Amazon ostaa MGM:n, Google terveydenhuollossa ja Whatsapp vastaan Intian hallitus
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Amazon ostaa MGM:n
Tästä pyöri huhuja jo viime viikolla, mutta eilen se varmistui: Teknologiayhtiö Amazon ilmoitti ostavansa elokuvayhtiö MGM:n 8,45 miljardilla dollarilla. MGM omistaa tekijänoikeudet mm. James Bond, Rocky ja Robocop -elokuviin. New York Times (NYT) raportoi asiasta seuraavanlaisesti:
So why did Amazon pay such a startling premium?
For starters, it can. The company has $71 billion in cash and a market capitalization of $1.64 trillion.
But Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and chief executive, is known as a conservative buyer. The purchase of Whole Foods for $13.4 billion in 2017 was the biggest acquisition in Amazon’s history. Its next-largest deals — until MGM — were for Zappos ($1.2 billion, 2009) and the smart-doorbell company Ring ($1.2 billion, 2018).
The Whole Foods deal was a major strategic change for the company, pushing it into new markets of groceries and physical stores, which it had largely avoided. MGM is more about augmenting a current strategy: Amazon most likely paid more than others thought MGM was worth because of its all-important Prime membership program.
“If you’re Amazon, the perspective is what’s the potential for Prime membership, what is the potential for advertising,” said Brian Yarbrough, a senior analyst at Edward Jones.
NYT raportoi myös, että Amazon oli valmis maksamaan n. 40 % enemmän kuin muut MGM:stä kilpailleet yritykset, joihin kuului myös Apple.
Google alkaa kehitellä algoritmeja potilasdatalla
Hakukoneyhtiö Google ilmoitti keskiviikkona sopimuksesta Yhdysvaltalaisten sairaalaketju HCA Healtcaren kanssa, jonka pohjalta Google ja HCA alkavat kehitellä algoritmeja terveydenhuoltoon. Wall Street Journalilta (WSJ):
Alphabet Inc.’s Google and national hospital chain HCA Healthcare Inc. have struck a deal to develop healthcare algorithms using patient records, the latest foray by a tech giant into the $3 trillion healthcare sector.
HCA, which operates across about 2,000 locations in 21 states, would consolidate and store with Google data from digital health records and internet-connected medical devices under the multiyear agreement. Google and HCA engineers will work to develop algorithms to help improve operating efficiency, monitor patients and guide doctors’ decisions, according to the companies.
“Data are spun off of every patient in real time,” said Dr. Jonathan Perlin, chief medical officer of HCA, which is based in Nashville, Tenn. “Part of what we’re building is a central nervous system to help interpret the various signals.”
The deal expands Google’s reach in healthcare, where the recent shift to digital records has created an explosion of data and a new market for technology giants and startups. Data crunching offers the opportunity to develop new treatments and improve patient safety, but algorithm-development deals between hospitals and tech companies have also raised privacy alarms.
Sopimuksen ehdoista ja hinnasta ei kerrottu sen tarkemmin, mutta HCA:n mukaan kaikki käyttäjä data anonymisoidaan ennen kuin se annetaan Googlelle prosessoitavaksi. Ilmaisen version uutisesta tarjoaa The Verge. WSJ on raportoinut kattavasti aikaisimmista sopimuksista sairaaloiden ja isojen teknologiayritysten välillä.
Whatsapp haastaa Intian hallituksen oikeuteen
Teknologiayhtiö Facebookin viestintäpalvelu, Whatsapp, haastaa Intian hallituksen oikeuteen maan uuden internet-lain takia, joka Whatsappin mukaan rikkoisi käyttäjiensä yksityisyyttä. Axiokselta:
WhatsApp filed a lawsuit against India's government in the Delhi High Court Wednesday over new rules requiring the company to make users' messages traceable.
Why it matters: The Facebook-owned encrypted messaging service says the regulations that take effect Wednesday violate users' privacy, which it argues is in breach of the country's constitution.
What they're saying: "Civil society and technical experts around the world have consistently argued that a requirement to 'trace' private messages would break end-to-end encryption and lead to real abuse," a WhatsApp spokesperson said in an emailed statement to Axios.
"WhatsApp is committed to protecting the privacy of people’s personal messages and we will continue to do all we can within the laws of India to do so."
Axioksen mukaan Whatsappilla on myös oikeuskäsittely meneillään Brasilian korkeimmassa oikeudessa.
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Päätöksiä tekemällä pärjää töissä
Tämän päivän suositus on (tieteellinen)artikkeli Harvardin Kennedy Schoolista, jossa taloustieteilijä David Demings tutki kykyä päätöksentekoon ja sen merkitys työmarkkinoilla. Löysin artikkelin Axioksen kautta, ja sivusto tiivistää sen sisällön hyvin:
A new paper shows that as automation has reduced the number of rote jobs, it has led to an increase in the proportion and value of occupations that involve decision-making.
Why it matters: Automation and AI will shape the labor market, putting a premium — at least for now — on workers who can make decisions on the fly, while eroding the value of routine jobs.
By the numbers: David Deming, a political economist at the Harvard Kennedy School, analyzed labor data over the past half-century and found that the share of all U.S. jobs requiring decision-making rose from 6% in 1960 to 34% in 2018, with nearly half the increase occurring since 2007.
Partially as a result, a greater share of wages is going to management and management-related occupations, more than doubling since 1960 to 32% — a trend that is more pronounced in high-growth industries.
Details: This shift has also reinforced generational disparity in the labor market.
Getting better at making decisions requires experience, and experience requires time on the job.
Largely as a result, career earnings growth in the U.S. more than doubled between 1960 and 2017, and the age of peak earnings increased from the late 30s to the mid-50s.
Kai tämä selittää osittain sitä miksi minullakin on kirjahyllyssä iso kasa kirjoja populaaripsykologiasta jotka keskittyvät siihen miten tehdään “parempia” päätöksiä. Se on sitten eri asia, että onko niistä kirjoista mitään hyötyä.
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