Applelta isoja päivityksiä ensi vuoden Apple Watchiin
Lisäksi: Tyler Cowen haastatteli Paul Grahamia

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Applelta isoja päivityksiä ensi vuoden Apple Watchiin
Bloombergin Apple-toimittaja Mark Gurman raportoi eilen Applen suunnittelevan vuoden päästä julkaistavaan Apple Watch X:ään isompia päivityksiä kuin mitä tuote on normaalisti saanut.
Yhtiön muotoilijat ovat mm. testailleet kellon hihnoille magneettista kiinnitysmekanismia, joka mahdollistaisi ohuemman kellokopan. Lisäksi yhtiö haluaa muuttaa kellon näyttöteknologiaa OLED:sta microLED:ksi ja suunnittelee siihen verenpainemittaria.
With the X model, Apple designers are working on a thinner watch case and have explored changing the way bands are attached to the device.
Starting with the original Apple Watch, bands have slid into the sides of the chassis and attached with a locking mechanism. Keeping that design the same let the bands stay compatible with old and new models, but it has downsides. People involved in the development of new Apple Watches say the system takes up a considerable amount of space that could be better filled with a bigger battery or other components.
To that end, the company has explored a new magnetic band attachment system, though it’s unclear if it will be ready or used in the Watch X revamp. Even bigger changes are coming as well: a microLED display that tops the color and clarity of the current OLED screens, as well as a technology for monitoring blood pressure.
Cruise ja Waymo saivat luvan operoida ajoneuvojaan 24/7 San Franciscossa
San Franciscossa toimivat itseohjautuvia autoja hyödyntävät kuljetuspalvelut Waymo ja Cruise saivat viime viikon perjantaina luvan operoida palveluitaan ympärivuorokautisesti. Luvan antoi Kalifornian yleisiä hyödykkeitä tarjoavien yritysten sääntelijä (California Public Utilities Commission). The Vergeltä:
Waymo and Cruise were approved to operate their paid robotaxi services 24/7 in San Francisco after a contentious six-hour public hearing in which residents voiced their support and opposition to the vehicles. It’s a big win for autonomous vehicle operators, who have spent tens of billions on the technology with very little return.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted 3-to-1 in favor of allowing the two companies to operate their vehicles at any hour of the day throughout the city of San Francisco while charging for rides.
“Today is the first of many steps in bringing AV transportation services to Californians,” CPUC Commissioner John Reynolds said at the end of the hearing. (Reynolds, a former general counsel at GM-backed Cruise, had recused himself from previous votes, but said “the passage of time” allowed him to vote on today’s resolution.)
SBF joutuu takaisin vankilaan odottamaan oikeudenkäyntiään
Mainitaan vielä, että New Yorkilainen tuomari määräsi kryptopörssi FTX:n entisen toimitusjohtaja Sam Bankman-Friedin (SBF) vankilaan odottamaan tulevaa oikeudenkäyntiään FTX:ään liittyvistä törkeistä huijauksista.
SBF oli alunperin vapautettu takuita vastaan, mutta syyttäjän mukaan SBF oli yrittänyt vaikuttaa tulevan oikeudenkäynnin todistajiin mm. jakamalla todistajiin liittyviä dokumentteja medialle. New York Timesilta (NYT):
Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, was sent to jail on Friday after a federal judge in New York revoked his bail, accusing him of trying to influence witnesses who are poised to testify against him at a widely anticipated trial in less than two months.
Mr. Bankman-Fried, 31, had been under house arrest at his parents’ home in Palo Alto, Calif., since he was arrested in December on fraud charges stemming from FTX’s implosion. But at a hearing on Friday, Judge Lewis A. Kaplan of Federal District Court in Manhattan said that arrangement would have to end, after prosecutors argued that Mr. Bankman-Fried had twice tried to interfere with witnesses in the case, including by giving documents to reporters.
“He has gone up to the line over and over again, and I am going to revoke bail,” Judge Kaplan said from the bench.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Tyler Cowen haastatteli Paul Grahamia
Tyler Cowenin Conversations With Tyler -podcastissa julkaistiin viime viikolla jakso jossa taloustietelijä haastatteli maailman menestykseimmän startup-hautomo Y Combinatorin perustajiin kuuluvaa Paul Grahamia.
Haastattelun ehkä paras ote oli kun Cowen ja Graham keskustelivat siitä miten saada ihmisistä enemmän kunnianhimoisia ja miten YCombinatorin haastatteluissa haastattelijat valavat uskoa perustajien yritysideaan:
GRAHAM: Back to this idea, though, of how to get people to be more ambitious. It’s not just introducing them to other ambitious people. There is a skill to blowing up ideas, blowing up not in the sense of destroying, like making them bigger. There is a skill to it, to take an idea and say, “Okay, so here’s an idea. How could this be bigger?” There is somewhat of a skill to it.
COWEN: It’s helping people see their ideas are bigger than they thought.
GRAHAM: Yes. Oh, yes. We often do this in YC interviews.
COWEN: People say you’re especially good at that. This is what the other people say.
GRAHAM: Well, that’s why I’m mulling over what actually goes on, because there is this skill there. The weird thing about YC interviews is, in a sense, they’re a negotiation. In a negotiation, you’re always saying, “Oh, I’m not going to pay a lot for that. It’s terrible. It’s worthless.” Yet in YC interviews, the founders often walk out thinking, “Wow, our idea is a lot better than we thought,” just because of what we do.
You know what we do in YC interviews? We basically start YC, the first 10 minutes of YC is the interview. You see what it’s like to work with people by working with them for 10 minutes, and that’s enough, it turns out.
Nauroin itse myös alla olevaa Bucco Capitalin twiittiä, missä korostettiin kohtaa haastattelusta jossa Tyler tuo esiin skeptisyyttä Firenzen Medici -perheen menestykseen mm. taiteen sponsoroijina, mihin Paul Grahamilla ei ollut mitään sanottavaa.
Nopeet 🚀
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