Kaseya sai ison lunnasvaatimuksen, Kiina halusi lykätä Didin listautumista ja Apple on nyt Google Cloudin suurin asiakas
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Kaseyan 70 miljoonan dollarin lunnaat
Eilen kirjoitin viikonloppuna tapahtuneesta hakkerointitapauksesta joka pakotti ruotsalaisen päivittäistavarakauppaketju Coopin hetkellisesti sulkemaan satoja kauppojaan. Hakkeroinnin kohteena oli Coopin kassapalveluissa käyttämän Floridalaisen Kaseyan ohjelmisto. Kaseyan toimitusjohtaja on eilen saattanut Yhdysvaltain hallitusta ajan tasalle asian suhteen, ja kertonut, että hakkeriryhmä iskun takana haluaa lunnasmaksuja 70 miljoonan dollarin edestä. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
The boss of the company at the heart of a widespread hack that has affected hundreds of businesses said he briefed the White House and that attackers are demanding a single $70 million ransomware payment.
The cyberattack that started to unfold Friday is estimated to have hit hundreds of mostly small and medium-size businesses and tens of thousands of computers. It quickly set off alarms in U.S. national security circles over concern that it could have far-reaching effects.
On Monday, Fred Voccola, the chief executive of Kaseya Ltd., whose software was targeted in the attack, spoke with Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger about the event while the company was still scrambling to restore services to its customers, Mr. Voccola said. Mr. Voccola told the White House that Kaseya wasn’t aware of any critical infrastructure that had been hit by the ransomware or of any victims related to national security, he said in an interview Monday.
Kaseyaa vastaan tehty isku on vaikuttanut satoihin muihin yrityksiin. WSJ:n mukaan, vain n. 50 Kaseyan asiakasta on suoraan altistunut iskuille, mutta 40 näistä myy Kaseyan ohjelmistoja eteenpäin omille asiakkailleen, joita ovat esimerkiksi Coop.
Kiinan viranomaiset halusivat lykätä Didin listautumista
WSJ raportoi, että Kiinan kyberturvallisuusviranomaiset halusivat lykätä Didi Chuxingin New Yorkin pörssiin listautumista, jotta yritys hoitaisi verkkoturvallisuuteen liittyvät käytäntönsä viranomaisen ohjeistuksen mukaiseksi. WSJ:n mukaan jänniteitä Didin ja viranomaisen välillä aiheutti Didin listautuminen pörssiin Yhdysvalloissa, mikä herättää epäilyjä viranomaisessa, että Didin kiinalaisten asiakkaiden data joutuisi mahdollisesti Yhdysvaltalaisten haltuun:
Weeks before Didi Global Inc. went public in the U.S., China’s cybersecurity watchdog suggested the Chinese ride-hailing giant delay its initial public offering and urged it to conduct a thorough self-examination of its network security, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
But for Didi, waiting would be problematic. In the absence of an outright order to halt the IPO, it went ahead.
The company, facing investor pressure to list after raising billions of dollars from prominent venture capitalists, wrapped up its pre-offering “roadshow” in a matter of days in June—much shorter than typical investor pitches made by Chinese firms. The listing on the New York Stock Exchange raised about $4.4 billion, making it the biggest stock sale for a Chinese company since Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.’s IPO in 2014.
Back in Beijing, officials, especially those at the Cyberspace Administration of China, remained wary of the ride-hailing company’s troves of data potentially falling into foreign hands as a result of greater public disclosure associated with a U.S. listing, the people said.
Didi’s American depositary shares began trading in New York on Wednesday, just a day before the ruling Communist Party celebrated its centenary.
The Cyberspace Administration waited a day after the major political event to deliver a one-two punch to the company. On Friday, it started its own cybersecurity review into Didi and blocked the company’s app from accepting new users; and on Sunday, it ordered mobile app stores to pull Didi from circulation.
Financial Times (FT) raportoi lisäksi eilen, että sama kyberturvallisuusviranomainen on ilmoittanut nyt myös tutkivansa kolmea muuta kiinalaista teknologioayhtiötä, jotka ovat viime aikoina myös listautuneet pörssiin Yhdysvalloissa. Yhtiöistä Boss Zhipin on rekrytointialusta/sovellus ja Yunmanman sekä Huochebang ovat logistiikka-alan teknologiafirmoja.
Apple on nyt Google Cloudin suurin asiakas
The Information raportoi, että Apple on nyt Google Cloudin (GCP) suurin asiakas, ja että Applen iCloud tallentaa GCP:hn 8 miljoonan teratavun edestä tietoja. Applen arvioidaan ostavan tänä vuonna 300 miljoonan dollarin edestä palveluita GCP:ltä, mikä olisi n. 50 % hyppäys viime vuoteen. Koska minulla ei ole The Information tilausta, käytän lähteenä Macrumorin tiivistelmää:
The report claims Apple now has over eight million terabytes of data stored on Google's servers. As of mid-May, Apple was reportedly on track to spend around $300 million on Google cloud storage services this year, which would represent an increase of roughly 50% from all of 2020. Apple is said to be the largest corporate client for Google Cloud, dwarfing other high-profile customers like Spotify.
Google Cloud staffers have apparently even given Apple an internal code name that hints at its size as a customer: "Bigfoot."
Apple relies on a combination of its own data centers and third-party cloud storage services, such as Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services, to store iCloud user data like photos and messages. Apple does not provide third-party cloud storage providers with the keys to decrypt user data stored on their servers, ensuring a strong level of security.
The report speculates that Apple's increased use of Google Cloud suggests the company's rising cloud storage requirements have outpaced its ability to develop and operate its own data centers needed to handle the resulting data.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Brendan Gregg horisontissa näkyvästä laskentatehosta
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Brendan esittelee mm. ARM-piirien yleistymistä serveripuolella, ja ylesesti ottaen prosessoritehon skaalautumista pilvialustoilla.
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