Hakkerit huijasivat Applelta ja Metalta käyttäjätietoja
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Hakkerit huijasivat Applelta ja Metalta käyttäjätietoja
Lisää kyberturvallisuusuutisia: Bloombergin mukaan Apple ja Meta ovat luovuttaneet tietoja käyttäjistään viranomaisina esiintyneille hakkereille, jotka tekivät yhtiöille kiireellisiä tietopyyntöjä. Yhtiöt luovuttivat mm. käyttäjiensä osoitteita ja puhelinnumeroita:
Apple Inc. and Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, provided customer data to hackers who masqueraded as law enforcement officials, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.
Apple and Meta provided basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP address, in mid-2021 in response to the forged “emergency data requests.” Normally, such requests are only provided with a search warrant or subpoena signed by a judge, according to the people. However, the emergency requests don’t require a court order
Hakkereiden uskotaan kuuluneen Recursion Team -nimisen järjestöön, joka ei enää ole aktiivinen. Sen sijaan, monet sen jäsenet ovat ilmeisesti jatkaneet toimintaansa Lapsus$-ryhmän jäseninä. Hakkerit ovat lähinnä käyttäneet anastettua dataa talousrikosten tekemiseen:
Hackers affiliated with a cybercrime group known as “Recursion Team” are believed to be behind some of the forged legal requests, which were sent to companies throughout 2021, according to the three people who are involved in the investigation.
Recursion Team is no longer active, but many of its members continue to carry out hacks under different names, including as part of Lapsus$, the people said.
The information obtained by the hackers using the forged legal requests has been used to enable harassment campaigns, according to one of the people familiar with the inquiry. The three people said it may be primarily used to facilitate financial fraud schemes. By knowing the victim’s information, the hackers could use it to assist in attempting to bypass account security.
Lapsus$ kertoi myös eilen murtautuneensa kansainvälisen ohjelmistokehittäjä Globantin koodirepoihin.
Metalla mainoskampanja TikTokia vastaan
Washinton Postin mukaan Meta olisi maksanut USA:n republikaanipuolueesen liitetylle konsulttiyhtiölle TikTokin vastaisen mainoskampanjan aloittamisesta. Kamppanjaan kuuluu mm. TikTok-vastaisten mielipidekirjoitusten julkaiseminen useassa paikallislehdessä. Victory -niminen konsulttiyhtiö on myös pyrkinyt saamaan TikTokin näyttäytymään uhkana amerikkalaisille lapsille:
Facebook parent company Meta is paying one of the biggest Republican consulting firms in the country to orchestrate a nationwide campaign seeking to turn the public against TikTok.
The campaign includes placing op-eds and letters to the editor in major regional news outlets, promoting dubious stories about alleged TikTok trends that actually originated on Facebook, and pushing to draw political reporters and local politicians into helping take down its biggest competitor. These bare-knuckle tactics, long commonplace in the world of politics, have become increasingly noticeable within a tech industry where companies vie for cultural relevance and come at a time when Facebook is under pressure to win back young users.
Employees with the firm, Targeted Victory, worked to undermine TikTok through a nationwide media and lobbying campaign portraying the fast-growing app, owned by the Beijing-based company ByteDance, as a danger to American children and society, according to internal emails shared with The Washington Post.
Apple haluaa laajentaa finanssitoimintaansa
Ja vielä lopuksi Apple-huhuja Bloombergin Mark Gurmanilta: Apple suunnittelee laajentavansa toimintaansa rahoitusjärjestelmien tuottajana. Yhtiöllä on tarkoituksena vähentää riippuvuuttaan kolmansiin osapuoliin, ja se haluaakin toteuttaa mm. maksujen prosessointia, riskianalyysiä ja luottoarvioita itse. Applella sisäisesti aloitetta kutsutaan Breakoutiksi:
Apple Inc. is developing its own payment processing technology and infrastructure for future financial products, part of an ambitious effort that would reduce its reliance on outside partners over time, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
A multiyear plan would bring a wide range of financial tasks in-house, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren’t public. That includes payment processing, risk assessment for lending, fraud analysis, credit checks and additional customer-service functions such as the handling of disputes.
Part of the project has been dubbed “Breakout” internally, underscoring the idea of breaking away from the existing financial system, according to the people. A representative for Cupertino, California-based Apple declined to comment on the plans.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Miten verkkokauppa toimii Ranskan Polynesiassa
Rest of Worldillä on mieltä lämmittävä tarina siitä, miten verkkokauppa toimii ja on moninkertaistunut yhdessä maailman syrjäisimmistä paikoista: Tyynenmerellä sijaitsevassa Ranskan Polynesiassa.
Paikan päällä ns. viimeisen kilometrin toimitusta hoitavat paikalliset logistiikkayhtiöt, jotka ovat vasta viime vuosina pystyneet rakentamaan kannattavaa liiketoimintaa lisääntyneen verkkokaupan ansiosta:
Then, throughout 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic led to a boom in the demand for e-commerce delivery services. Compared to 2017, the number of internet users in French Polynesia making purchases online at least once a week doubled from 5% to 10%, according to a 2019 report by the Digital Economy Directorate in French Polynesia. In the outer islands, that number rose from 1% to 9%. Henriou expanded HM Coursier Express again and hired several new employees.
“The courier business exploded, thanks to Covid, because the people didn’t want to leave their houses,” Henriou told Rest of World. “Everyone stayed at home; they were scared.” Every day, Henriou would work to deliver orders both within Tahiti and to the other islands. “Everyone was scared of catching the virus; but us, we could move; we could deliver, and we were already doing it,” he said. Thanks to a boom in trade, he was able to hire three new team members, who still work for the company.
Kevyet kuljetukset kuten vaikka McDonalds-tilaukset tehdään saarien välillä lentokoneilla, kun taas raskaimmissa käytetään luonnollisesti laivoja. Rahtilaivat ovatki alueen elinehto, sillä ne huoltavat koko aluetta:
Light orders, such as clothing or perishable items, including fresh fruit and even McDonald’s meals, are sent by plane. HM Coursier Express offers its customers a 30% reduction on the price of air freight, a discount it earned from Air Tahiti, thanks to the volume it delivers. In December, during the holiday period, the business delivers on average 3 metric tons of merchandise by air.
Heavy goods, such as cars, building supplies, and canned food, are sent by cargo ships, which service all the archipelagos. These cargo ships are the lifeblood of French Polynesia, providing remote islanders with essentials, including food, petrol, and building materials. In the last few years, they’ve also been transporting steadily increasing numbers of online orders made through courier services like HM Coursier.
During the Covid-19 lockdown from late March until August 2020, when international flights and many interisland flights stopped, the cargo ships became even more crucial, Fougerouse told Rest of World. “There were no more planes, but the boats never stopped. The boats always kept going,” he said. “If we didn’t have these boats here, the people would die of hunger. At that time [2020], we saw that the planes — they might stop, but the boats never will.”
Nopeet 🚀
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