Apple julkisti tee-se-itse -ohjelman laitekorjauksille, Amazon napit vastakkain Visan kanssa ja Nvidialla oli vahva neljännes.
Lisäksi The Vergen artikkeli Netflixin CDN:stä.
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Apple mahdollistaa tee-se-itse -korjaukset
Apple on kertonut alkavansa tarjoamaan tuotteidensa ostajille virallistettua tee-se-itse -korjauspalvelua. Self Service Repair -nimisen palvelun myötä tiettyjen Applen laitteiden omistajat voivat jatkossa itse korjata tuotteitaan samoilla työkaluilla kuin mitä Applen lisensoidut huoltohenkilöt nyt käyttävät. Ohjelma tulee aluksi keskittymään Applen uusimpiin iPhoneihin, ja kuluttajat tulevat pystymään mm. vaihtamaan puhelimiin itse näyttöjä ja akkuja. Applelta:
Apple today announced Self Service Repair, which will allow customers who are comfortable with completing their own repairs access to Apple genuine parts and tools. Available first for the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 lineups, and soon to be followed by Mac computers featuring M1 chips, Self Service Repair will be available early next year in the US and expand to additional countries throughout 2022. Customers join more than 5,000 Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASPs) and 2,800 Independent Repair Providers who have access to these parts, tools, and manuals.
The initial phase of the program will focus on the most commonly serviced modules, such as the iPhone display, battery, and camera. The ability for additional repairs will be available later next year.
Lisää raportointia asiasta mm. The Vergeltä.
Amazon napit vastakkain Visan kanssa
Amazon kertoi eilen, että kieltäytyy prosessoimasta verkkokauppaostoksia jotka ovat maksettu Visan Isossa-Brianniassa myönnetyillä luottokorteilla. Amazon kertoo syyksi tähän Iso-Britannian Visa-korttien korkeat transaktiomaksut. Bloombergilta: Inc. will stop accepting purchases made with Visa Inc. credit cards issued in the U.K. starting next year, the latest escalation by the online retailer in its push against transaction fees charged by payment networks.
Amazon users were told of the changes this week. After making purchases they received a notification from the company saying that from Jan. 19, 2022 “we will no longer accept Visa credit cards issued in the U.K.” due to the high fees charged to process transactions. Visa shares slumped 5.2% to $203.96 at 9:36 a.m. in New York. They’ve dropped 6.6% this year, compared with a 29% increase for the S&P 500 Information Technology Index.
An Amazon spokesperson said “the cost of accepting card payments continues to be an obstacle for businesses striving to provide the best prices for customers.”
Bloombergin mukaan Amazon aikoo silti hyväksyä maksuja Visan Isossa-Britanniassa myönnetyillä debit-korteilla.
Nvidian vahva neljännes
Mainitaan vielä, että Nvidialla oli hyvä kulunut neljännes, jota siivitti yhtiön peli- ja palvelinkeskusyksiköt. Asia kävi ilmi yhtiön eilisestä tulosjulkistuksesta.
Yhtiön liikevaihto oli ennätykselliset 7,103 miljardia dollaria, ja se kasvoi 50 % vuoden takaisesta.
Yhtiön liikevoitto oli 2,464 miljardia dollaria ja se kasvoi peräti 84 % vuoden takaisesta.
Lisää CNBC:ltä:
Nvidia stock rose more than 5% in extended trading after it reported earnings on Wednesday for its third fiscal quarter that beat expectations for both earnings and sales.
The company also issued a bullish forecast for revenue in the current quarter ending in January.
Here’s how it did versus Refinitiv consensus expectations for the quarter ending Oct. 31:
Earnings: $1.17, adjusted, versus $1.11 expected, up 60% year over year
Revenue: $7.10 billion versus $6.82 billion expected, up 50% year over year
Nvidia said it expects to report around $7.4 billion in the current quarter, ending in January, higher than analyst expectations of $6.86 billion.
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Netflixin sisällönjakeluverkosta
The Vergellä on mielenkiintoinen artikkeli Netflixin sisällönjakeluverkosta (eng. Content Delivery Network eli CDN). Netflix siis jakelee omia servereitä teleoperaattoreille, ja näillä servereillä on Netflixin sarjoja ja elokuvia. Muut suoratoistoalustat luottavat kolmansien osapuolten CDN:iin:
Open Connect is Netflix’s in-house content distribution network specifically built to deliver its TV shows and movies. Started in 2012, the program involves Netflix giving internet service providers physical appliances that allow them to localize traffic. These appliances store copies of Netflix content to create less strain on networks by eliminating the number of channels that content has to pass through to reach the user trying to play it.
Most major streaming services rely on third-party content delivery networks (CDNs) to pass along their videos, which is why Netflix’s server network is so unique. Without a system like Open Connect or a third-party CDN in place, a request for content by an ISP has to “go through a peering point and maybe transit four or five other networks until it gets to the origin, or the place that holds the content,” Will Law, chief architect of media engineering at Akamai, a major content delivery network, tells The Verge. Not only does that slow down delivery, but it’s expensive since ISPs may have to pay to access that content.
Näitä servereitä on Netflixin mukaan yli 17 000 yhteensä 158 maassa, eli kyseessä on suhteellisen laaja operaatio. Ei ihme että Netflix on hyvin harvoin alhaalla:
While most major third-party CDNs do multiple jobs and manage multiple requests from many companies — Akamai, for example, says it has thousands of customers — Netflix’s internal CDN does exactly one job: it distributes Netflix content. If a content distributor doesn’t have this kind of CDN partnership or server network in place, Law says, there’s a whole lot of stuff that needs to happen along the way for you to stream a movie or TV show.
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