Zoom ostaa Five9:n, Biden kritisoi Facebookia ja OpenAI lopetti robotiikkaryhmänsä
Lisäksi Bloombergin analyysiä Intian kasvyrityksekosysteemistä.
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Zoom ostaa Five9:n
Videopuhelupalvelu Zoom ostaa pilvipohjaista asiakaspalvelua tarjoavan Five9:n. Kaupan hinta on 14,7 miljardia dollaria. Wall Street Journalin (WSJ) mukaan, kaupan strateginen motivaatio Zoomille on lisätä sen jalansijaa yrityksissä:
Zoom Video Communications Inc., the videoconferencing service that became a household name globally during the pandemic, plans to parlay some of the resulting rise in its share price into a $14.7 billion acquisition to secure growth.
The all-stock deal for Five9 Inc., a provider of cloud-based customer-service software, will help Zoom expand its potential offerings for business and enterprise clients. The growth opportunity will allow Zoom to tap into a $24 billion contact-center market, the company said Sunday.
Zoom, which started trading in the public markets in 2019, has been one of the biggest beneficiaries from the shift to remote work and distance schooling. The value of the company’s shares has more than tripled since widespread lockdowns took hold in the U.S. and elsewhere more than a year ago.
Mr. Yuan said the deal for Five9 would help support the company’s Zoom Phone business, which replaces office telephone systems with a cloud-based service.
Many companies use contact centers, or call centers, to provide agents who answer customers’ questions. The cloud-based contact-center market, which operates over the internet, has been gaining popularity in recent years. Adoption of the technology has accelerated during the pandemic, when many contact center staff have been working remotely.
Kauppa toteutetaan kokonaan Zoomin osakkeilla.
Bidenin kritisoi Facebookia rokotevastaisuuden leviämisestä
Yhdysvaltain presidentti Joe Biden kritisoi rajusti viikonloppuna sosiaalisia medioita ja etenkin Facebookkia, siitä että yritykset antavat rokotevastaisten salaliittoteorioiden levitä alustoillaan. Bidenin mukaan yritykset epäsuorasti “tappavat ihmisiä” toiminnallaan. New York Timesiltä (NYT):
President Biden unleashed his growing frustration with social media on Friday, saying that platforms like Facebook were “killing people” by allowing disinformation about the coronavirus vaccine to spread online.
Mr. Biden’s forceful statement capped weeks of anger in the White House over the dissemination of vaccine disinformation online, even as the pace of inoculations slows and health officials warn of the rising danger of the Delta variant.
Just before boarding Marine One for a weekend in Camp David in Maryland, Mr. Biden was asked what his message was to social media platforms when it came to Covid-19 disinformation.
“They’re killing people,” he said. “Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated, and that — and they’re killing people.”
Facebook vastasi Bidenille omassa blogikirjoituksessaan, jossa yhtiön rehellisyydestä vastava varapresidentti (kyllä, hänen tittelinsä on VP of Integrity) esitteli Facebookin tekemiä toimia rokoitemyönteisyyden lisäämiseksi ja niiden tilastollisia vaikutuksia.
OpenAI lopettaa robotiikkatiiminsä
Mainitaan vielä, että tekoälytutkimusta tekevä OpenAI on kertonut lakkauttaneensa tekoälyn robotiikkasovelluksia tutkivan tutkimusryhmänsä. Asiasta kertoi yhtiön yksi perustajista, Wojciech Zaremba, Weights & Biases -podcastissa. Hänen mukaansa iso haaste robotiikkaryhmälle oli datan määrän vähäisyys. Asiasta uutisoi VentureBeat:
OpenAI has disbanded its robotics team after years of research into machines that can learn to perform tasks like solving a Rubik’s Cube. Company cofounder Wojciech Zaremba quietly revealed on a podcast hosted by startup Weights & Biases that OpenAI has shifted its focus to other domains, where data is more readily available.
“So it turns out that we can make a gigantic progress whenever we have access to data. And I kept all of our machinery unsupervised, [using] reinforcement learning — [it] work[s] extremely well. There [are] actually plenty of domains that are very, very rich with data. And ultimately that was holding us back in terms of robotics,” Zaremba said. “The decision [to disband the robotics team] was quite hard for me. But I got the realization some time ago that actually, that’s for the best from the perspective of the company.”
In a statement, an OpenAI spokesperson told VentureBeat: “After advancing the state of the art in reinforcement learning through our Rubik’s Cube project and other initiatives, last October we decided not to pursue further robotics research and instead refocus the team on other projects. Because of the rapid progress in AI and its capabilities, we’ve found that other approaches, such as reinforcement learning with human feedback, lead to faster progress in our reinforcement learning research.”
Robotikkaryhmän kuuluisin saavutus oli ryhmän rakentama robottikäsi, joka pystyi (yhden) käden kanssa ratkaisemaan Rubikin kuution.
Suosittelut 🕵️
Intian kasuyrityksillä menee lujaa
Bloombergillä on viikon alkuun hyvä analyysi siitä miten Intian kasvuyritykset ovat onnistuneet viime aikoina saamaan ennätys määrän rahoitusta, listautuneet pörssiin ja miten maailmanpoliittinen tilanne, on saanut kansainväliset sijoittajat innostumaan Intiasta samaan aikaan kun Kiina on alkanut rajoittamaan omien kasvuyritystensä toimintaa.
Last week marked a watershed for technology startups in India, as a record bout of fundraising shifted attention to the world’s second-most populous market, just as investors were becoming spooked by a crackdown on internet companies in China.
Food-delivery app Zomato Ltd. became the nation’s first unicorn to make its stock-market debut, raising $1.3 billion with backing from Morgan Stanley, Tiger Global and Fidelity Investments. The parent of digital payments startup Paytm filed a draft prospectus for what could be India’s biggest IPO at $2.2 billion, while retailer Flipkart Online Services Pvt raised $3.6 billion at a $38 billion valuation, a record funding round for an Indian startup.
“Indian entrepreneurs have been quietly building startups for a decade now, the country’s internet infrastructure has vastly improved in that time and there’s a very good appetite for tech stocks globally,” said Hans Tung, the Silicon Valley-based managing partner of GGV Capital, which manages $9.2 billion in assets. “Investors are beginning to see the huge upside and they expect India to be a China.”
Analyysin mukaan varsinkin verkkokaupalla on vielä varaa kasvaa hirmuisesti, sillä sen osuus on vasta 3 % kaikesta kaupankäynnistä Intiassa.
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