GoDaddy hakkeroinnin kohteena, Twitter testaa ostosstriimejä ja Tile myytiin Life360:lle.
Lisäksi pohdintaa siitä onko serverless luvannut liikoja?
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GoDaddy hakkeroinnin kohteena
Verkkotunnusten rekisteröijä GoDaddy, on paljastanut Yhdysvaltain arvopaperi- ja pörssikomissiolle, että yhtiö on ollut hakkeroinnin kohteena. Hakkereilla on ollut pääsy GoDaddyn tarjoamaan WordPress-sivujen ylläpitopalveluun, josta hakkerit ovat päässeet käsiksi 1,2 miljoonan käyttäjän tietoihin. GoDaddy uskoo hakkeroinnin tapahtuneen 6. syyskuuta 2021. Engadgetilta:
In disclosures to the Securities and Exchange Commission, web registrar and hosting company GoDaddy has revealed that it discovered it had been hacked. The company says that it discovered an “unauthorized third party” had gained access to its Managed WordPress hosting environment. Anything up to 1.2 million users have seen their email address and customer number exposed, as well as admin passwords for both WordPress sites hosted on the platform, plus passwords for sFTPs, databases and SSL private keys.
The document says that GoDaddy believes that the breach first occurred on September 6th, 2021, and the investigation is currently ongoing. Demetrius Comes, Chief Information Security Officer, says that GoDaddy is currently working with law enforcement and a private IT forensics firm. In addition, it says that it has reset the relevant credentials and will work with users to issue new SSL certificates. Comes ends his statement by saying that the company will, perhaps a little too belatedly, “learn from this incident” and will take steps to prevent such a breach happening in future.
Engadget myös toteaa, että GoDaddyltä on aiemmin vuotanut asiakkaidensa tietoja vuosina 2018 ja 2020.
Twitter testailee ostosstriimejä
Twitter yrittää siipiään ns. ostosstriimit (eng. livestreaming shopping), mitä voi kai ajatella ostos-TV:n liveversiona. Yhtiö ilmoitti eilen, että Walmart on ensimmäinen iso yritys joka toteuttaa tavaramyyntiin keskittyvän livestriimin sen alustalla. Striimi on tarkoitus pitää 28. marraskuuta, eli juuri ennnen kybermaanantaita. Tapahtuman juontaa artisti Jason Derulo. TechCrunchilta:
Twitter’s e-commerce initiatives now include livestream shopping and Walmart will be the first retailer to test the new platform. Over the past year, Walmart has invested in live shopping by hosting events across social platforms like TikTok and YouTube, and soon it will debut Twitter’s first-ever shoppable livestream. On November 28, Walmart will kick off a Cyber Deals live event on Twitter, where users will be able to watch a live broadcast, shop the featured products and join the conversation around the event by posting tweets.
The livestream will begin at 7 PM ET on November 28, 2021, and will allow Walmart customers to shop from Twitter as well as a number of other platforms, including, and the retailer’s Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube accounts. Musician-turned-creator Jason Derulo will host the livestream, where he’ll introduce the audience to deals in electronics, home goods, apparel, seasonal décor and more during a 30-minute variety show. Surprise special guests will also drop in, says Walmart.
Tile myytiin 205 miljoonalla dollarilla
Mainitaan vielä, että Bluetooth-seurantalaitteita valmistava Tile on myyty Life360 nimiselle yritykselle, jonka ydintuote helpottaa paikkatiedon jakamista perheenjäsenten kesken. Life360 osti Tilen 205 miljoonalla dollarilla ja kaupan odotetaan toteutuvan ensi vuoden alussa. Jotain vaikutusta myyntiin oli todennäköisesti sillä, että Apple alkoi valmistaa omia, Tilen kanssa kilpailevia seurantalaitteita. The Vergeltä:
Tile popularized marking items and tracking them from your phone with its small Bluetooth tags, but suddenly faces more competition from giants like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Samsung. The company that started out of an incubator and crowdfunding campaign has announced it will be acquired by Life360, which calls itself a “leading family safety platform.” The deal is valued at $205 million and is expected to close in the first quarter of 2022.
Tile has developed its product line over the years with a variety of different trackers and partnerships with other companies to use its technology. It also has a subscription service, Tile Premium, with extra features, battery replacements, and insurance against potential losses. However, the game may have changed once Apple and Google started building their own item-locating features into iPhones and Android devices.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Onko serverless luvannut liikoja?
Teen ensimmäistä projektiani missä bäkkäripuoli on rakennettu AWS:n Lambdoilla, jotka ovat hyvin keskiössä ns. serverittömässä paradigmassa, eli serverlessissä. Sattumalta Hacker Newsissä pyöri serverlessistä hyvin kriittinen artikkeli viikonloppuna, jonka oli kirjoittanut pilvipalveluiden kustannuksista konsultoiva Corey Quinn.
I suggest that serverless computing, or “serverless” has hype that at this point has outpaced what the technology / philosophy / religion has been promising. Serverless computing arrived (debatably; please do not email me about this whatever you do, fans of Google App Engine / CGI scripts / managed SaaS offerings / pedants) with something of a bang when AWS announced Lambda functions in 2015. “In the future the only code you will write is business logic” proclaimed Werner Vogels, Amazon’s CTO and elusive traveler.
Corey toteaa mm. että iso osa Serverless projekteihin käytetystä ajasta menee kaikkeen muuhun kuin Werner Vogelin lupaamaan business logiikan kirjoittamiseen.
First, let’s talk lock-in. Yes, yes, every major cloud provider has a FaaS offering, but here’s what they don’t tell you: The bulk of your time building serverless applications will not be spent writing the application logic or focusing on the parts of your code that are in fact the differentiated thing that you’re being paid to work on. It just flat out won’t. Instead you’ll spend most of your time figuring out how to mate these functions with other services from that cloud provider.
Corey myös mm. toteaa että Serverless osaajia on suhteellisen harvassa, mikä on jo ongelmallista pelkästään sen takia että kehittäjistä on muutenkin pula.
It turns out that while it’s super easy to find folks who know WordPress, you’re in trouble if both of the freelance developers who understand serverless are out sick that day — not to mention that they cost roughly as much as an anesthesiologist.
En ole tarpeeksi kokenut, että osaisin ottaa kunnolla kantaa Coreyn kirjoitukseen, varsinkin kun kyseessä on lambdat tai muut ns. serverless funktiot. Sen sijaan Googlen Cloud Runia olen käyttänyt jonkin verran ja se on ainakin toistaiseksi ollut erinomainen tuote, joka pyörittää serverittömästi docker kontteja.
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