Apple neuvottelee yhä OpenAI:n kanssa kielimallien lisensoinnista
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Apple neuvottelee yhä OpenAI:n kanssa kielimallien lisensoinnista
Aloitetaan kahdella Apple -uutisella Bloombergin Mark Gurmanilta:
Ensinnäkin Apple ja OpenAI ovat uusineet neuvottelunsa OpenAI:n eri teknologioiden käytöstä Applen tulevalla iOS 18 käyttöjärjestelmässä. Tällä hetkellä ei ole tiedossa mitä tarkalleen ottaen OpenAI toimittaisi Applen mobiilikäyttöjärjestelmän seuraavaan versioon ja yhtiö neuvottelee edelleen myös Googlen kanssa Gemini -kielimalliperheen lisensoinnista. Bloombergilta:
Apple Inc. has renewed discussions with OpenAI about using the startup’s technology to power some new features coming to the iPhone later this year, according to people familiar with the matter.
The two companies have begun discussing terms of a possible agreement and how the OpenAI features would be integrated into Apple’s iOS 18, the next iPhone operating system, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deliberations are private.
The move marks a reopening of dialogue between the companies. Apple had talked to OpenAI about a deal earlier this year, though work between the two parties had been minimal since then. Apple also remains in discussions with Alphabet Inc.’s Google about licensing that company’s Gemini chatbot.
Gurman raportoi myös, että Toukokuun alussa esiteltävässä uudessa iPad Prossa olisi mahdollisesti Applen seuraavan sukupolven prosessori M4, joka on edeltäjiään parempi tarjoamaan tekoälymalleille laskentatehoa. Bloombergilta:
The new iPad Pro will kick off Apple’s shift into AI hardware. Earlier this month, I broke the news that Apple is accelerating its computer processor upgrades and plans to release the M4 chip later this year alongside new iMacs, MacBook Pros and Mac minis. The big change with the M4: A new neural engine will pave the way for fresh AI capabilities. Now here’s another development. This year’s Macs may not be the only AI-driven devices with M4 chips.
I’m hearing there is a strong possibility that the chip in the new iPad Pro will be the M4, not the M3. Better yet, I believe Apple will position the tablet as its first truly AI-powered device — and that it will tout each new product from then on as an AI device. This, of course, is all in response to the AI craze that has swept the tech industry over the last couple years.
Mastodon perusti uuden non-profitin USA:han
Hajautettuna Twitter -vaihtoehtona kuuluisaksi tullut Mastodon kertoi perustaneensa uuden voittoa tavoittelemattoman yhtiön Yhdysvaltoihin, sen jälkeen kuin Saksassa päämajaansa pitävän yhtiön menetti ns. non-profit statuksensa Saksassa. Mastodonilta
As part of our commitment to supporting the growth and operational capabilities of Mastodon, we have established a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity in the United States aimed at facilitating our efforts, including being able to receive tax-deductible U.S. donations and in-kind support.
We’ve always been worried that developing Free and Open Source Software would not be recognized as a charitable cause by the German tax system, so we were glad when the tax office originally approved our non-profit status in 2021. But now we have received a notice from the same tax office that our non-profit status has been withdrawn. This came with no advance warning or explanation. Earlier this year we went through a successful tax audit, which in fact resulted in some favourable adjustments as we’ve been paying too much tax. Our tax advisor immediately submitted an appeal to the decision, but so far, we have no new information.
We can only guess as to the cause. Our activities have been the same since 2016: We produce Free, Open Source Software and run a free service for the public in the form of We pay employees, developer and designer contractors, and hosting and service fees for tools necessary for company operation. We further the cause of decentralized, privacy-friendly social media. Our income flows largely from the crowdfunding platform Patreon.
Microsoft ja IBM julkaisivat MS-DOS 4.0:n lähdekoodin
Mainitaan vielä, että Microsoft yhdessä IBM:n kanssa julkaisivat legenedaarisen käyttöjärjestelmän MS-DOS:n 4.0 -version lähdekoodin avoimesti MIT -lisenssin alla. Microsoftilta:
Today, in partnership with IBM and in the spirit of open innovation, we’re releasing the source code to MS-DOS 4.00 under the MIT license. There’s a somewhat complex and fascinating history behind the 4.0 versions of DOS, as Microsoft partnered with IBM for portions of the code but also created a branch of DOS called Multitasking DOS that did not see a wide release.
Itse koodirepon löytää Githubista.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Sijoittajien skeptisyydestä Metan tekoälyinvestointeihin
Viimeviikkoisia osavuosikatsauksia ja niihin reagointia seuratessa, ei voinut olla huomaamatta eroa siinä miten sijoittajat kohtelivat Microsoftia ja Alphabetia Google verrattuna Metaan.
Kaikki kolme kertoivat lisäävänsä tekoälyyn sijoittamista kasvavien pääomamenojen myötä, mutta markkinat palkitsivat tästä viestistä vain Microsoftia ja Googlea. Metan osake kun laski viime viikolla n. 10 %, kun Googlen vastaavasti nousi saman verran.
Wall Street Journalin haastattelemien analyytikoiden mukaan, kyseessä on ainakin osittain sijoittajien skeptisyys Metan kykyyn tehdä tekoälymalleilla rahaa. Varsinkin kun Metan edellinen suuri strateginen projekti, Metaverse (eli VR-lasit) on edelleen tappiollinen. Lisäksi tekoälymallien avoin julkaisu entisestään rajoittaa Metan kykyä hyötyä rahallisesti tekoälystä, Google ja Microsoft kun pystyvät myös myymään pilvipalveluita:
The different reactions show how investors, one year into the AI boom, are becoming more discerning in how they interpret company spending and want to see a path to profit, said Rishi Jaluria, an analyst with RBC Capital.
“There is more scrutiny placed on what a company’s AI strategy is,” he said. “If you don’t have a strategy and are spending a lot, then there is going to be concern.”
Meta has invested heavily in building a family of large language models. The latest one, Llama 3, was released earlier this month, and the company said it performs nearly as well as OpenAI’s most advanced tech. But Meta is releasing Llama 3 for free as open-source software. Until the company decides to charge for it, there is nothing to offset the enormous costs of building and running it.
Meta is coming off its year of efficiency, in which the company has been cutting costs. Those cuts were made to help pay for its previous bet on the metaverse and led to the company’s valuation tripling in 2023. The metaverse has yet to do much for Meta, other than persuading it to change its name, so there is a lot of skepticism if the company can capitalize on this next thing, said RBC’s Jaluria.
“People get nervous with them and capex,” he said.
Nopeet 🚀
Elon Muskin yllätysvisiitistä Kiinaan.
Theo käsitteli Applen viimeaikaista kunnostautumista avointen LLM -projektien saralla.
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Myös katolinen kirkko testailee kielimalleja.
Simpsonit 50 -luvulla.
Microsoftin Azure näyttää nyt kasvavan AWS:n kustannuksella.
Google irtisanoi viimeisen viikon aikana keskeisiä Python ja Flutter -kehittäjiä.
Filippiinit, Egypti ja Benin kasvavat nyt nopeasti.
(€) WSJ profiloi Ethan Mollickia.