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USB-C:stä tulossa EU-alueen standardi
EU:n parlamentti ja Eurooppa neuvosto pääsivät eilen sopuun siitä, että USB-C latureista tulee EU-alueen standardi laturit puhelimiin, tabletteihin ja kameroihin 2024 syksyyn mennessä. Lain motivaationa on pyrkiä vähentämään elektroniikkajätettä ja tehdä kuluttajien elämästä helpompaa. EU:n parlamentin lehdistötiedotteesta:
By autumn 2024, USB Type-C will become the common charging port for all mobile phones, tablets and cameras in the EU, Parliament and Council negotiators agreed today.
The provisional agreement on the amended Radio Equipment Directive, establishes a single charging solution for certain electronic devices. This law is a part of a broader EU effort to make products in the EU more sustainable, to reduce electronic waste, and make consumers’ lives easier.
Under the new rules, consumers will no longer need a different charging device and cable every time they purchase a new device, and can use one single charger for all of their small and medium-sized portable electronic devices. Mobile phones, tablets, e-readers, earbuds, digital cameras, headphones and headsets, handheld videogame consoles and portable speakers that are rechargeable via a wired cable will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C port, regardless of their manufacturer. Laptops will also have to be adapted to the requirements by 40 months after the entry into force.
Isoin vaikutus tällä muutoksella on Applen iPhoneihin, jotka käyttävät ns. Lightning-kaapeleita lataamista varten. Tosin huhut kertovat Applen jo testaavan USB-C iPhoneja.
TikTok julkisti Avatarit
TikTok julkisti eilen Snapin Bitmojeja ja Applen Memojeja muistuttavat Avatarit, jotka toimivat käyttäjän virtuaalisena minänä TikTokissa. Avatarien ulkonäköä voi muokata mielensä mukaiseksi ja niiden kanssa pystyy kuvaamaan alustalla videoita. TikTokilta:
From Effect House to Library, longer videos and more, there are many ways to make your creativity shine on TikTok. Today, to empower continued creative expression, we're introducing TikTok Avatars - yet another way for people to showcase their individuality on TikTok.
Choose from an array of hairstyles, accessories, piercings and makeup, to create a TikTok Avatar that reflects your personal look and style.
To get started, open the effects section in the TikTok app and search for the Avatar effect. From there, you'll be able to customize your Avatar to fit your preferences. After your Avatar is ready, you can start recording videos. As you gesture and move, your Avatar will mimic your motion.
Gitlabilla ennakoitua parempi tulos
Mainitaan vielä, että keskitetyllä koodin hostauspalvelu Gitlabilla oli erinomainen neljännes. Yhtiön liikevaihto nousi 75 % verrokkiajan jaksoon nähden 87,4 miljoonaan dollariin. Liiketappio taas oli n. 18 senttiä per osake. Wall Street odotti liikevaihdon olevan n. 78 miljoonaa dollaria ja liiketappion olevan 27 senttiä osakkeelta. Odotusten ylittämisen seurauksena Gitlabin osake nousi pörssissä eilen n. 24 %. Silicon Anglelta:
DevOps company GitLab Inc.’s stock surged in extended trading today after it reported fiscal first-quarter earnings and revenue that topped expectations and raised its outlook for the full year.
The company reported a loss of $26.1 million, or 18 cents per share, before certain costs such as stock compensation. Revenue jumped 75% from the year ago quarter to $87.4 million. The results were better than expected, since analysts modeled a loss of 27 cents per share on revenue of just $78.1 million for the quarter.
Wall Street cheered the report: GitLab’s stock price surged more than 10% in after-hours trading, erasing a 2% drop during the regular trading session. Update: Shares were rising 24% in Tuesday morning trading.
GitLab co-founder and Chief Executive Sid Sijbrandij (pictured) said his company is benefiting from a substantial shift in how enterprises are developing, operating and securing software, by moving to a “platform strategy.”
Suosittelut 🕵️
Riskirahoittaja Martin Casadon haastattelu
Martin Casado on partnerina Andreessen Horowitzilla, jossa hän keskittyy yleisesti ottaen ns. enterprise-ohjelmistoihin sijoittamiseen. Ennen VC:nä toimimista Casado pyöritti verkkoyritys Niciria Networksiä, jonka VMware aikoinaan osti.
Casado myös kohautti hieman viime vuonna kun hänen johdollaan Andreessen julkaisi raportin siitä miten korkeat pilvikustannukset syövät varsinkin B2B yritysten marginaaleja.
Casado oli tällä viikolla vieraana Patrick O’shaughnessyn Invest Like The Best -podcastissa missä aiheena oli hyvin yleisesti “digitaalinen infrastruktuuri”. Käytännössä miehet siis puhuivat pilvestä, pilvi-infrastruktuurista ja sen aiheuttamista muutoksista.
Yksi mielenkiintoinen huomio Casadolta oli se, miten sovelluskehityksessä vastuuta on siirtynyt jatkuvasti enemmän ns. fronttikehittäjille, jotka rakentavat nykyään myös ison osan sovellusten bisneslogiikasta.
[00:27:08] Patrick: Can you say a little bit about the difference between a front end and backend developer and what you think is changing in that relationship or set of responsibilities? It's an interesting one.
[00:27:19] Martin: We use the term "developer" like there's this generic developer out there, which is not the case. There's a number of ways you can classify them. One way that I think that's particularly useful is the difference between a backend or a front end developer. So, backend developers tend to be like system folks like I used to be. They build big, distributed systems, they build infrastructure. It's less specific business logic. It's almost like a service operation to the front end developers who are building like, the user experience. So the back end is you're building some heavy data platform or compute platform or whatever. And front end developers are actually developing the UI and the logic that's facing the customer.
And in the past, the view was the front-end developers was mostly about presentation and user experience, and a lot of the work was backend. What's very interesting is, there's probably, I don't know, 100 frontend developers for every backend developer. So what we're seeing is frontend developers slowly consuming more and more of the stack. And this has broad implications on the type of people that are frontend developers, it has big implications on the type of infrastructure that supports them. The big trend we're seeing is frontend developers are now doing more and more of the application, which has naturally resulted in atrophy of the backend. But that's the distinction that... A very helpful distinction to make. And this one, certainly we make on the investing side, because it does dictate a log of what technologies get adopted where, and who needs what.
Nopeet 🚀
Työkaluja oman ajattelun parantamiseen.
Snowflake ja Databricks kiistelevät nyt avoimen lähdekoodin määritelmästä.
Google ja Figma ryhtyvät yhteistyöhön opetukseen tarkoitettujen Chromebookien saralla.
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Pakistanissa on kasvuyritysboomi.
(€) Teknologiajournalisti Kara Swisher palaa Voxille ja perustaa uuden podcastin.
Microsoft on pilkkomassa HoloLens-ryhmäänsä osiin.
Sähköpotkulautojen vuokraukseen erikoistunut Bird aikoo irtisanoa 23 % työntekijöistään.