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Amazon omistaa nyt MGM:n
Nyt se on virallista: Amazon omistaa MGM-studion ja sen immateriaalioikeudet. Kauppa viimeisteltiin kaksi päivää sen jälkeen kun Euroopan Unionin kilpailuviranomaiset sen hyväksyivät. Amazonille siirtyy 4000 elokuvaa ja 17000 tv-sarjan jaksoa. Varietyltä:
Amazon has closed its $8.5 billion acquisition of MGM, the companies said Thursday.
The pact was first announced in May and has been winding its way through the regulatory process. Per Amazon, “The storied, nearly century-old studio — with more than 4,000 film titles, 17,000 TV episodes, 180 Academy Awards, and 100 Emmy Awards — will complement Prime Video and Amazon Studios’ work in delivering a diverse offering of entertainment choices to customers.”
The completion of the transaction comes two days after the Amazon-MGM deal received clearance from the European Union’s antitrust regulator, which “unconditionally” approved Amazon’s proposed acquisition of MGM, in part because “MGM’s content cannot be considered as must-have.” The European Commission, in its antitrust review, found that the overlaps between the Amazon and MGM businesses are “limited.”
Recoden Peter Kafka huomautti Twitterissä, että Amazon on tehnyt omaa sisältöä vuodesta 2013 asti, joka on sama vuosi kun Netflix aloitti omien sarjojen tekemisen. Tästä huolimatta, Netflixiin verrattuna Amazonin suoratoistoliiketoiminta on edelleen hieman vaiheessa:
EU:n Digital Markets Act uhkaa Applen App Storea
Wall Street Journal (WSJ) julkaisi eilen artikkelin Euroopan parlamentin valmistelemasta lakialoitteesta nimeltään Digital Markets Act eli DMA. Aloitetta on valmisteltu nyt hyvä tovi, mutta sen uskotaan menevän parlamentin läpi ensi kuussa ja astuvan voimaan ensi vuoden alussa.
Lain tuoma merkittävin muutos, olisi että se pakottaisi mm. Applen mahdollistamaan sovellusten lataamisen puhelimille App Storen ulkopuolelta. Lisäksi laki velvoittaisi sovelluskauppojen omistajia tarjoamaan vaihtoehtoisia maksupalveluita alustoillaan. Lain rikkomisesta seuraisi pahimmillaan kymmenien miljardien dollarien sakot:
The new European Union legislation—which could be effectively completed as soon as this month—is set to direct Apple to allow software to be downloaded outside its cash-generating App Store and limit how companies impose their own payment systems on apps, according to people involved in the negotiations. Failure to comply would carry penalties of up to tens of billions of dollars.
As the language is finalized behind closed doors, most tech companies and their lobbyists are resigned to passage of the so-called Digital Markets Act. Other provisions in the DMA are aimed at the likes of Inc. and Google parent Alphabet Inc.
The DMA’s most existential threat to Apple comes with a provision that would allow software makers access to the iPhone—through so-called sideloading—outside of the rules and payment scheme of Apple’s App Store. One recent draft of the DMA, overwhelmingly approved in December by a 642-8 European Parliament vote, included sideloading.
Apple said in a statement that the DMA will undermine its security and allow malicious actors to take advantage of sideloading. “Governments and international agencies world-wide have explicitly advised against sideloading requirements, which would cripple the privacy and security protections that users have come to expect,” Apple said in the statement.
Amazon julkaisi pelin AWS:stä
Mainitaan vielä, että tämän viikon tiistaina Amazon julkaisi pelin (tai virtuaalimaailman), jonka tarkoituksena on opettaa pelaajille Amazonin pilvipalvelun Amazon Web Services:iin (AWS) liittyviä taitoja. Amazonilta:
The first initiative is a new game-based role-playing experience, called AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner, ideal for early career or new-to-cloud adult learners. AWS Cloud Quest teaches foundational cloud computing concepts while learners zap drones and collect gems in their quest to solve challenges in a virtual city.
Yhtiö julkaisi pelistä myös videon:
Suosittelut 🕵️
Applen Studio Displayssä on huono kamera
En ole normaalisti linkkailut teknologiatuotteiden arvosteluja Suosittelut -osioon, mutta teen poikkeuksen Apple uusien Mac Studion ja Studio Displayn kohdalla. Kuuntelin John Gruberin ja Ben Thompsonin erinomaista Dithering -podcastia, missä Gruber arvosteli kyseisiä laitteita. Gruber, joka on tunnettu Apple-fani, oli podcastissa erittäin pettynyt Studio Displayn kameraan. Jopa niin pettynyt, että mies epäilee sen aiheuttavan pienen PR-skandaalin Applelle. Alla ote Gruberin blogista:
Is the Studio Display camera unusable? No. I suppose it’s at least as good as the image quality from the camera on Apple silicon MacBooks. But that’s a low bar. MacBooks have thin lids, leaving very little room for cameras. The Studio Display is 0.75 inches thick. How can the image quality from the camera on a $1600 display be so much worse — laughably worse — than the image quality from a $600 iPad Air that uses the exact same camera hardware? Let alone comparing it to the front-facing camera on the $430 iPhone SE, which makes the Studio Display camera look like a toy. And we waited years for Apple to ship this display.
Again, it’s usable. All sorts of people use way worse cameras for videoconferencing every day. But this image quality is embarrassing from a company that considers itself the leading camera company in the world. I’m not suggesting the Studio Display camera should match the quality of, say, the new iPhone SE’s rear-facing camera (but then again, why not?). I’m saying I expected the Studio Display camera to match the quality of, at least, the iPhone SE’s front-facing camera. I expected to be impressed by the Studio Display camera. Instead, I’m baffled. I don’t understand how this shipped.
The Verge julkaisi eilen myös arvostelut tuotteista, ja Mac Studio sai heiltäkin kehuja ja Studio Display samanlaisia risuja kuin Gruberilta. Alla vielä The Vergen videoarvostelu laitteista.
Nopeet 🚀
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Aika on ohjelmoijan pahin vihollinen.