DeepMindin GraphCast on ennätyksellisen hyvä ennustamaan säätä
Lisäksi: Karri Saarinen Lenny Rachitskyn podcastissa

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DeepMindin GraphCast on ennätyksellisen hyvä ennustamaan säätä
Googlen DeepMind julkaisi eilen uuden, ennätyksellisen tarkkoja sääennustuksia antavan tekoälymallin nimeltä GraphCast. Malli pystyy ennustamaan säätä kymmenen päivän päähän tarkemmin ja nopeammin kuin alan kultaisena standardina pidetty High Resolution Forecast eli HRES.
DeepMindin mukaan malli kykenee myös tunnistamaan sään ääriolosuhteita aikaisemmin kuin kilpailevat sääjärjestelmät. DeepMind myös julkaisi mallin avoimen lähdekoodien lisenssien alla ja lisäsin sen koodirepon Githubiin. DeepMindilta:
In a paper published in Science, we introduce GraphCast, a state-of-the-art AI model able to make medium-range weather forecasts with unprecedented accuracy. GraphCast predicts weather conditions up to 10 days in advance more accurately and much faster than the industry gold-standard weather simulation system – the High Resolution Forecast (HRES), produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
GraphCast can also offer earlier warnings of extreme weather events. It can predict the tracks of cyclones with great accuracy further into the future, identifies atmospheric rivers associated with flood risk, and predicts the onset of extreme temperatures. This ability has the potential to save lives through greater preparedness.
GraphCast takes a significant step forward in AI for weather prediction, offering more accurate and efficient forecasts, and opening paths to support decision-making critical to the needs of our industries and societies. And, by open sourcing the model code for GraphCast, we are enabling scientists and forecasters around the world to benefit billions of people in their everyday lives. GraphCast is already being used by weather agencies, including ECMWF, which is running a live experiment of our model’s forecasts on its website.
YouTube aikoo ilmoittaa synteettisistä videoista
YouTube kertoi eilen, että videoalusta alkaa vaatia videoiden lataajilta tietoa siitä, onko ladatussa videossa käytetty generatiivista tekoälyä sisällöntuottamiseen. Tällainen sisältö saa sitten palvelussa leiman, joka tiedottaa sen katselijoille, että videolla on ns. synteettistä materiaalia. YouTubelta:
We believe it’s in everyone’s interest to maintain a healthy ecosystem of information on YouTube. We have long-standing policies that prohibit technically manipulated content that misleads viewers and may pose a serious risk of egregious harm. However, AI’s powerful new forms of storytelling can also be used to generate content that has the potential to mislead viewers—particularly if they’re unaware that the video has been altered or is synthetically created.
To address this concern, over the coming months, we’ll introduce updates that inform viewers when the content they’re seeing is synthetic. Specifically, we’ll require creators to disclose when they've created altered or synthetic content that is realistic, including using AI tools. When creators upload content, we will have new options for them to select to indicate that it contains realistic altered or synthetic material. For example, this could be an AI-generated video that realistically depicts an event that never happened, or content showing someone saying or doing something they didn't actually do.
Mistral ja Aleph Alpha lobbaavat EU:ssa kielimallien puolesta
Sivusin tätä jo perjantaina, mutta mainitaan vielä TechCrunchin julkaisseen hyvän yhteenvedon viime päivinä Euroopan Unionin käymästä tekoälylainsäädäntöneuvotteluista.
Neuvottelut keskeytettiin viime perjantaina, kun Saksa ja Ranska vastustivat isojen kielimallien tiukkaa sääntelyä. Ranskalainen Mistral ja saksalainen Aleph Alpha ovat molemmat lobanneet maansa päättäjiä, jotta kielimallien sääntely jäisi toistaiseksi verrattain kevyeksi.
On Friday, Euractiv reported that a meeting involving a technical body of the European Council broke down after representatives of two EU Member States, France and Germany, pushed back against MEPs’ proposals for a tiered approach to regulate foundational models.
It reported that opposition to regulating foundational models is being led by French AI startup Mistral. Its report also named German AI start-up, Aleph Alpha, as actively lobbying governments to push-back on dedicated measures to target generative AI model makers.
EU and German lobby transparency not-for-profit, Lobbycontrol, confirmed to TechCrunch France and Germany are two of the Member States pushing the Council for a regulatory carve out for foundational models.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Karri Saarinen Lenny Rachitskyn podcastissa
Minun piti esitellä tänään meidän luomaa omaa GPT:tä, mutta ChatGPT on tänään taas äärimmäisen hidas ja GPT:t näyttävän bugaavan, joten jätän esittelyn loppuviikolle.
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