Apple ja Wordle-kloonit, Google syyttää Applea kiusaamisesta hyötymisestä ja DoorDashin Tony Xu Metan hallitukseen.
Lisäksi Xboxin Phil Spencer Kara Swisherin haastateltavana
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Blokkaako Apple Wordle-klooneja?
The Verge raportoi, että Apple vaikuttaa alkaneen blokkaamaan Wordle-klooneja App Storesta. Wordle on viimeisen parin viikon aikana hurjan suosituksi tullut selainpeli, missä koitetaan arvata viisikirjaimisia sanoja.
Has Apple taken action against apps that cloned the popular web game Wordle? They have now disappeared from the App Store, after several publications (including The Verge) called out a flood of copycats so blatant as to be named “Wordle” and that featured the same gameplay and UI, each taking advantage of the fact that developer Josh Wardle didn’t create an Apple app of his own. While we’re still seeing a few clones on the App Store, they don’t use the Wordle name.
The clone apps had a spotlight shone on them today, when one developer started bragging about how many downloads his version of Wordle was getting. Following some intense backlash from the community, he set his account to private, but people had already started finding many other apps like it on the App Store.
Apple ei välittömästi vastannut The Vergen kyselyihin asiasta, mutta julkaisun mukaan on epätodennäköistä, että kaikki Wordle-kloonien kehittäjät poistaisivat sovelluksensa yhtäkkiä itse App Storesta.
Google syyttää Applea kiusaamisesta hyötymisestä
Googlen Android tiimi on syyttänyt Applea “kiusaamisesta hyötymisestä”, sen jälkeen kun Wall Street Journal julkaisi viime viikolla artikellin siitä miten sosiaalinen paine pitää amerikkalaiset teinit Applen ekosysteemissä, pitkälti Applen viestintäpalvelu iMessagen takia. Android käyttäjien viestit ilmestyvät iMessageen sinisen värisenä, toisin kuin iPhone-käyttäjillä, joiden viestit ilmestyvät vihreällä taustalla. The Vergeltä:
Google has accused Apple of benefiting from bullying as part of a deliberate strategy to make Android users into second-class citizens on the iPhone-maker’s iMessage service.
Apple’s messaging service includes a number of iOS-exclusive features, like Memoji, and famously turns texts from Android users green instead of the iOS-native blue. This has turned iMessage into a status symbol among US teens, creating peer pressure for young people to buy iPhones and sometimes leading to the ostracization of Android users. Showing up in a group chat as a green bubble has become, for some, a social faux pas.
A recent report in The Wall Street Journal highlighted this dynamic and prompted a response from both the Android team and Google’s head of Android, Hiroshi Lockheimer.
“iMessage should not benefit from bullying. Texting should bring us together, and the solution exists. Let’s fix this as one industry,” tweeted the official Android account.
Lockheimer was more strident: “Apple’s iMessage lock-in is a documented strategy. Using peer pressure and bullying as a way to sell products is disingenuous for a company that has humanity and equity as a core part of its marketing. The standards exist today to fix this.”
DoorDashin Tony Xu Metan hallitukseen
Mainitaan vielä, että Meta on valinnut DoorDashin perustajan ja toimitusjohtaja Tony Xun yhtiönsä hallitukseen. Xu aloittaa hallituspestinsä välittömästä. Yhtiö kertoi asiasta lehdistötiedotteessa jossa Metan perustaja Mark Zuckerberg kehuu Xun kokemusta teknologiajohtajana joka on myös ratkonut monimutkaisia ongelmia kaupanalalla:
Meta today announced that Tony Xu, co-founder and CEO of DoorDash, Inc., has been elected to the company’s board of directors, effective immediately.
Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Meta, said, “Tony has built a great service for millions of people to get food and more from hundreds of thousands of restaurants and small businesses. I’ve always thought it’s important to have great tech leaders on our board, and Tony has direct experience both running a tech company and solving complex challenges in commerce. I look forward to learning from his perspective as we build towards the metaverse.”
“Millions of local merchants use Meta’s tools to grow and run their businesses every month. I look forward to working with the board as the company enters the next stage of its journey,” said Xu.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Xbox-pomo Phil Spencer Kara Swisherin haastateltavana
Ostin juuri PlayStation 5:n ja odotan sen saapuvan loppuviikosta. Odotusta avittamaan tuli Kara Swisherin Sway-podcastin uusin jakso, missä hän haastattelee Xbox-pomo Phil Spenceriä. Spencer on Satya Nadellan jälkeen julkisuudessa näkyvin Microsoft-johtaja, ja hän on käytännössä aina haastatteluissa harkittu ja terävä.
Jakson loppua kohden Spencerillä oli erinomainen huomio siitä, miten tämän päivän suosituimmat videopelit alkavat usein hyvin pieninä projekteina. Microsoft itse osti Minecraftin ja viime vuosina esimerkiksi Among Us on ollut hirveän suosittu:
The thing in the gaming space is something that starts small can take over. Because it’s not necessarily the production budget that leads to gaming success. It’s actually the creative capability, gameplay capability of the team. So one of the reasons I love these small games — if we want to call them that — that come in is it’s almost certain that the next big game will start as a small game. If I look at some of the top games that are played on our platform — Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, Among Us right now — these are games that didn’t start with a $100 million budget and 1,000 people working on them. They started much smaller than that. And I will say — again, maybe a little different than Netflix, but similar to Netflix. Like, “Tiger King” I don’t think was created to be the number one show on Netflix. And all of a sudden, it ended up there. That’s what happens in gaming as well. And these things have staying power of multiple years. We celebrated the 10th year of Minecraft, which is kind of crazy.
Ja syy miksi hankin PlayStationin enkä Xboxia oli, että Xboxin Game Pass palvelua pääsee pelaamaan nykyään selaimissa suoratoistona, joten jos alkaa tehdä mieli pelata Haloa, pääsee siihen suhteellisen helposti käsiksi.
Nopeet 🚀
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