content at Facebook Reality Labs, wrote in a blog post. “And while social is bringing players into POP: ONE, the quirky humor, continual updates, and pure fun of the environment keeps them coming back time and time again — we’ve even seen players scheduling time to meet in-game for a synchronous social experience.”
Population: One has been a hit, earning more than $10 million on the Oculus Store “after just a few months,” Verdu said in a February blog post. The game, which is available on both the Oculus Store and on Steam, will “continue to be supported on all its current platforms,” according to Verdu. And the game will continue to receive regular updates, BigBox VR says on its website.
The Vergen jutussa mainitaan myös, että Facebook on ostanut lyhyen ajan sisään monta VR pelistudiota. Facebook vaikuttaa olevan hyvin tosissaan VR:n kanssa, sillä maaliskuussa The Information raportoi, että yhtiön VR osasto työllistää nyt 10000 henkeä.
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The Dailyn historiikki Applen suhteesta Kiinaan
New York Timesin The Daily -podcast kävi läpi eilisessä jaksossaan Applen suhdetta Kiinaan ja sitä, miksi tämä suhde on entistä monimutkaisempi:
Apple built the world’s most valuable business by figuring out how to make China work for Apple.
It bet that China would be a great place to do business and that the Chinese government would be a great business partner.
Years on from the beginning of that relationship, a New York Times investigation found that the dynamic has now fundamentally changed.
China has figured out how to make Apple work for China, bringing its technology to bear to aid the government’s vast censorship operation.
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