Elizabeth Holmes todettiin syylliseksi, Applen arvo kävi kolmessa biljoonassa dollarissa ja Samsung esitteli uusia TV:itä.
Lisäksi Benedict Evansin 2022 kysymyksiä teknologia-alalle.
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Elizabeth Holmes todettiin syylliseksi
Verikokeiden mullistamiseen tähdänneen Theranoksen toimitusjohtaja Elizabeth Holmes on todettu syylliseksi neljään syytteeseen. Yhteensä syyttäjä oli häntä vastaan nostanut 11 syytettä, joista kolmen kohdalla valamiehistö ei päässyt yhteisymmärrykseen ja neljään syytteeseen hänet todettiin syyttömäksi. New York Timesilta (NYT):
Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the failed blood testing start-up Theranos, was found guilty of four of 11 charges of fraud on Monday, in a case that came to symbolize the pitfalls of Silicon Valley’s culture of hustle, hype and greed.
Ms. Holmes, who had once promised to revolutionize health care, was the most prominent executive to field fraud accusations in a generation of high-flying, money-losing start-ups. A jury of eight men and four women took 50 hours over seven days of deliberations to reach a verdict, convicting her of three counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud by lying to investors to raise money for her company.
Ms. Holmes was found not guilty on four other counts related to defrauding patients who had used Theranos’s blood tests. The jury was unable to reach a verdict on three counts of deceiving investors, for which Judge Edward J. Davila of California’s Northern District said he planned to declare a mistrial.
NYT:n mukaan Holmesia odottaa jokaisesta syytteestä pisimmillään 20 vuoden vankeustuomio, mutta tuomioita voi ilmeisesti istua samanaikaisesti.
Applen markkina-arvo ylitti 3 biljoonaa dollaria
Teknologiayhtiö Applen markkina-arvo ylitti hetkellisesti eilen kolmen biljoonan dollarin haamurajan. Applesta tuli ensimmäinen amerikkalainen yhtiö jonka arvo on kohonnut noin korkeaksi. Yhtiön osakkeen arvo on kolminkertaistunut pandemian aiheuttaman pörssiromahduksen jälkeen. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Apple Inc. briefly touched $3 trillion in market value, making it the first U.S. company to do so.
Shares of the iPhone maker crossed that level intraday when they topped $182.856 Monday afternoon, reaching $182.88, according to FactSet. Apple’s stock closed the first trading day of the year up $4.44, or 2.5%, at $182.01.
The move marked the latest milestone in a pandemic-era surge that carried shares of Apple and other large technology companies to unprecedented highs. Its share price has more than tripled since the pandemic lows of March 2020, adding around $2 trillion in market capitalization.
Toinen merkittävä Apple uutinen eilen, oli että Intia on viimeisin maa joka on aloittanut kartellinvastaisen tutkinnan Applen tavasta pyörittää App Store -sovelluskauppaansa.
Samsungin uudet TV:t tukevat pelien striimaamista ja NFT:itä
Mainitaan vielä Samsungin 2022 TV-mallistosta, joita yhtiö on esitellyt CES-messujen yhteydessä. Osa mallistosta tulee tukemaan videopelien suoratoistoa Samsung Gaming Hub -nimisen palvelun kautta. Samsung on saanut yhteistyökumppaneikseen mm. Googlen Stadian ja Nvidian Geforce Now -palvelut. The Vergeltä:
Samsung is revealing a new lineup of smart TVs at CES 2022 today, including features as exotic as radio-wave powered remote controls and support for NFTs — and they also happen to be the first Samsung sets in a while to let you play triple-A video games from the cloud instead of just your Xbox, PlayStation or PC. After an vague tease in October, Samsung is now confirming that “select” 2022 models will explicitly offer access to Nvidia’s GeForce Now, Google Stadia, and the Utomik cloud gaming service as part of a new “Samsung Gaming Hub,” a user interface which Samsung’s intending to expand to additional services as well.
Toinen malliston erikoisuus on että televisiot tulevat tukemaan (huokaus) NFT:itä. Myös The Vergeltä:
Staring at your non-fungible tokens on a smartphone or laptop screen is fine and all, but why not remind everyone who visits your home of the money you spent on digital art NFTs by showcasing them on your TV screen? Somehow we’re in a world where that’s about to become reality: Samsung says it’s planning extensive support for NFTs beginning with its 2022 TV lineup.
“With demand for NFTs on the rise, the need for a solution to today’s fragmented viewing and purchasing landscape has never been greater,” the company said in a press release. “In 2022, Samsung is introducing the world’s first TV screen-based NFT explorer and marketplace aggregator, a groundbreaking platform that lets you browse, purchase, and display your favorite art — all in one place.”
Suosittelut 🕵️
Benedict Evansin ja tekin avoimet kysymykset
Analyytikko Benedict Evans julkaisi blogissaan avoimia kysymyksiä teknologia-alasta vuodelle 2022. Ben pohtii mm. sitä miten kryptot vertautuvat vaikka avoimen lähdekoodin liikkeeseen, jonka seurauksena esim. iPhonessa on hirveästi avointa lähdekoodia, mutta itse ekosysteemi on suljettu:
The web is radically decentralised, but centralised search and social sit on top. Open source, another crazy, religious idea, was going to transform tech, and it did! - but Office is still a huge business 25 years later. The iPhone is full of open source, and yet it isn’t open, and yet, with millions of apps and billions of downloads, in what senses and at what layers is it ‘closed’ and ‘open’? Most of my crypto questions are not ‘if?’ or ‘what?’ but ‘where?’
So - blockchains let us build distributed, trustless computers, applications and services, based on consensus, ownership and integrated incentives, but making that real involves a lot of plumbing questions and a lot of product questions that have still only just started.
Toinen asia mitä Ben pohtii on, että jääkö Metaversen AR- ja VR-sovellukset suhteellisen pieniksi, pelikonsoleiden kaltaisiksi markkinoiksi, vai onko kyseessä ns. seuraava älypuhelin:
The trouble is, it’s easy to make a cool concept video, but talking about this today in any kind of detail is like making detailed predictions about the mobile internet in 1999, or even 2005. It was very clear that there would be something, but we had no real idea what, and no-one thought that smartphones would replace PCs as the centre of consumer tech (or imagined that a has-been computer company from Cupertino would dominate the whole thing). AR and VR might be the next smartphone, but they might also be the next smart watch, drone, or games console - very cool but a narrow market.
Muita kysymyksiä mitä Ben pohti oli mm. videopelien rooli, sääntely, yksityisyys, makrotalous ja Kiinan tekkisektori.
Nopeet 🚀
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