Clubhouse ei vaadi enää kutsua, SpaceX omistaa bitcoinia ja Wikimedialta tulee kaupallinen tuote
Lisäksi Wall Street Journal tutki miten TikTokin algoritmi toimii
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Clubhouse ei vaadi enää kutsua
Clubhouse kertoi eilen, että se on poistanut kutsuvaatimuksen alustaltaan, ja että kuka tahansa voi nyt käyttää sovellusta. Sovelluksella on n. 10 miljoonaa käyttäjää odotuslistalla, jotka tullaan lisäämään pikkuhiljaa palveluun. Clubhouse julkaisi viime viikolla myös viestittelytoiminnallisuuden, jonka he nimesivät Backcanneliksi. The Vergeltä:
Clubhouse is going wide. Co-founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth announced today that the app is no longer invite-only. Around 10 million people are currently on the waitlist, a spokesperson confirms, and they’ll slowly be added to the app over time. (Essentially, millions of users won’t be added today, but seemingly, if you attempt to sign up anew, you’ll be able to do so.) Along with the news, Clubhouse showed off a new logo, as well as a new app icon: Justin “Meezy” Williams, rapper 21 Savage’s manager.
“The invite system has been an important part of our early history,” a blog post about the changes says. “By adding people in waves, welcoming new faces each week in our Wednesday Orientations, and talking with the community each Sunday in Town Hall, we’ve been able to grow Clubhouse in a measured way, and keep things from breaking as we’ve scaled.”
This change comes only a week after Clubhouse launched its DM product, Backchannel, which the team now says saw 10 million messages sent within the first day of launch, and more than 90 million over the first week.
Yritys kertoi myös Twitterissä, että he ovat päivittäneet firman logon.
SpaceX omistaa bitcoinia
Elon Musk, Cathie Wood ja Jack Dorseyllä oli keskustelupaneeli eilen, missä Elon kertoi mm. että molemmat hänen yhtiöistään, Tesla ja SpaceX, omistavat Bitcoinia. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Chief Executive Elon Musk said Wednesday that he and his rocket company, SpaceX, hold bitcoin, a cryptocurrency he generally supports despite having concerns about its environmental impacts.
Tesla disclosed a $1.5 billion investment in bitcoin in February and soon after began accepting the cryptocurrency as payment for its vehicles. The company quickly reversed course, however, suspending that initiative in May as Mr. Musk expressed worry about the source of the electricity being used to power bitcoin mining.
Mr. Musk’s comments about bitcoin have added to price volatility, at times causing sharp swings in the cryptocurrency’s value. Mr. Musk said that with his personal holding in bitcoin, he is financially affected when the price drops.
“I might pump, but I don’t dump,” he said on a panel about bitcoin. “I definitely do not believe in getting the price high and selling or anything like that.”
Koko paneelikeskustelun voi katsoa tästä. Bitcoinin hinta oli Bloombergin mukaan keskustelun jälkeen nousussa.
Wikipedia alkaa tarjoamaan enterprise-palvelua
Mainitaan vielä, että Wikipediaa pyörittävä Wikimedia Foundation, lanseeraa ensimmäisen kaupallisen tuotteensa, Wikimedia Enterprisen. Tuotteen tarkoituksena on myydä Wikipedian dataa Googlelle ja muille hakukoneille, jotka nykyään näyttävät Wikipedian dataa suoraan omissa hakutuloksissa, ilman että itse Wikipedian verkkosivulle täytyisi mennä. Asiasta raportoi The Wire:
Today, the Wikimedia Foundation, which operates the Wikipedia project in more than 300 languages as well as other wiki-projects, is announcing the launch of a commercial product, Wikimedia Enterprise. The new service is designed for the sale and efficient delivery of Wikipedia's content directly to these online behemoths (and eventually, to smaller companies too).
Conversations between the foundation’s newly created subsidiary, Wikimedia LLC, and Big Tech companies are already underway, point-people on the project said in an interview, but the next couple of months will be about seeking the reaction of Wikipedia’s thousands of volunteers. Agreements with the firms could be reached as soon as June.
“This is the first time the foundation has recognized that commercial users are users of our service,” says Lane Becker, a senior director at the foundation, who has been ramping up the Enterprise project with a small team. “We’ve known they are there, but we never really treated them as a user base.”
Suosittelut 🕵️
Wall Street Journal tutki miten TikTok toimii
WSJ julkaisi eilen mielenkiintoisen videon siitä miten he tutkivat TikTokin algoritmia. Lehti loi sata boteilla toimivaa feikkikäyttäjää ja antoi niille “mieltymyksiä” ja he selvittivät miten nopeasti TikTok oppii nämä mieltymykset. Suurin signaali TikTokille omista mieltymyksistä oli ilmeisesti se, että videota katsoi pitkään.
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