Joe Rogan pahoitteli rasistisen ilmaisun käyttöä
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Joe Rogan pahoitteli rasististen ilmaisun käyttöä
Aloitetaan viikko Joe Rogan -saagan kanssa. Laulaja Indie.Arie jakoi viime viikolla videon Instagramissa, jossa oli useampi otos Joe Roganista käyttämässä erittäin tunnettua rasistista ilmaisua. Lauantaina selvisi, että Spotify oli poistanut n. 70 The Joe Rogan Experience -podcastin jaksoa alustaltaan. Myöhemmin samana päivän Joe Rogan itse latasi videon Instagramiin, jossa hän pahoitteli sanavalintojaan. New York Timesiltä (NYT):
As pressure has intensified on Spotify and its star podcaster Joe Rogan, listeners reported that the company had quietly removed dozens of episodes of his show, while Rogan apologized early Saturday for his use of a racial slur in past episodes.
In an Instagram video, Rogan — whose talk show, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” is Spotify’s most popular podcast, and has been available there exclusively for more than a year — addressed what he called “the most regretful and shameful thing that I’ve ever had to talk about publicly.” A compilation video showed Rogan using the slur numerous times in past episodes of his show; it had been shared by the singer India.Arie, who has removed her catalog from Spotify in protest of what she called Rogan’s “language around race.”
Rogan said the compilation was drawn from “12 years of conversations” on his show, and that it looked “horrible, even to me.” The clips, he said, had been taken out of context, which he said included discussions about how it had been used by comedians like Richard Pryor and Redd Foxx, who were Black, and Lenny Bruce, who was white.
Bloombergin Lucas Shaw raportoi myöhemmin, että Rogan olisi itse pyytänty Spotifytä poistamaan jaksot alustaltaan. Kaikki poistetut jaksot olivat ajalta ennen Roganin Spotify-sopimusta.
Peloton ostohuhujen kohteena
Kuntoiluyritys Pelotonin on ostohuhujen kohteena, ja yksi isoimmista ostoehdokkaista on Wall Street Journalin (WSJ) mukaan Amazon. Verkkokauppajätti on WSJ:n lähteiden mukaan keskustellut asiasta neuvonantajiensa kanssa (oletan näiden olevan investointipankkeja ja M&A-juristeja). Pelotonin markkina-arvo on romathanut vuodessa 50 miljardista dollarista kahdeksaan miljardiin dollariin.
Peloton Interactive Inc. is drawing interest from potential suitors including Inc., according to people familiar with the matter, as the stationary-bike maker’s stock slumps and an activist urges it to explore a sale.
Amazon has been speaking to advisers about a potential deal, some of the people said. There’s no guarantee the e-commerce giant will follow through with an offer or that Peloton, which is working with its own advisers, would be receptive.
Other potential suitors are circling, these people said, but no deal is imminent and there may not be one at all.
Should there be a transaction, it could be significant, given Peloton’s market value of around $8 billion—down sharply from its high around a year ago of some $50 billion.
Google pivotoimassa Stadiaa
Mainitaan vielä, että Business Insiderin mukaan Google on pivotoimassa sen videopelien suoratoistopalvelu Stadiaa. Sen sijaan että palvelua myytäisiin suoraan kuluttajille, pivotin jälkeen Stadiaa aletaan myymään yrityksille jotka haluavat tarjota mahdollisuutta suoratoistaa omia pelejään. Palvelu ollaan myös nimeämässä Google Streamiksi. Google on neuvotellut asiasta mm. Pelotonin, Capcomin ja Bungien kanssa.
Since then, the company has shifted the focus of its Stadia division largely to securing white-label deals with partners that include Peloton, Capcom, and Bungie, according to people familiar with the plans.
Google is trying to salvage the underlying technology, which is capable of broadcasting high-definition games over the cloud with low latency, shopping the technology to partners under a new name: Google Stream. (Stadia was known in development as "Project Stream.")
The Stadia consumer platform, meanwhile, has been deprioritized within Google, insiders said, with a reduced interest in negotiating blockbuster third-party titles. The focus of leadership is now on securing business deals for Stream, people involved in those conversations said. The changes demonstrate a strategic shift in how Google, which has invested heavily in cloud services, sees its gaming ambitions.
Business Insiderillä on suhteellisen tiukka maksumuuri, joten tässä sama uutinen vielä The Vergeltä.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Wordlen optimointia informaatioteorialla
Matematiikkaan liittyviä YouTube-videoita tekvä 3Blue1Brown (eli Grant Sanderson), julkaisi eilen mainion videon siitä miten Wordlea kannattaisi pelata optimaalisella strategialla.
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