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Intel sijoittaa 17 mrd euroa Saksan megatehtaaseen
Intel kertoi eilen rakentavansa uuden puolijohdetehtaan Saksan Magdeburgin. Tehtaaseen tehtävän sijoituksen arvo on peräti 17 miljardia euroa ja sen on määrä työllistää 3000 työntekijää ja 7000 rakennustyöläistä. New York Timesilta (NYT):
Intel selected the German city of Magdeburg on Tuesday for its next big chip manufacturing site, continuing a significant expansion aimed at reducing dependence on Asian factories for the vital components.
The Silicon Valley company said it expected to build at least two semiconductor factories worth about 17 billion euros, or roughly $19 billion, in the eastern German city, mirroring a plan announced in late January to begin manufacturing in Ohio. As it did in Ohio, Intel said the Magdeburg site, along with investments in France, Ireland, Italy, Poland and Spain, could receive close to $90 billion in funding over a decade to build additional factories.
The German site is expected to employ about 3,000 permanent employees, along with 7,000 workers for construction.
NYT:n mukaan, Intelin toimitusjohtaja Pat Gelsinger haluaa seuraavan vuosikymmenen aikana Yhdysvalloissa tapahtuvan puolijohdevalmistuksen vastaavan 30 % koko maailman tuotantokapasiteetista ja Euroopassa vastaavan luvun olevan 20 %. Tällä hetkellä Yhdysvallat tuottaa 12 % ja Eurooppa 9 % kaikista maailman puolijohteista.
Arm suunnittelee isoja irtisanomisia
Prosessoriarkkitehtuuria lisensoiva Arm on kertonut irtisanovansa jopa 1000 työntekijäänsä, eli n. 15 % työvoimastaan, ennen yhtiön pörssiin listautumista. Irtisanomiset koskevat työpaikkoja Yhdysvalloissa ja Isossa-Britanniassa. Soft Bank kertoi listaavansa Arm:n, sen jälkeen kun Soft Bankin ja Nvidian välinen kauppa Arm:sta ei toteutunut. Bloombergilta:
Arm Ltd., the SoftBank Group Corp. unit preparing for an initial public offering, will cut as much as 15% of its workforce, part of an effort to rein in spending and focus on fewer projects.
The British company will shed 12% to 15% of staff in the U.K. and the U.S., Chief Executive Officer Rene Haas said in a memo to staff, according to a person familiar with the matter. The high end of that range would involve close to 1,000 jobs, but most of the cuts won’t affect engineers, the person said.
Haas took the top job at the designer of semiconductors last month following the collapse of a proposed sale to Nvidia Corp. for $40 billion. Since the deal fell apart, SoftBank has reverted to a previous plan to cash in on its investment by selling Arm shares in the public market.
Spotify ryhtyy FC Barcelonan sponsoriksi
Mainitaan vielä, että Spotify on kertonut sopineensa jalkapalloseura FC Barcelonan kanssa sponsorointisopimuksesta. Sopimuksen seurauksena Barcelonan kotiareena, Camp Nou, brändätään uusiksi Spotify Camp Nouksi. Lisäksi Spotifyn logo tulee Barcelonan pelipaitoihin ensi kaudesta alkaen. Sopimuksen arvo on The Vergen lähteiden mukaan n. 310 miljoonaa dollaria. The Vergeltä:
Camp Nou, one of the most iconic soccer stadiums in the world, is being rebranded as Spotify Camp Nou as part of a sponsorship agreement with Spanish soccer club FC Barcelona that gives Spotify naming rights to the stadium. Spotify’s name will also appear on the jerseys of both the men’s and women’s teams for the next four seasons starting in the 2022/23 season.
The deal still has to get ratified by FC Barcelona’s Extraordinary Delegate Members Assembly in a vote that will take place on April 3rd. It likely won’t have much trouble passing, however, as FC Barcelona is in a huge amount of debt and sought to sell a stake in its media production division last year.
The deal is reportedly worth $310 million. It could have been worth more, Spanish publication SPORT reported, if the club had a higher percentage of “registered” fans — fans who gave the club access to names, emails, and other personal information. Only around 1 percent of the club's 350 million followers are registered, according to the report.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Matt Mullenweg Decoder -podcastissa
Matt Mullenwegin nimi ei välttämättä monelle sano mitään, eikä edes yritys mitä mies johtaa: Automattic. Sen sijaan yrityksen tunnetuin tuote, Wordpress, on monelle bloggaajalle ja IT-ammattilaiselle erittäin tuttu. Joidenkin arvioiden mukaan Wordpress pyörittää 43 % kaikista websivuista.
Mullenweg oli vieraana The Vergen uusimmassa Decoder -podcastin jaksossa. Yksi erikoisuus Automatticista on, että yhtiön sisällä merkittävimmän tuotteen aseman on ottamassa verkkokauppaohjelmisto WooCommerce:
WooCommerce is open-source Shopify. I think it is the only e-commerce platform growing as fast as Shopify. We did $31 billion of goods sold through WooCommerce last year, which I think was doubling year-on-year. You can sell pretty much anything online and it integrates with WordPress.
We want to cross-promote that and bring our long term investment to bear to see what could happen. That’s what WooCommerce was seven years ago; it was kind of small and wasn’t making a ton of money. Now it’s a powerhouse. It’s going to be as big as the rest of the company combined pretty soon. Some of these other products, including Day One, have that potential.
Toinen erikoisuus Automatticin tuoteportfoliossa on Tumblr, jonka yhtiö osti Verizonilta vain kolmella miljoonalla dollarilla. Tumblr on kokenut jonkinlaista eloonheräämistä ja sen käyttäjistä merkittävä osa kuuluu Z-sukupolveen:
Number two, 60% of Tumblr users are Gen Z. They are 13 to 24. I had assumed its user base was people who were nostalgic — people who used it in the early or late 2000s or early 2010s were still using it. Some of them were being born then. We have users younger than Tumblr, which is wild.
The other thing that blew me away is that 85% of the usage comes through the app. It’s still getting tens of thousands of signups every day, about half Gen Z, so Tumblr is young. It’s weird. It’s primarily used on mobile, but we also have this power user segment on the web. The web’s still pretty important for us.
Kävin haastattelun jälkeen ensimmäistä kertaa yli kymmenen vuoteen Tumblrissa, ja sovellus muistutti sisällöllisesti enemmän TikTokia kuin vaikka Instagramia tai Twitteriä, runsaan meemisisällön takia.
Haastattelun löytää alta:
Nopeet 🚀
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