Harris ja Walz aloittivat kampanjoinnin Pennsylvaniassa
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Harris ja Walz aloittivat kampanjoinnin Pennsylvaniassa
Kamala Harris valitsi eilen Minnesotan kuvernööri Tim Walzin varapresidenttiehdokkaakseen ja kaksikko aloitti myös samana iltana kampanjoinnin tärkeimmässä vaa’ankieliosavaltiossa Pennsylvaniassa. Walz kritisoi avajaisesiintymisessään mm. Trumpin presidenttiyden aikaisia rikostilastoja. The New York Timesilta:
America’s introduction to Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota began with a half-hour of cheering for Vice President Kamala Harris and ended with some of the sharpest attacks Democrats have leveled against former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio.
But it was his ability to deliver searing yet accessible attacks against their Republican opponents that won Mr. Walz a place on the national ticket, and during his first rally, he did not miss his marks.
“Donald Trump sees the world a little differently than us,” he said. “First of all, he doesn’t know the first thing about service. He doesn’t have time for it because he’s too busy serving himself.”
Then came the dagger. “Violent crime was up under Donald Trump,” he said, before pausing for effect. “That’s not even counting the crimes he committed.”
Walz myös sanoi olevansa valmis väittelemään JD Vancen kanssa jos tämä pystyy nousemaan sohvalta, viitaten netissä pyörivään meemin Vancesta. Koko Walzin ensimmäisen kampanjapuheen voi katsoa alta:
Elon Muskin X haastoi joukon mainostajia oikeuteen
Elon Muskin omistama sosiaalinen media X on nostanut kanteen useita suuria mainostajia kuten Unileveria ja Marsia kohtaan, väittäen niiden osallistuneen laittomaan boikottiin X:ää vastaan. Kanne koskee World Federation of Advertisersin (WFA) Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) -aloitetta, johon osallistuvat yritykset pidättäytyvät mainostamasta alustoilla, jotka eivät noudata tiettyjä turvallisuusstandardeja.
Yhtiö pyytää oikeutta julistamaan mainostajien toimet laittomiksi ja määräämään mainostajat maksamaan vahingonkorvauksia yhtiölle. Kanteen menestyminen on hyvin epävarmaa sillä Yhdysvalloissa mainostajilla on perustuslaillinen oikeus valita mainostuskanavansa. The Vergeltä:
X is suing a group of major advertisers over accusations that they held an “illegal boycott” against the platform formerly known as Twitter. In a lawsuit filed on Tuesday, X claims Unilever, Mars, CVS, Ørsted, and dozens of other brands conspired to “collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising revenue” through a World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) industry initiative.
To join the WFA’s initiative, called the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), companies must agree to withhold advertising from social platforms that aren’t compliant with the organization’s safety standards. X alleges GARM “organized an advertiser boycott of Twitter” to coerce the company into following the initiative’s safety standards. The lawsuit is being filed despite X announcing that it was “excited” to rejoin GARM last month.
It’s not clear how well X’s lawsuit will fare in court because, as pointed out by Techdirt, the ability to choose where to advertise is protected under the First Amendment. The ad tech watchdog group Check My Ads similarly states that advertisers have the right “to not send money to a platform that promotes hate and conspiracies.”
X is asking the court to declare the advertisers’ actions illegal and award the company damages that will be determined at trial. This lawsuit is the latest in a string of largely unsuccessful legal actions taken by Musk. While he dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI and its cofounders in June, he sued them again on Monday over claims they “manipulated” Musk into cofounding the nonprofit to build safe and transparent AI.
Google esitteli Chromecastin seuraajan
Mainitaan vielä, että Google esitteli suositun striimauslaitteensa Chromecastin seuraajan eilen, Google TV Streamerin. Laitteella on hintaa 99 dollaria ja se tulee myyntiin Yhdysvalloissa syyskuun 24. päivä. Googlelta:
Google TV Streamer is designed to give you the best entertainment and smart home experience possible. It replaces Chromecast, bringing its best features to our next-generation 4K TV streaming device — but as a faster, more premium version.
Complete with the best of Google TV, Google TV Streamer doubles as a smart home hub for your Google Home and Matter devices. It also has a sleek design that fits right into your home’s decor without standing out.
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Analyysiä Tim Walzin valinnasta
Ennustemarkkinat reagoivat aika varovaisesti Walzin valintaan. Polymarketissa Harriksen mahdollisuudet voittoon paranivat n. 2 % ja electionbettingodds.comissa Trumpin voiton todennäköisyydet tippuivat ensimmäistä kertaa alle 50 %:n. Trumpin ajatukset näyttivät valinnan jälkeen pyörivän edelleen Joe Bidenissa.
Nate Silver vaikutti analyysissään olevan Walzin valintaan lievästi pettynyt ja piti sitä liian varman päälle pelaamiseksi Josh Shapiron tai Michiganin kuvernöörin Gretchen Whitmerin valintaan nähden:
Do I think this is the right pick? No. On Saturday, I made the case that Harris should pick Shapiro. And nothing has really changed since then — although you could argue that Harris’s increasingly strong position in the polls compels greater risk-aversion than when she’d initially appeared to be an underdog against Donald Trump. The basic reasons for picking Shapiro are that he increases the likelihood you win Pennsylvania, he has a demonstrated track record of popularity in the most important swing state, he’s obviously an extremely talented politician and perhaps a future standard-bearer for the party himself. And also, the reasons for not picking Shapiro aren’t great. Democrats in the political bubble overstate the salience of the Gaza issue and understate the benefits of moderation, and that’s before getting into the issue of Shapiro’s Jewishness.
Is Walz a reasonable pick in a vacuum? Sure. He’s not JD Vance. He’s well-qualified. Personally, I find his schtick kind of charming, although you might expect me to say that as a fellow Midwesterner. And not unimportantly, he’s not particularly left-wing himself and will likely read as being pretty moderate to voters, having a fairly centrist track record as a member of Congress. He might have been my second choice among Harris’s finalists, although I think it was a real mistake not to consider Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who would seem to be a dominant strategy over Walz other than that it would mean having two women on the ticket.
Ezra Klein taas antoi vastineensa Silverille eilen omassa podcastissaan, ja argumentoi Walzin onnistuvan saamaan paremmin huomiota mediassa ja viestittävän kampanjan sanomaa tehokkaammin päivittäisessä vaalityössä.
And Walz, you could feel the conversation actually happening. It was like talking to a normal person, which is one reason he’s so effective on TV. But Walz begins giving these interviews, he breaks through the media, he breaks through the attentional field, is what I would say. Shapiro becomes the candidate who is most likely to help you win Pennsylvania. Walz becomes the vice presidential candidate most likely to help you win the day-to-day fight for attention and message and enthusiasm.
And Harris picks Walz, which I’m sure there are a lot of reasons she did so, but it is a pick about making the ticket most appealing nationally and trying to continue generating a momentum and energy that she has been generating to the surprise of many Democrats since the moment she became the presumptive nominee. And that is a riskier play. But it is a bigger play. It is a bet on the intangibles of the Harris ticket, not the tangible possibilities of Pennsylvania.
Klein onnistui myös haastattelemaan Walzia viime viikolla podcastissaan, josta sai hyvän kuvan millainen henkilö Harriksen varapresidenttiehdokas on.
Olin itse lopulta yllättynyt Walzin valintaan, sillä pidin vielä viikon alussa Shapiron valintaa lähes varmana. Perinteinen näkemys on, että VP-ehdokkaan tärkein tehtävä on olla aiheuttamatta ongelmia kampanjalleen, ja siinä Walzilla näyttää olevan hyvät mahdollisuudet menestyä.
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