Instagramilla 2 mrd käyttäjää, Google alkaa rankaista rokottamattomuutta ja Snap on maksanut 250 M sisällöntekijöille.
Lisäksi Nianticin toimitusjohtaja The Vergen haastateltavana
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Huhujen mukaan Instagramilla on nyt 2 mrd käyttäjää
CNBC raportoi lähteisiinsä vedoten, että Instagramin käyttäjämäärä ylitti viime syksynä kahden miljardin käyttäjän rajan. Instagram ei ole itse raportoinut käyttäjämääriään sitten vuoden 2018, ja CNBC:n mukaan yhtiö ei haluaisi tätäkään lukua varmistaa, sillä se uskoo sen lisäävän sääntelypainetta yhtiön suuntaan. CNBC:ltä:
But despite that controversy, Instagram reached a new milestone of 2 billion monthly active users this fall, according to sources familiar with the situation.
Even with all the negative publicity, the hugely popular app is more critical than ever to the fate of its parent company, now called Meta.
Instagram hasn’t made its user numbers public since it crossed the 1 billion monthly active users mark in June 2018, and it has avoided touting its growth at a time when legislators and regulators already see Facebook as having outsized market control. It took eight years to cross that threshold and only three years to clear 2 billion MAUs.
Employees, who asked not to be named because they weren’t authorized to speak on the matter, told CNBC they learned of the 2 billion users number in internal conversations. One person said Instagram reached the figure about a week before Facebook changed its name to Meta in October.
Google alkaa rankaista rokottamattomia työntekijöitään
Google on kertonut, että antaa potkut työntekijöilleen jotka eivät hanki rokotetta. Yhtiö ei anna potkuja välittömästi, vaan rankaisee rokottamattomia työntekijöitään ensin mm. sakottamalla rokottamattomuutta palkasta. CNBC:n näkemän sisäisen muistion mukaan, työntekijät joilla ei ole rokotusta 18. tammikuuta mennessä, joutuvat 30 päivän pakko lomalle. Sen jälkeen työntekijä joutuu kuuden kuukauden palkattomalle vapaalle ja lopulta yhtiö antaa tälle potkut. CNBC:ltä:
Google has told its employees that they will lose pay — and will eventually be fired — if they don’t comply with the company’s Covid-19 vaccination policy, according to internal documents viewed by CNBC.
A memo circulated by leadership said employees had until Dec. 3 to declare their vaccination status and upload documentation showing proof, or to apply for a medical or religious exemption. The company said after that date it would start contacting employees who hadn’t uploaded their status or were unvaccinated, as well as those whose exemption requests weren’t approved.
The document said employees who haven’t complied with the vaccination rules by the Jan. 18 deadline will be placed on “paid administrative leave” for 30 days. After that, the company will put them on “unpaid personal leave” for up to six months, followed by termination.
Snap on palkinnut sisällöntekijöitä 250 M dollarin edestä
Mainitaan vielä, että Varietyn mukaan Snap (eli yhtiö Snapchatin takana) olisi maksanut tänä vuonna yhteensä 250 miljoonaa dollaria 12 000 sisällöntekijälle. Snap tosin joutui rajoittamaan maksujaan, sisällöntuottajille, sillä parhaimmillaan tänä vuonna se maksoi miljoona dollaria päivässä heille. Summa on silti ilmeisesti pieni verrattuna YouTubeen, joka on vuosien 2018-2020 välisenä aikana, maksanut peräti 30 miljardia dollaria sisällöntekijöilleen. Varietyltä:
This year, Snap finally caught user-generated content fever: In 2021, the company has paid out more than $250 million to more than 12,000 creators through its Snapchat Spotlight programs.
Of course, Snap’s total payout is tiny compared with YouTube, the 800-pound gorilla in the digital creator economy: According to YouTube, over the three-year period from 2018-20, it paid more than $30 billion to creators, artists and media companies.
And Snap actually dialed back its payouts for Spotlight. When it first launched the TikTok-style video feature in November 2020, the company said it would shell out upwards of $1 million per day in total among Spotlight contributors with top-performing videos. If it had kept up that pace, Snap would have paid, well, $365 million or more to creators in 2021. According to Snap CEO Evan Spiegel, the company reduced overall Spotlight payments to discourage people from creating viral, one-off copycat videos.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Nianticin toimitusjohtaja The Vergen haastattelussa
The Vergen Nilay Patel haastatteli uusimmassa Decoder-podcastissa Nianticin toimitusjohtaja John Hankea. Niantic on yhtiö ylivoimaisesti menestyneimmän AR-sovelluksen, Pokemon Go:n takana, ja Hankella oli paljon sanottavaa myös metaversesta:
Once that conversation got started, I did feel the need to speak up and talk about what the metaverse is or can be. I felt like a lot of people were maybe a little bit overly influenced by what we all endured during COVID, which is to say: spending a lot of time at home, a lot of time on Zoom, kids going to school remotely, watching kids spend a ton of time on Roblox, binging on Netflix, getting delivery food, the whole thing. A lot of these products saw a big lift from COVID. I mean, let’s be honest, people were spending a ton more discretionary time and energy in these worlds. I think that fed a level of frenzy around thinking that the “metaverse” is the future and that we’re all going to live in these 3D worlds. I just don’t think that’s how it’s going to play out.
Over the past 50 years, the trajectory of technology has been towards mobility and ubiquity — what Xerox PARC pioneer Mark Weiser would call a ubiquitous computing vision. We took a detour during COVID; that is my personal opinion. I mean, I’m a huge sci-fi fan too, so I read Neal Stephenson and William Gibson and the whole array of writers back when we founded Keyhole. I’m deep into the latest Neal Stephenson novel right now, actually. Those of us who’ve read the books to the end know how they end. That’s a horrible vision for the future: the world has just completely gone the wrong way and people have to escape to these virtual realities.
Myös osio Nianticin Google-taustasta oli mielenkiintoinen. Haastattelun voi kuunnella alta:
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