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Coinbase irtisanoo 18 % työvoimastaan
Coinbasen toimitusjohtaja Brian Armstrong kertoi eilen yhtiön päättäneen irtisanoa 18 % työvoimastaan. Yhtiön blogista:
Today I am making the difficult decision to reduce the size of our team by about 18%, to ensure we stay healthy during this economic downturn. I want to walk you through why I am making this decision below, but first I want to start by taking accountability for how we got here. I am the CEO, and the buck stops with me.
Yhtiö listaa pääasialliseksi syyksi mahdollisen taantuman, minkä seurauksena olisi odotettavissa uusi ns. kryptotalvi, eli tilanne missä mielenkiinto kryptovaluuttoja kohtaan laskee merkittävästi. Tämän seurauksena yhtiön liikevaihto laskisi joten yhtiön täytyy hallita kulujaan. Lisäksi Armstrong kertoo jälkikäteen katsottuna yhtiön kasvaneen liian nopeasti viime vuonna:
Economic conditions are changing rapidly: We appear to be entering a recession after a 10+ year economic boom. A recession could lead to another crypto winter, and could last for an extended period. In past crypto winters, trading revenue (our largest revenue source) has declined significantly. While it’s hard to predict the economy or the markets, we always plan for the worst so we can operate the business through any environment.
Managing our costs is critical in down markets: Coinbase has survived through four major crypto winters, and we’ve created long term success by carefully managing our spending through every down period. Down markets are challenging to navigate and require a different mindset.
We grew too quickly: At the beginning of 2021, we had 1,250 employees. At the time, we were in the early innings of the bull run and adoption of crypto products was exploding. There were new use cases enabled by crypto getting traction practically every week. We saw the opportunities but we needed to massively scale our team to be positioned to compete in a broad array of bets. It’s challenging to grow at just the right pace given the scale of our growth (~200% y/y since the beginning of 2021). While we tried our best to get this just right, in this case it is now clear to me that we over-hired.
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